Control LEDs and LED Effects on Inovelli Black, Red, and Blue Devices by Area, Group, Device ID, or Entity

I’ve taken a new job in the last couple of weeks as well, so I can sympathize. Most of my efforts recently have been on single LED control for the Blue series but since I don’t have a Red 800 Series I’d love some help with the detailed QA. Specifically, I’d like to know if each of the effects is working correctly. I think Red side of things is working well, otherwise.

It looks like it’s either not getting a value for the LEDcolor, or maybe I have the parameters wrong. You should be able to set LEDcolor on its own without ledbrightness but try sending both just for debugging.

Here’s what I have for parameters:

    LZW30_effect_bulk: "null"
    LZW30_effect_color: "null"
    LZW30_effect_brightness: "null"
    LZW30_effect_duration: "null"
    LZW30_effect_effect: "null"
    LZW30_ledcolor: "LED Indicator Color"
    LZW30_ledbrightness: "LED Indicator Intensity (When on)"
    LZW30_ledbrightness_off: "LED Indicator Intensity (When Off)"

Can you look in the Z-Wave JS UI under the device’s configuration and see if the parameter names are different?

I do not envy you. I gave up trying to get single LED control on my blue to behave in an expected way. Sometimes the single LEDs just refuse to turn on until an adjacent one is lit.

I’ve played around with using multiple colors across the different LEDs but found that I could really only do 3 “zones” at once. I did have that working but decided I didn’t like the look of it so gave up. I think the defuser smears the light to much to actually have 6 distinct color zones. Regardless you have to do pretty contrasting colors to get useful information out of it and it’s just kinda ugly that way.

I have the configuration open but I don’t see where the parameters are named. Here’s what I have under the Zwave JS config:

It looks like I have the LED indicator intensity parameter wrong, but your logs are complaining about the LED indicator color, parameter 13. Can you show me the code you’re using to call the script? You’re using 2024.03.28 (the latest release); right?

Sorry my responses are slow. I’m busy with work but I do want to get this working for you.

Yeah whatever blueprint was the latest when I installed it same day as the post.

Go to settings → automations & scenes → blueprints. Find this blueprint, click the vertical 3-dot menu and click show scripts using this blueprint. Find one that’s been called recently, click the vertical 3-dot menu and select traces. Click on “changed variables” and send me the text in there. The line, Node(node_id=6) - InvalidNewValue: State '' not found for parameter 6-112-0-13, looks like there’s nothing being passed for the LED color.

I’ll have to run it again. Traces got wiped out when I rolled back to April after Frigate broke in the May update.

Ok. I ran it again and you were correct that I did not set the LED color (because I actually didn’t want to change that). My intent was to try to send effects to the black device and to see how you did that.

Changing the LED color while on works fine. Changing the LED color while off to something other than the color-while-on does not appear to be working.

Additionally, and not really all that surprising, “effects” aren’t working at all on the black device. I assume it’s not actually supported?

Changing the LED color while on works fine.


Changing the LED color while off to something other than the color-while-on does not appear to be working.

Black Series and Red 500 Series devices (like I have) don’t support different colors for on and off. That’s only supported by Red 800 and Blue Series devices. What you’re seeing is expected.

Additionally, and not really all that surprising, “effects” aren’t working at all on the black device. I assume it’s not actually supported?

Right; the Black Series devices don’t support effects. My blueprint and script will ignore effect settings for Black Series devices.

I should be failing in a cleaner way though. If you had a combination of Black Series devices and devices that do support effects, or LED color when off, I shouldn’t be generating errors for the Black Series devices. I’ll fix that before the next release.

I do have a mix of devices but was only using the blueprint to send commands to the black series. I use scripts and scenes for my existing devices. (The black one is new, got it cheap and wanted to make it work).

Got it. Well, for what it’s worth, my goal with this script is to let you do everything with a single blueprint. By calling areas, groups, and soon labels and floors, you don’t have to worry about which devices are where–the script should just figure it out. I’ll figure out the errors. The Black Series is really limited in its features though.

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There is a beta firmware for the black that enables “scene” control via button presses but in my experience it is less stable with low power draw in non-neutral scenarios. I will probably grab a bypass and roll back to that firmware and see what happens. I’ll let you know if there are any issues with this blueprint at that stage.

Is this the Black Series Dimmer with the LED bar that runs the full height of the paddle, or the Black Series Switch with a single LED? Your screenshot from the Z-Wave JS configuration looks like the dimmer and not the switch but maybe the Z-Wave JS config DB is wrong, which would explain the errors.

The LED runs the full length of the paddle and is the dimmer device.

I’m stumped. My Red 500 Series devices change the LED brightness on and off without errors, even when I don’t set anything for LED color. I’d be interested in seeing the value of LEDcolor in the changed variables section of the trace (comment 47). For me, I’m seeing:

LEDbrightness: 7.7
LEDbrightness_off: 2.1
LEDcolor: no change

but yours seems to be blank. The parameters I have for the LZW31 match the config database and what you showed me:

    LZW31_all_ledcolor: "LED Indicator Color"
    LZW31_all_ledbrightness: "LED Indicator Intensity"
    LZW31_all_ledbrightness_off: "LED Indicator Intensity (When Off)"

Somehow the variable cleanup isn’t setting the default and I don’t know why.

I think I’ve figured it out. I get errors similar to yours if I set LEDcolor to ‘’ or ’ ’ instead of leaving it blank or a valid value. Make sure your blueprint has LEDcolor either unchecked, or set to a valid value, like “white” or “off” when you call it. I think it has to be something with how this variable is set when the script is called.

2024-05-12 08:24:06.934 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.script.inovelli_led] Inovelli LED Settings and Effects: Repeat at step 2: Choose at step 2: choice 1: Choose at step 1: choice 1: Error executing script. Error for call_service at pos 1: Node(node_id=4) - InvalidNewValue: State '' not found for parameter 4-112-0-13
2024-05-12 08:24:06.934 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.script.inovelli_led] Inovelli LED Settings and Effects: Repeat at step 2: Choose at step 2: choice 1: Error executing script. Error for choose at pos 1: Node(node_id=4) - InvalidNewValue: State '' not found for parameter 4-112-0-13
2024-05-12 08:24:06.934 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.script.inovelli_led] Inovelli LED Settings and Effects: Repeat at step 2: Error executing script. Error for choose at pos 2: Node(node_id=4) - InvalidNewValue: State '' not found for parameter 4-112-0-13
2024-05-12 08:24:06.934 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.script.inovelli_led] Inovelli LED Settings and Effects: Error executing script. Error for repeat at pos 2: Node(node_id=4) - InvalidNewValue: State '' not found for parameter 4-112-0-13
2024-05-12 08:24:06.935 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.script.websocket_api_script] websocket_api script: Error executing script. Error for call_service at pos 1: Node(node_id=4) - InvalidNewValue: State '' not found for parameter 4-112-0-13
2024-05-12 08:24:06.936 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [124181395143232] Error handling message: Node(node_id=4) - InvalidNewValue: State '' not found for parameter 4-112-0-13 (home_assistant_error) Kevin Schlichter from (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36)