Controlling a Bluetooth LED strip with HA

I create custom component for some compatible led strips

And you can use integration ledble for other led strips:


Iā€™ve used your custom component and itā€™s been working well, thanks for your effort <3

I canā€™t seem to get your custom component to find my led strip, it came with my desk but it has the ELK-BLEDOM brand when I tried to find it with Bluetooth Serial on my Android. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s my computer not wanting to connect to the device or what exactly

I have installed the ELKBLEDOM component, but when I add the integration using my MAC address BE:96:C2:00:00:52 and a name, I get an ā€œUnknown error occurredā€ with the following error posted in in HA System Log:

*Logger: aiohttp.server
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohttp/
First occurred: 12:17:45 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:17:45 PM

Error handling request
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohttp/, line 433, in _handle_request
    resp = await request_handler(request)

My ELKBLEDOM led strip has UUID: 0000fff0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb

Please let me know how I might be able to resolve this.

Just made one for me, it can change my leds with a cursor, can also change brightness and change peripherals led color with the leds. Here is the link :