Control newer Samsung TVs

Looks promising.


Very nice. Does your new component address some of the connection issues in the commonly available Samsungtv component?

Very happy to see work on this, thank you

Very nice.

TV status allways show that TV is OFF


I just seem to get unauthorized error on HA. And no pop up on my TV to allow or deny home assistant. My model is a Samsung UE55NU7100. I have checked in the list of devices on the TV and there is nothing listed there either. any help much appreciated

I did install your component and it works like the HA-Version. I somehow do not get the HDMIā€™s to work. Even in the events I was not able to use the HDMI keys. All other tested keys did work. I donā€™t think it has anything to do with your component but I am curious if there are more users with this problem.

I canā€™t seem to get the new CC to work Iā€™d there a list of tv it works on?

Hi, I have uploaded the latest version 2.0.1 in HACS. If not working by default samsungctl protocol, try changing it to WS protocol for 2016+ TVs modelā€¦

platform: samsungtv_custom
port: (8001 or 8002)
mac: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
sourcelist: xxxx
protocol: ws

Hi there! Any chance the ue32j5200 will ever work with a integration like this? On this model there is no 8001 and 8002 port but there is a 7676 port open. Thank you!

Is there a way to see the current state of the TV, as in the volume level for example? Similar to the Samsung_TV function in HASSIO?

Did you ever get your TV working? I get the same notification but after clicking allow I just get a timeout error.

Iā€™d like to know too, having no joy with a Q6F55. Thanks

Strangely enough shortly after writing my message I was able to get it working!
The bit I changed was to add

timeout: 5

to my entry. This meant when I ran a command via home assistant I would have enough time to click accept on the notification on the TV. I also had to use the specific KEY_POWER to toggle on and off, which I wasnā€™t doing before. Hope this helps.

I have the same tv: ue55h6200 can you send what works for you?

  - platform: samsungtv_custom
    host: 192.168.1.X
    port: ?????
    protocol: ????

I donā€™t know port and protocol what it worksā€¦ and did you add also a timeout?

Hi @roberodin,
I am trying to get this working with a UA65NU7100 TV.
If I set the protocol to ws or ctl_qled , my HA reads the correct status from the TV but is unable to control it (other than choosing an app i.e. Netflix, Plex etc. when using ctl_qled)
I keep getting prompts on the TV to give permission. Even though I accept that (and have tried setting the TV to not require permission), it requests permission every time I try execute a command.
I did find 2 issues related to this on your GitHub page - and it seems that the solution may be related to changing the timeout. The instructions given for that are very vague - but I tried setting a configuration parameter
timeout: 25
but I still keep getting the requests for permission. From the Github issues - it looks like I am not the only person still having issues with this.

Do you have any further ideas on what I can try to get this working?
My configuration is below:

  - platform: samsungtv_custom
    port: 8002   
    name: Lounge TV
    mac: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
    sourcelist: '{"LiveTV": "KEY_TV", "WindowsMedia": "KEY_HDMI1", "Chromecast": "KEY_HDMI2"}'
    applist: "Netflix, Plex, YouTube, Prime Video, Spotify"
    protocol: ctl_qled
    timeout: 25


I will test with samsung tv MU6645. How can i check log files? Sorry iā€™m new in home assistant.

hi, news for UE32J5200 Samsung TV?

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Does this allow tv notifications?

But is this integration generally supposed to work with series c (2010) also?

Have you receeved a configuration that works with this TV (UE55H6200)?