Controlling Viessmann Vitodens Gas Heater Boilers locally (new models 100-W, 200-W, ... after 2018)

Yes, I can switch all modes, also Standby/DHW/DHW & Heating modes as well. Which is not available in HA climate entity but has to be controlled by additional select entity (partially mapped to standard climate entity).

Pay attention to the number of parameters you monitor in HA - too many will require infrequent updates as the optolink interface is not very fast.

Here is my up to date config:

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Thanks for such a prompt reply.
As I have in hand Wemos D1 (ESP8266) and I’m new to esphome, do I need to change in esp config something more than rx/tx pins assignment?
HA config - will it be imported upon configuring esp device?

I recommend to go with esp32 as 8266 has limited resources, unless you just want to try it with only a few sensors.

HA will automatically import it

Thanks for clarification!

Hi again @adorobis
Question about commented out sections in your config. Are those working configs (exhaust or return temperatures) but not needed in your use case?
And also I don’t see below code as well:

  - platform: optolink
    name: Error history 1
    address: 0x7590
    bytes: 9
    type: RAW
  - platform: optolink
    name: Heating schedule Monday
    type: DAY_SCHEDULE
    day_of_week: MONDAY
    address: 0x2000
    bytes: 56

It’s missing to reduce number of datapoints?

No, in my case they are duplicating info from other sensors.

This one works ok, I keep only last two errors - good enough for me. But I configured it with mapping to error description:

  - platform: optolink
    name: Error code 1
    address: 0x7507
    bytes: 1
    update_interval: 591s
    icon: mdi:note-text-outline
    type: MAP
      - map:
        - "0 -> regular operation"
        - "15 -> 0 F : Przeprowadzić konserwację. Po konserwacji ustawić kodowanie 24:0"
        - "16 -> 1 0 : Zwarcie czujnika temperatury zewnętrznej"
        - "231 -> E 7 : Usterka palnika"
        - "232 -> E 8 : Usterka palnika"
        - "238 -> E E : Blokada palnika"

I don’t use this one. I have not really found good use to replicate it in HA.