Control smart lights with Shelly with automated detached mode

I had to do one more change, I had to check both if (response === null || response === undefined) otherwise it would still crash.

This verion works perfectly for me:

let switchId = 0; // For Shelly 1 Plus it's always 0. Change if needed
let checkPeriod = 10 * 1000; // in ms
let haUrl = 'http://YOUR_HOME_ASSISTAN_URL_OR_IP:8123'; // As sugested by bvhme
let mode = "detached"; // Could be "detached", "flip", "follow" or "momentary". Use "detached" when HA is in control

function updateConfig(oldConfig) {
  //Aplly the new config only if the switch is not already working in the desired mode  
  if (oldConfig.in_mode !== mode) {"Switch.SetConfig", { id: switchId, config: { in_mode: mode } });
    // If moving to HA controlled mode, make sure that the relay is switched on
    if (mode === "detached")"Switch.Set", { id: switchId, on: true });

function setSwitchFromRespons(response) {
  // If HA is accessible the response code is 200 update the current mode and the new configuration
  // response.code was giving error in original code modified to flip if response is null
  if (response === null || response === undefined) {
    mode = "flip";
  } else if (response.code === 200) {
    mode = "detached";
  } else {
    mode = "flip";

  // Get the current output configuration and pass it to updateConfig"Switch.GetConfig", {id: switchId}, updateConfig)

function testHA() {
  // For RPC command HTTP.GET, both url and body are required."HTTP.GET", {url: haUrl, body:{}}, setSwitchFromRespons);

// Timer.set(period_in_ms, reapeate_indefinitely, function)
Timer.set(checkPeriod, true, testHA);