Controllino Mega

Hi, I buy serveral Controllino Mega devices (a PLC based on Arduino), for my new home project. I have recently discovered HA, and I’m looking for the controllino hardware integration, but I can’t find anything native. Has anyone integrated controllino with HA?.


I don’t have one of these devices, however looking at the website, it seems to support Modbus TCP/IP, as does HomeAssistant, so that might be an option for integrating it.

It seems like someone has tried this before:

Controllino Mega basically is a Arduino. The module comes virgin, without any programming, if you want to integrate to HA and work for your purposes, you have to find a firmware compatible to your needs which will be hard, or programming yourself

Thank you for your reply. I am not a specialist in creating firmware. It is true that the manufacturer offers all the libraries, but I have no experience in integrating it with MQTT.

in that way I don’t think Controllino would be good for you

Hi Ricardo, What do you recommend?, similar to the Mega controllino.


Hi guys,

If you’re looking for a library that allows integrating Controlino with Home Assitant you may try the library I’m currently developing - GitHub - dawidchyrzynski/arduino-home-assistant: ArduinoHA allows to integrate an Arduino/ESP based device with Home Assistant using MQTT.

I have successfully integrated Controllino Mega and Maxi with Home Assistant using MQTT over Ethernet. Basically, you just need to set up Arduino IDE as described here.

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Hi Dawid,

I want to test your library. I have already the Arduino IDE ready, but i don´t know how to upload your code the the controllino.

Can you tell me how to do it?.
