Controlling a Denon AVR

Anybody experience with Denon AVR-X2700H DAB?

If I go to my device
I’m redirected to‘

I tried to go to’
but this does not seems to work.

I also tried other combinations of http/https and ports, but no response either…

gives an error…
What am I doing wrong?
Has the AVR-X2700H another API?

Any help is appreciated!

Kind regards,


It’s listening on port 8080



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Great that you worked it out :grinning:

Not sure if this is what you want, but within automations you don’t need the full URL and port, if you have setup the Denon integration in HA. It will provide the entities you can reach directly from HA. My automation to set the AVR to the radio tuner contains this…

  command: /goform/formiPhoneAppDirect.xml?SITUNER
entity_id: media_player.denon_avr_x1600h_2
service: denonavr.get_command

edit: I’m on Denon AVR-X1600H DAB

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Hi @Maverick ,
Relative url’s are perfect.
But I’m on holiday now, so remotely I couldn’t check the results of the script (changing DAB channel), so I was just fooling around with the api over my VPN.
I could manage to power ON/STANDBY with your samples provided. I suppose changing DAB preset will work than also…

Thanx for follow-up.
When @home, I definitely will try this again.


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Hi there,
i realy like the lay-out of this and trying to use it but, when i copy/paste it into my custom card i have got lots of errors like

Configuration errors detected:
bad indentation of a mapping entry (2:9)

1 | - type: ‘custom:button-card’
2 | entity: media_player.denon_avr_x …
3 | name: Denon
4 | color_type: label-card

i have changed the entity name but still not working.
any idea how to solve this or… what am i doing wrong here.
super newby

This all looks very interesting, Just purchased an AVR x2800. BTW I have all the discrete Pronto IR codes if anyone needs them

I can see all the services available i.e. volume, source ect.

I would like to change the display brightness, i.e. if the amp comes on during the day set the display to be bright, but after sunset set to dim.

Anyone help with this?

Regards, Dave

Hi all, just got a Denon AVR and am looking into how I can control it with HA; useful thread!

Just wondering if anyone has managed to control the Bluetooth transmitter? I’m trying to get it so I can only play sound through the Bluetooth headphones late at night say, when I might be playing a game or something and not want to wake the family.

Being able to automate that would be great, or even having a toggle in the interface would mean I don’t need to find the remote and open the cabinet to use it.

Any pointers would be gratefully received!

Hi Everybody,

In the notes section of the documentation Denon AVR Network Receivers, the following statement exists:

" * An additional option for the control of Denon AVR receivers with a built-in web server is using the HTTP interface with denonavr platform."

Did anybody try this? How can I use the HTTP interface with denonavr platform? Any ideas?

See above.
Web interface is available at port 8080


I meant incorporating the built in web server of my receiver into HA. I’ve used iframe to do that, however the user interface is not user friendly and I’m seeking a better solution. Thanks.

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Hi all,

Is anyone aware of how to change individual speaker levels on a Denon AVR via HTTP/HA integration command?

I’m able to successfully change the Subwoofer level as below:

service: denonavr.get_command
  command: >-
    /goform/formiPhoneAppDirect.xml?PSSWL 55
  device_id: XXXXXXXXX

I can also change the Center level with:

/goform/formiPhoneAppDirect.xml?PSCLV 55

However I cannot seem to change the levels of any other speakers, such as Front Left/Right & Rear Left/Right.

I’ve tried variations of these to no avail:

/goform/formiPhoneAppDirect.xml?CVFL UP
/goform/formiPhoneAppDirect.xml?MVFL UP
/goform/formiPhoneAppDirect.xml?CVFL 55
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PSCLV is Center Channel Volume Adjustment, not Center Level Volume as such. So it is in proportion to master volume. Same for PSSWL.
I did not tested this with Denon (I’m using HEOS intergation to manage it and this provides me sufficient functionality), but I tested CLI with my Marantz SACD 30n (to some extend). But I use telnet commands directly (marantz does not expose web interface to manage devices). So here is sample code to power on/off the system.

  - platform: telnet
        port: 23
        command_on: "PWON"
        command_off: "PWSTANDBY"
        command_state: "PW?"
        value_template: '{{ value == "PWON" }}'
        timeout: 0.5

Perhaps you can use set of switches to control volume (as commands you used seems legit):

  - platform: telnet
        port: 23
        command_on: "CVFL UP"
        command_off: "CVFL DOWN"
        timeout: 0.5

And the repeating switch.turn_on would increase volume and switch.turn_off would decrese? Just idea to build upon…

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Thanks for the tip, unfortunately that didn’t work either :frowning:

I’ve just discovered the commands that I posted ( /goform/formiPhoneAppDirect.xml?CVFL UP) were indeed having an effect, but only under the “Channel Level Adjust” menu here:

Rather than here where I thought they would:

Perhaps this will help you to properly send commands to receiver:
Volume control via telnet - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (

Hello, up until today I could select HEOS radio stations on my Denon AVR1600H using a button in lovelace like this.

show_state: false
show_name: false
camera_view: auto
type: picture-entity
entity: media_player.living_room
image: /local/images/nporadio4concert.png
  action: call-service
  service: media_player.select_source
    source: NPO Radio 4 Concerten
    entity_id: media_player.living_room
  action: none

But this has suddenly stopped working. This is the status of my Denon (HEOS) entity

  - Shield
  - TV Audio
  - Phono
group_members: []
volume_level: 0.33
is_volume_muted: false
media_content_id: >-
media_content_type: music
media_title: Ecossaise
media_artist: Beethoven/ Jan Mulder
media_album_name: ''
shuffle: true
entity_picture_local: >-
media_album_id: s2967
media_queue_id: 1
media_source_id: 3
media_station: Classicnl
media_type: station
friendly_name: Denon AVR1600
supported_features: 720396
media_duration: 0

It has worked for quite some time, so I’m not entirely sure, but I think the radio stations used to be listed under Sources. Now it is mentioned under ‘media_station’.
Any ideas how to get this working again? (being able to simply control the radio was quite a big part of the WAF here :slight_smile: )

I think, that I have similar issue. Reading your post, I just checked and I only can say now, that I’m not able to find my favorite internet radio stations from the Denon AVR X3600h.

I’m sure, they were very easy accessible before from the media player card, they disappeared.

No time now to investigate more, will return to this oncoming week.


Thanks, so its not just me, that’s always somewhat comforting. I was kind of flabbergasted as it was quite suddenly gone. Hope you can pinpoint the problem (and a solution :grin:)

Roll back the firmware by factoring resetting, and block ‘’ on your DNS. So it cant download the update. Disabling auto updates doesn’t stop some

< – two x3700h here.

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Using the HEOS integration I’m still able to start internet radio stations on my X1600H