I am trying to count the number of sensors (one sensor for the power price each hour) that have a state below a certain value specified in the sensor “sensor.car_charge_limit_tomorrow”. The sensor calculates how many hours of charging I will get in my car during the night. Everything works as intended, but not when there is a negative price on the power, despite its being lower than the limit.
Any suggestions? I have borrowed this code, so I am not the author of this.
- platform: template
friendly_name: 'Hours with charging tomorrow'
unit_of_measurement: hours
value_template: >-
{% set ignore_entities = ['sensor.nordpool_tomorrow_hr_00_01', 'sensor.nordpool_tomorrow_hr_01_02', 'sensor.nordpool_tomorrow_hr_02_03', 'sensor.nordpool_tomorrow_hr_03_04', 'sensor.nordpool_tomorrow_hr_04_05', 'sensor.nordpool_tomorrow_hr_05_06', 'sensor.nordpool_tomorrow_hr_06_07', 'sensor.nordpool_tomorrow_hr_07_08', 'nordpool_tomorrow_hr_08_09'] %}
{% set limit = (float(states('sensor.car_charge_limit_tomorrow'))*100) %}
{{ states.sensor
| selectattr('attributes.device_class', 'eq', 'aqi')
| rejectattr('entity_id', 'in', ignore_entities)
| map(attribute='state')
| reject('in', ['unknown', 'unavailable'])
| map('int', -1) | select('le', limit)
| select('ge', 0)
| list | count