Connection to home assistant from outside

Despite having followed several tutorials to deploy home assistant outside my home, I can’t do it and each time I have to go back to access it again.
Can you help me access HA from outside?

First how are you trying to connect?

Best option is “Home Assistant Cloud”. Go to settings then “Home Assistant Cloud” to setup.

Next option is to connect to directly. This will require you to open port 8123 on your router and forward that port to you HA instance. You will probably also want to setup a duckdns account and addon to make connecting easier.

Better option if you’re going to open a port, is to own a domain and use the Nginx Proxy Manager plugin to configure getting a Let’s Encrypt certificate (preferably by way of a DNS validated acquisition) and only allowing port 443 through the router.

If you simply need free remote access to Home Assistant, I suggest Tailscale. It’s easy to install and configure. Currently, the Personal plan is free, supports up to three users and 100 devices on your network.

It requires installation of a client app on your phone/tablet (iOS/Android/etc) and the Tailscale Add-on on your Home Assistant server. The app establishes a secure VPN connection with your Home Assistant server (it’s based on WireGuard).

I’ve been using it for several months and it works well.

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I would recommend the use of Cloudflare: