Converting discrete IR codes so HA can control Broadlink RM Pro

Hi there, I’m new to this forum and hope you can help. Apologies if this has already been answered on another thread, it’s just that anything I try doesn’t seem to work!

I’m using HA (configuation.yaml) to program discrete IR codes into my Broadlink RM Pro that controls my TV. I can already do this once I have the required code in the correct format. Getting the code in the correct format is my problem.

For example, I’ve obtained a new hex code (e.g: 0000 006D 0000 0022…) to send a command to my TV, but I don’t know the process to convert this code to the correct format for use on my Broadlink RM Pro. I’m not 100% sure, but think the RM Pro uses something called PRONTO HEX format. It needs to look like this “JgBGAJKVETkRORA6…AAA==”.

Any guidance appreciated!!

To be clear, I want to use discrete IR codes, not to learn IR codes using a remote control. Thanks!

Thanks @tom_l very helpful. Although I’m still having an issue generating the code I need, it looks like I’m hitting the same issues as others so have posted a question in that thread. Thanks

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I felt the same pain. I have developed a bridge so you don’t need to convert them.