Hello jayjay,
you might be right. But it is also right, that A LOT of people who “EXPECT” help from volunteers are not slighly providing information what is the issue, where the issue is, if its reproducable, how is it reproduceable and such necessary information. The volunteers help in their free time and litereally not getting paid for that job. You can check any tech forum and you find this behavior.
Also literally many people do not understand how a forum works. It is also not about language barriers, as I saw that since the beginning of my times in BBS or internet. Yes, also in my own language. And that’s since the 14.400 baud times. So for quite some time.
So after all the expectation from a high percentage of people is to get pre processed data to fit exactly their problem and to solve it.
Coming back to the issue when you do not understand the language or you do not know what you have to search for. I just gave directly one example even with the precise search term. There are thousands of tutorials just for these specfic terms. You can even choose your own language. Or extend it with the things you need. In this regard “Home assistant +nginx +reverse proxy”
Also noone of the so called gods and cracks is looking down on anyone. I would challenge myself instead if I asked the right question to my problem, instead of searching the issue at someone else.
But I also think due to the internet, with its AI’s, googles and other services people getting lazy and forgot how to describe in a good way their issue and what they want to achieve. Especially with the attitude to get everything for free and precisely fitting to their problem without describing the problem. Nowdays it’s even not necessary anymore to save data in your brain, coze if you don’t know you google it.
“Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime”
And about hiding my message… Well… “Computer says no”