Did you finally get it working for the Zhi Guang app? I am planning to buy a led lamp that works through this app and would appreciate any help if you got it!
@zolaktt can you share the code to add wifi creds please?
I want to skip Wifi Manager too
I found how to see what codes the remotes are sending using nRF Connect mobile app and I want to try to add a new one
I think you can use it too to add all the buttons from the remote
Sure. Donāt remember anymore what I changed exactly, but here is the whole file.
Can you please share how to sniff our the codes? Tried that multiple ways, never managed to get anything. I tried nRF Connect too. Donāt remember the details, but I definitely didnāt manage to get anything
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <BLEDevice.h>
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiManager.h>
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>
#include <map>
#include "ble.h"
const String manidZhiJia = "9d22";
const std::map<const String, const String> commandsZhiJia = {
{"bind0", "03482867815427f72344e52df4c0f63c5a4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"bind1", "01362a6581565bf52346e72ff6c0f63e584a5f85f69ca919"},
{"bind2", "07352c6381505ef32340e129f0c0f6385e4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"bind3", "05342e6181525df12342e32bf2c0f63a5c4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"bind4", "0b33206f815c54ff234ced25fcc0f634524a5f85f69ca919"},
{"bind5", "0932226d815e57fd234eef27fec0f636504a5f85f69ca919"},
{"bind6", "0f31246b815852fb2348e921f8c0f630564a5f85f69ca919"},
{"bind7", "0d302669815a51f9234aeb23fac0f632544a5f85f69ca919"},
{"bind8", "133f3877814440e72354f53de4c0f62c4a4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"bind9", "113e3a75814643e52356f73fe6c0f62e484a5f85f69ca919"},
{"on0", "efb0c48b79b8cb1bdbaf09c1183809d7b64a5f85f69ca919"},
{"on1", "edcec68979bab719dbad0bc31a3809d5b44a5f85f69ca919"},
{"on2", "e3cdc88779b4ba17dba305cd143809dbba4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"on3", "e1ccca8579b6b915dba107cf163809d9b84a5f85f69ca919"},
{"on4", "e7cbcc8379b0b813dba701c9103809dfbe4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"on5", "e5cace8179b2bb11dba503cb123809ddbc4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"on6", "dbc9f0bf798c862fdb9b3df52c3809e3824a5f85f69ca919"},
{"on7", "d9c8f2bd798e852ddb993ff72e3809e1804a5f85f69ca919"},
{"on8", "dfc7f4bb79888c2bdb9f39f1283809e7864a5f85f69ca919"},
{"on9", "ddc6f6b9798a8f29db9d3bf32a3809e5844a5f85f69ca919"},
{"off0", "2f4c044b85780bdb276cc901d8c4f614764a5f85f69ca919"},
{"off1", "2d320649857a77d9276ecb03dac4f616744a5f85f69ca919"},
{"off2", "2b31004f857c72df2768cd05dcc4f610724a5f85f69ca919"},
{"off3", "2930024d857e71dd276acf07dec4f612704a5f85f69ca919"},
{"off4", "37371c53856068c32774d119c0c4f60c6e4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"off5", "35361e5185626bc12776d31bc2c4f60e6c4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"off6", "3335185785646ec72770d51dc4c4f6086a4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"off7", "31341a5585666dc52772d71fc6c4f60a684a5f85f69ca919"},
{"off8", "3f3b145b85686ccb277cd911c8c4f604664a5f85f69ca919"},
{"off9", "3d3a1659856a6fc9277edb13cac4f606644a5f85f69ca919"},
{"a0", "cf42e4517198eb3b298229e13830f6fa964a5f85f69ca919"},
{"a1", "cd3ce653719a973929802be33a30f6f8944a5f85f69ca919"},
{"a2", "b33f982d71e4ea4729fe559d4430f686ea4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"a3", "b13e9a2f71e6e94529fc579f4630f684e84a5f85f69ca919"},
{"a4", "b7399c2971e0e84329fa51994030f682ee4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"a5", "b5389e2b71e2eb4129f8539b4230f680ec4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"a6", "bb3b902571ece64f29f65d954c30f68ee24a5f85f69ca919"},
{"a7", "b93a922771eee54d29f45f974e30f68ce04a5f85f69ca919"},
{"a8", "bf35942171e8ec4b29f259914830f68ae64a5f85f69ca919"},
{"a9", "bd34962371eaef4929f05b934a30f688e44a5f85f69ca919"},
{"b0", "a3b8723d8b0e7dad2914bf77aecaf66c004a5f85f69ca919"},
{"b1", "a1c6703f8b0c01af2916bd75accaf66e024a5f85f69ca919"},
{"b2", "a7c576398b0a04a92910bb73aacaf668044a5f85f69ca919"},
{"b3", "a5c4743b8b0807ab2912b971a8caf66a064a5f85f69ca919"},
{"b4", "abc37a358b060ea5291cb77fa6caf664084a5f85f69ca919"},
{"b5", "a9c278378b040da7291eb57da4caf6660a4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"b6", "afc17e318b0208a12918b37ba2caf6600c4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"b7", "adc07c338b000ba3291ab179a0caf6620e4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"b8", "93cf420d8b3e3a9d29248f479ecaf65c304a5f85f69ca919"},
{"b9", "91ce400f8b3c399f29268d459ccaf65e324a5f85f69ca919"},
{"ab0", "6db8bc0971c0b36329da71b96030f6a2ce4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"ab1", "6fc6be0b71c2cf6129d873bb6230f6a0cc4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"ab2", "61c5b00571ccc26f29d67db56c30f6aec24a5f85f69ca919"},
{"ab3", "63c4b20771cec16d29d47fb76e30f6acc04a5f85f69ca919"},
{"ab4", "65c3b40171c8c06b29d279b16830f6aac64a5f85f69ca919"},
{"ab5", "67c2b60371cac36929d07bb36a30f6a8c44a5f85f69ca919"},
{"ab6", "79c1a81d71d4de7729ce65ad7430f6b6da4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"ab7", "7bc0aa1f71d6dd7529cc67af7630f6b4d84a5f85f69ca919"},
{"ab8", "7dcfac1971d0d47329ca61a97030f6b2de4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"ab9", "7fceae1b71d2d77129c863ab7230f6b0dc4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"night0", "7e544c1a9d3043932625814990dcf65d3e4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"night1", "7c2a4e189d323f912627834b92dcf65f3c4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"night2", "7a29481e9d343a972621854d94dcf6593a4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"night3", "78284a1c9d3639952623874f96dcf65b384a5f85f69ca919"},
{"night4", "062f34629d4840eb265df931e8dcf625464a5f85f69ca919"},
{"night5", "042e36609d4a43e9265ffb33eadcf627444a5f85f69ca919"},
{"night6", "022d30669d4c46ef2659fd35ecdcf621424a5f85f69ca919"},
{"night7", "002c32649d4e45ed265bff37eedcf623404a5f85f69ca919"},
{"night8", "0e233c6a9d4044e32655f139e0dcf62d4e4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"night9", "0c223e689d4247e12657f33be2dcf62f4c4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"fon0", "fdbad69973aad909d1b71bd30a3209cfa44a5f85f69ca919"},
{"foff0", "1f5a347b93483beb314af931e8d2f632464a5f85f69ca919"},
{"fon1", "e1c4ca8573b6bb15d1ab07cf163209d3b84a5f85f69ca919"},
{"foff1", "03242867935459f73156e52df4d2f62e5a4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"fon2", "e5c7ce8173b2bc11d1af03cb123209d7bc4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"foff2", "07272c6393505ef33152e129f0d2f62a5e4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"fon3", "e9c6c28d73beb11dd1a30fc71e3209dbb04a5f85f69ca919"},
{"foff3", "0b26206f935c53ff315eed25fcd2f626524a5f85f69ca919"},
{"fon4", "edc1c68973bab219d1a70bc31a3209dfb44a5f85f69ca919"},
{"foff4", "0f21246b935850fb315ae921f8d2f622564a5f85f69ca919"},
{"fon5", "d1c0fab573868f25d19b37ff263209e3884a5f85f69ca919"},
{"foff5", "3320185793646dc73166d51dc4d2f61e6a4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"fon6", "d5c3feb173828821d19f33fb223209e78c4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"foff6", "37231c5393606ac33162d119c0d2f61a6e4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"fon7", "d9c2f2bd738e852dd1933ff72e3209eb804a5f85f69ca919"},
{"foff7", "3b22105f936c67cf316edd15ccd2f616624a5f85f69ca919"},
{"fon8", "ddcdf6b9738a8e29d1973bf32a3209ef844a5f85f69ca919"},
{"foff8", "3f2d145b93686ccb316ad911c8d2f612664a5f85f69ca919"},
{"fon9", "c1cceaa573969335d18b27ef363209f3984a5f85f69ca919"},
{"foff9", "232c0847937471d73176c50dd4d2f60e7a4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"unbind0", "c9b6e2ad7f9eed3ddd8f2fe73e3e09f7904a5f85f69ca919"},
{"unbind1", "cbc8e0af7f9c913fdd8d2de53c3e09f5924a5f85f69ca919"},
{"unbind2", "c5cbeea17f929c31dd8323eb323e09fb9c4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"unbind3", "c7caeca37f909f33dd8121e9303e09f99e4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"unbind4", "c1cdeaa57f969e35dd8727ef363e09ff984a5f85f69ca919"},
{"unbind5", "c3cce8a77f949d37dd8525ed343e09fd9a4a5f85f69ca919"},
{"unbind6", "bdcf96d97feae049ddfb5b934a3e0983e44a5f85f69ca919"},
{"unbind7", "bfce94db7fe8e34bddf95991483e0981e64a5f85f69ca919"},
{"unbind8", "b9c192dd7feeea4dddff5f974e3e0987e04a5f85f69ca919"},
{"unbind9", "bbc090df7fece94fddfd5d954c3e0985e24a5f85f69ca919"},
// WiFiManager wm;
#define BTN_PIN 0
AsyncWebServer webServer(80);
const String webCommandPrefix = "/cmd/";
void startWebServer()
webServer.onNotFound([](AsyncWebServerRequest *req)
{ req->send(404, "text/plain", "Not found"); });
for (auto i = commandsZhiJia.begin(); i != commandsZhiJia.end(); i++)
webServer.on(String(webCommandPrefix + i->first).c_str(), [](AsyncWebServerRequest *req)
const String path=req->url();
const String cmd=path.substring(webCommandPrefix.length());
Serial.println("web request path: "+path);
auto i=commandsZhiJia.find(cmd);
Serial.println("command \""+cmd+"\" not found");
req->send(404, "text/plain", "Not found");
Serial.println("start adv: manId:" + manidZhiJia + " data:" + i->second);
startAdv(i->second, manidZhiJia);
catch (std::exception &e)
Serial.println("stop adv");
req->send(200, "text/plain", i->first);
} });
bool setupWifi()
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
Serial.print("Connected to WiFi network with IP Address: ");
if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED)
return true;
return false;
void setup()
pinMode(BTN_PIN, INPUT);
if (setupWifi() == true)
// wm.setConfigPortalTimeout(60);
// wm.setConfigPortalBlocking(false);
// wm.setAPClientCheck(true);
// wm.setHostname(_HOSTNAME);
// wm.autoConnect(_AP_NAME, _AP_PASS);
// startWebServer();
void processSerial(void)
static String cmd;
while (Serial.available())
char c = (char)Serial.read();
if (c != '\n')
cmd += c;
auto line = cmd;
cmd = "";
line.replace("\r", "");
auto i = commandsZhiJia.find(line);
if (i != commandsZhiJia.end())
Serial.println("start adv: manId:" + manidZhiJia + " data:" + i->second);
startAdv(i->second, manidZhiJia);
catch (std::exception &e)
Serial.println("stop adv");
if (line.indexOf("help") >= 0)
auto i = commandsZhiJia.begin();
while (i != commandsZhiJia.end())
Serial.println("unknown command");
void loop()
// wm.process();
// // clear wifi settings on button press
// if (digitalRead(BTN_PIN) == LOW)
// {
// delay(100);
// if (digitalRead(BTN_PIN) == LOW)
// {
// wm.resetSettings();
// ESP.restart();
// }
// }
// process comamnds on serial port
Hi zolaktt:
Just to update. The GitHub - reverieline/bler: ESP32 BLE remote for ZhiJia (ZhiGuang) LED controller solution works for my lights.
thank you for the insights. Sounds very promising, as I have a kind of similar light which I can use with the Lamp SmartPro app.
Thank you for sharing the GitHub link.
But my problem as a newbie is to āflash the firmwareā to the esp. can you help me out here what kind of firmware and how to flash this on the esp?
Thank you a lot and I appreciate your efforts.
The firmware is the code from the repo (or my modified version without the WifiManager). I flashed it from VSCode and Platformio. Itās pretty simple there, you have build/deploy commands that you can click. Also you need to make sure to build it for your specific board. You can specify that in platformio.ini. For example I have a āupesy_wroomā board, and the original repo is for āesp32doit-devkit-v1ā. So basically, I just replaced any mention of āesp32doit-devkit-v1ā with āupesy_wroomā in platformio.ini. Not sure if that is actually required, or will it build the same for a different board, but I did it anyway
Btw @cjitariu any update on sniffing out the remaining buttons? The project is working fine for my lights, but without those other buttons, there isnāt too much use for it. Currently, Iām just using the night mode.
@zolaktt : Thank you very much, this was helpful. Now it worked with flashing the ESP with the github firmware. Unfortunately, I have the same problem with the Wifi Manager. But your code was helpful aswell.
Glad to hear it helped.
Now if we could somehow get to the bottom of those other button codes, we might actually have something useful
I gave it my best shot, without any success. And donāt really have time to continue on it currently. I also asked the original author, but he is not replying. Considering he is from Ukraine, I guess he has bigger things to worry about. So, someone else will need to pitch in hereā¦
When I will have time Iāll also try that more radical approach from that Russian forum. Rip out their board and solder an ESP instead of it. Received the spare led driver a few days ago, but I just donāt have time right now. And my electronic skills arenāt that great, so there is a high probability that Iāll just fry the whole thing. But that approach is by far the best, everything else are just workarounds. It would be great is someone more skilled gave that a go, and posted more detailed instructions.
Yes, for the first steps it was very helpful. But with your code integrated I cannot find the esp in my network/router list.
Need to give it several trials in the upcoming days, maybe I copied something wrongā¦ therefore the solution is not working for me, yet
Hello again,
Iām sorry but actually Iām not able to get a connection with my router.
@zolaktt : Am I on the right track if I change the file āsrc/main.cppā with your code shared above? Within this code then I just entered my WiFi SSID and WiFi password. Is this correct, or do I need to change some more details?
In order the esp is not connected to the router Iām not able to connect to the esp and use it for controlling my lamp.
Thank you very much for helping me with my, for you probably easy, problems.
I donāt remember all the details, I played around with this back and forth. But this is the last version I have saved locally, so Iām pretty sure this is the one I have flashed on the esp. It shouldnāt need any other changes, apart from setting your wifi ssid and password, on this line:
Are you sure you are building this for the correct board? Here is my platformio.ini, if itās any help. The original code is for the esp32doit-devkit-v1. Iāve added the upesy_wroom section, since that is the board that I have.
If you have done the same, make sure you are building it for the right board in the left panel. There is also the āUpload and Monitorā command. Give that a try. You should see the logs in VSCode console, so maybe you can figure out what going on.
this is working solution
for my lamp works
encoding: zhiguang
variant: v0
reversed: True
and separate_dim_cct: True