Freenas Jails: Connecting Node Red to Home Assistant

i am using freenas comminty plugins for node-red and HA and not able to connect the Websocket API
from Node-red to HA , using the token , also i have mosquitto broker jail runing

i am able to connect Node-red to that broker but , all ESP devices are not able to connect to that broker
@troy hello troy i saw your guide maybe you can help me here ?

Hi @Gad_Ofir

Are you really using FreeNAS? or have you switch to the 12.0-STABLE train and TrueNAS CORE?

The plugins on FreeNAS are still using the ( EOL ) FreeBSD 11.3-RELEASE - I hate to tell you, but your wasting your time – If you are on FreeNAS and want to remain on FreeNAS - you need to forgo the plugins and use manual jail created with 11.4-RELEASE.

If you are on FreeNAS and you want to continue using plugins, you need to upgrade NAS to TrueNAS CORE by switching to the 12.0-STABLE train.

I don’t use Node-RED and ESPHome is still on my long list of “things to get too” so I’m not sure how much help I can be. I’m not really sure where to begin.

I can try and take a look, but honestly it’s gonna be a minute. I’ve never used Node-RED so I have to watch YouTube video to even know here to start :joy: – I know @digiblur has a video I’ve followed in the past – It’s a few years old but the part connecting to HA still worked lasted time I pointed someone to it…

Let me see if I can find a link when I have time later

Ha, I have it handy from last time…

Hello troy , i am using TrueNAS yes…
i know how to connect NR to HA i have done this many times… there is some network issue that icannot figure out

anyway i setup a VM with HA NR and MQTT all runing cool for now :slight_smile:
you shuld totaly give node red a try …

  1. its fun
  2. it pretty
  3. you can do things worng and still it will work , you will understand once you use it
  4. sometimes things dont work for me on openhab/HA , and node red has the answer

Glad to know you have a solution for now…

I need to bump the manifests to the 12.2-RELEASE for my TN plugins… And Node-RED plugin is in serious need of an update… (even on TN version)

I will need to test Node-RED when I update it. I’ll have to figure out a few things to come up with :+1: