Convert a "smart" chinese lamp to a real smart lamp

Did you finally get it working for the Zhi Guang app? I am planning to buy a led lamp that works through this app and would appreciate any help if you got it!

@zolaktt can you share the code to add wifi creds please?
I want to skip Wifi Manager too
I found how to see what codes the remotes are sending using nRF Connect mobile app and I want to try to add a new one
I think you can use it too to add all the buttons from the remote

Sure. Donā€™t remember anymore what I changed exactly, but here is the whole file.

Can you please share how to sniff our the codes? Tried that multiple ways, never managed to get anything. I tried nRF Connect too. Donā€™t remember the details, but I definitely didnā€™t manage to get anything

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <BLEDevice.h>
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiManager.h>
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>
#include <map>
#include "ble.h"

const String manidZhiJia = "9d22";
const std::map<const String, const String> commandsZhiJia = {
    {"bind0", "03482867815427f72344e52df4c0f63c5a4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"bind1", "01362a6581565bf52346e72ff6c0f63e584a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"bind2", "07352c6381505ef32340e129f0c0f6385e4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"bind3", "05342e6181525df12342e32bf2c0f63a5c4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"bind4", "0b33206f815c54ff234ced25fcc0f634524a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"bind5", "0932226d815e57fd234eef27fec0f636504a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"bind6", "0f31246b815852fb2348e921f8c0f630564a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"bind7", "0d302669815a51f9234aeb23fac0f632544a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"bind8", "133f3877814440e72354f53de4c0f62c4a4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"bind9", "113e3a75814643e52356f73fe6c0f62e484a5f85f69ca919"},

    {"on0", "efb0c48b79b8cb1bdbaf09c1183809d7b64a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"on1", "edcec68979bab719dbad0bc31a3809d5b44a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"on2", "e3cdc88779b4ba17dba305cd143809dbba4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"on3", "e1ccca8579b6b915dba107cf163809d9b84a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"on4", "e7cbcc8379b0b813dba701c9103809dfbe4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"on5", "e5cace8179b2bb11dba503cb123809ddbc4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"on6", "dbc9f0bf798c862fdb9b3df52c3809e3824a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"on7", "d9c8f2bd798e852ddb993ff72e3809e1804a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"on8", "dfc7f4bb79888c2bdb9f39f1283809e7864a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"on9", "ddc6f6b9798a8f29db9d3bf32a3809e5844a5f85f69ca919"},

    {"off0", "2f4c044b85780bdb276cc901d8c4f614764a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"off1", "2d320649857a77d9276ecb03dac4f616744a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"off2", "2b31004f857c72df2768cd05dcc4f610724a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"off3", "2930024d857e71dd276acf07dec4f612704a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"off4", "37371c53856068c32774d119c0c4f60c6e4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"off5", "35361e5185626bc12776d31bc2c4f60e6c4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"off6", "3335185785646ec72770d51dc4c4f6086a4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"off7", "31341a5585666dc52772d71fc6c4f60a684a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"off8", "3f3b145b85686ccb277cd911c8c4f604664a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"off9", "3d3a1659856a6fc9277edb13cac4f606644a5f85f69ca919"},

    {"a0", "cf42e4517198eb3b298229e13830f6fa964a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"a1", "cd3ce653719a973929802be33a30f6f8944a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"a2", "b33f982d71e4ea4729fe559d4430f686ea4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"a3", "b13e9a2f71e6e94529fc579f4630f684e84a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"a4", "b7399c2971e0e84329fa51994030f682ee4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"a5", "b5389e2b71e2eb4129f8539b4230f680ec4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"a6", "bb3b902571ece64f29f65d954c30f68ee24a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"a7", "b93a922771eee54d29f45f974e30f68ce04a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"a8", "bf35942171e8ec4b29f259914830f68ae64a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"a9", "bd34962371eaef4929f05b934a30f688e44a5f85f69ca919"},

    {"b0", "a3b8723d8b0e7dad2914bf77aecaf66c004a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"b1", "a1c6703f8b0c01af2916bd75accaf66e024a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"b2", "a7c576398b0a04a92910bb73aacaf668044a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"b3", "a5c4743b8b0807ab2912b971a8caf66a064a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"b4", "abc37a358b060ea5291cb77fa6caf664084a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"b5", "a9c278378b040da7291eb57da4caf6660a4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"b6", "afc17e318b0208a12918b37ba2caf6600c4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"b7", "adc07c338b000ba3291ab179a0caf6620e4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"b8", "93cf420d8b3e3a9d29248f479ecaf65c304a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"b9", "91ce400f8b3c399f29268d459ccaf65e324a5f85f69ca919"},

    {"ab0", "6db8bc0971c0b36329da71b96030f6a2ce4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"ab1", "6fc6be0b71c2cf6129d873bb6230f6a0cc4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"ab2", "61c5b00571ccc26f29d67db56c30f6aec24a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"ab3", "63c4b20771cec16d29d47fb76e30f6acc04a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"ab4", "65c3b40171c8c06b29d279b16830f6aac64a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"ab5", "67c2b60371cac36929d07bb36a30f6a8c44a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"ab6", "79c1a81d71d4de7729ce65ad7430f6b6da4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"ab7", "7bc0aa1f71d6dd7529cc67af7630f6b4d84a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"ab8", "7dcfac1971d0d47329ca61a97030f6b2de4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"ab9", "7fceae1b71d2d77129c863ab7230f6b0dc4a5f85f69ca919"},

    {"night0", "7e544c1a9d3043932625814990dcf65d3e4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"night1", "7c2a4e189d323f912627834b92dcf65f3c4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"night2", "7a29481e9d343a972621854d94dcf6593a4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"night3", "78284a1c9d3639952623874f96dcf65b384a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"night4", "062f34629d4840eb265df931e8dcf625464a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"night5", "042e36609d4a43e9265ffb33eadcf627444a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"night6", "022d30669d4c46ef2659fd35ecdcf621424a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"night7", "002c32649d4e45ed265bff37eedcf623404a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"night8", "0e233c6a9d4044e32655f139e0dcf62d4e4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"night9", "0c223e689d4247e12657f33be2dcf62f4c4a5f85f69ca919"},

    {"fon0", "fdbad69973aad909d1b71bd30a3209cfa44a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"foff0", "1f5a347b93483beb314af931e8d2f632464a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"fon1", "e1c4ca8573b6bb15d1ab07cf163209d3b84a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"foff1", "03242867935459f73156e52df4d2f62e5a4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"fon2", "e5c7ce8173b2bc11d1af03cb123209d7bc4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"foff2", "07272c6393505ef33152e129f0d2f62a5e4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"fon3", "e9c6c28d73beb11dd1a30fc71e3209dbb04a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"foff3", "0b26206f935c53ff315eed25fcd2f626524a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"fon4", "edc1c68973bab219d1a70bc31a3209dfb44a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"foff4", "0f21246b935850fb315ae921f8d2f622564a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"fon5", "d1c0fab573868f25d19b37ff263209e3884a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"foff5", "3320185793646dc73166d51dc4d2f61e6a4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"fon6", "d5c3feb173828821d19f33fb223209e78c4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"foff6", "37231c5393606ac33162d119c0d2f61a6e4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"fon7", "d9c2f2bd738e852dd1933ff72e3209eb804a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"foff7", "3b22105f936c67cf316edd15ccd2f616624a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"fon8", "ddcdf6b9738a8e29d1973bf32a3209ef844a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"foff8", "3f2d145b93686ccb316ad911c8d2f612664a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"fon9", "c1cceaa573969335d18b27ef363209f3984a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"foff9", "232c0847937471d73176c50dd4d2f60e7a4a5f85f69ca919"},

    {"unbind0", "c9b6e2ad7f9eed3ddd8f2fe73e3e09f7904a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"unbind1", "cbc8e0af7f9c913fdd8d2de53c3e09f5924a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"unbind2", "c5cbeea17f929c31dd8323eb323e09fb9c4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"unbind3", "c7caeca37f909f33dd8121e9303e09f99e4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"unbind4", "c1cdeaa57f969e35dd8727ef363e09ff984a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"unbind5", "c3cce8a77f949d37dd8525ed343e09fd9a4a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"unbind6", "bdcf96d97feae049ddfb5b934a3e0983e44a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"unbind7", "bfce94db7fe8e34bddf95991483e0981e64a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"unbind8", "b9c192dd7feeea4dddff5f974e3e0987e04a5f85f69ca919"},
    {"unbind9", "bbc090df7fece94fddfd5d954c3e0985e24a5f85f69ca919"},


// WiFiManager wm;
#define BTN_PIN 0

AsyncWebServer webServer(80);
const String webCommandPrefix = "/cmd/";

void startWebServer()
  webServer.onNotFound([](AsyncWebServerRequest *req)
                       { req->send(404, "text/plain", "Not found"); });

  for (auto i = commandsZhiJia.begin(); i != commandsZhiJia.end(); i++)
    webServer.on(String(webCommandPrefix + i->first).c_str(), [](AsyncWebServerRequest *req)
      const String path=req->url();
      const String cmd=path.substring(webCommandPrefix.length());
      Serial.println("web request path: "+path);
      auto i=commandsZhiJia.find(cmd);
        Serial.println("command \""+cmd+"\" not found");
        req->send(404, "text/plain", "Not found");
        Serial.println("start adv: manId:" + manidZhiJia + " data:" + i->second);
          startAdv(i->second, manidZhiJia);
        catch (std::exception &e)
        Serial.println("stop adv");
        req->send(200, "text/plain", i->first);
      } });


bool setupWifi()
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
  Serial.print("Connected to WiFi network with IP Address: ");

  if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED)
    return true;
    return false;

void setup()


  pinMode(BTN_PIN, INPUT);

  if (setupWifi() == true)
  // wm.setConfigPortalTimeout(60);
  // wm.setConfigPortalBlocking(false);
  // wm.setAPClientCheck(true);
  // wm.setHostname(_HOSTNAME);
  // wm.autoConnect(_AP_NAME, _AP_PASS);

  // startWebServer();

void processSerial(void)
  static String cmd;
  while (Serial.available())
    char c = (char);
    if (c != '\n')
      cmd += c;

    auto line = cmd;
    cmd = "";

    line.replace("\r", "");

    auto i = commandsZhiJia.find(line);
    if (i != commandsZhiJia.end())
      Serial.println("start adv: manId:" + manidZhiJia + " data:" + i->second);

        startAdv(i->second, manidZhiJia);
      catch (std::exception &e)

      Serial.println("stop adv");

    if (line.indexOf("help") >= 0)
      auto i = commandsZhiJia.begin();
      while (i != commandsZhiJia.end())

    Serial.println("unknown command");

void loop()
  // wm.process();

  // // clear wifi settings on button press
  // if (digitalRead(BTN_PIN) == LOW)
  // {
  //   delay(100);
  //   if (digitalRead(BTN_PIN) == LOW)
  //   {
  //     wm.resetSettings();
  //     ESP.restart();
  //   }
  // }

  // process comamnds on serial port

Hi zolaktt:

Just to update. The GitHub - reverieline/bler: ESP32 BLE remote for ZhiJia (ZhiGuang) LED controller solution works for my lights.

thank you for the insights. Sounds very promising, as I have a kind of similar light which I can use with the Lamp SmartPro app.
Thank you for sharing the GitHub link.
But my problem as a newbie is to ā€œflash the firmwareā€ to the esp. can you help me out here what kind of firmware and how to flash this on the esp?

Thank you a lot and I appreciate your efforts.

The firmware is the code from the repo (or my modified version without the WifiManager). I flashed it from VSCode and Platformio. Itā€™s pretty simple there, you have build/deploy commands that you can click. Also you need to make sure to build it for your specific board. You can specify that in platformio.ini. For example I have a ā€œupesy_wroomā€ board, and the original repo is for ā€œesp32doit-devkit-v1ā€. So basically, I just replaced any mention of ā€œesp32doit-devkit-v1ā€ with ā€œupesy_wroomā€ in platformio.ini. Not sure if that is actually required, or will it build the same for a different board, but I did it anyway

Btw @cjitariu any update on sniffing out the remaining buttons? The project is working fine for my lights, but without those other buttons, there isnā€™t too much use for it. Currently, Iā€™m just using the night mode.

@zolaktt : Thank you very much, this was helpful. Now it worked with flashing the ESP with the github firmware. Unfortunately, I have the same problem with the Wifi Manager. But your code was helpful aswell. :+1:

Glad to hear it helped.

Now if we could somehow get to the bottom of those other button codes, we might actually have something useful :slight_smile:

I gave it my best shot, without any success. And donā€™t really have time to continue on it currently. I also asked the original author, but he is not replying. Considering he is from Ukraine, I guess he has bigger things to worry about. So, someone else will need to pitch in hereā€¦

When I will have time Iā€™ll also try that more radical approach from that Russian forum. Rip out their board and solder an ESP instead of it. Received the spare led driver a few days ago, but I just donā€™t have time right now. And my electronic skills arenā€™t that great, so there is a high probability that Iā€™ll just fry the whole thing. But that approach is by far the best, everything else are just workarounds. It would be great is someone more skilled gave that a go, and posted more detailed instructions.

Yes, for the first steps it was very helpful. But with your code integrated I cannot find the esp in my network/router list.
Need to give it several trials in the upcoming days, maybe I copied something wrongā€¦ therefore the solution is not working for me, yet :wink:

Hello again,

Iā€™m sorry but actually Iā€™m not able to get a connection with my router.

@zolaktt : Am I on the right track if I change the file ā€œsrc/main.cppā€ with your code shared above? Within this code then I just entered my WiFi SSID and WiFi password. Is this correct, or do I need to change some more details?

In order the esp is not connected to the router Iā€™m not able to connect to the esp and use it for controlling my lamp.

Thank you very much for helping me with my, for you probably easy, problems.

I donā€™t remember all the details, I played around with this back and forth. But this is the last version I have saved locally, so Iā€™m pretty sure this is the one I have flashed on the esp. It shouldnā€™t need any other changes, apart from setting your wifi ssid and password, on this line:

Are you sure you are building this for the correct board? Here is my platformio.ini, if itā€™s any help. The original code is for the esp32doit-devkit-v1. Iā€™ve added the upesy_wroom section, since that is the board that I have.

If you have done the same, make sure you are building it for the right board in the left panel. There is also the ā€œUpload and Monitorā€ command. Give that a try. You should see the logs in VSCode console, so maybe you can figure out what going on.

this is working solution

for my lamp works
encoding: zhiguang
variant: v0
reversed: True

and separate_dim_cct: True

Thanks, @JurajSK, ESPHome works fine with the lamps.