Counting the number of times roomba vacuums the house

I always launch my autonomous home hoover from home assistant (roomba). I would like that every time I launch it, a variable is incremented so that when this variable is 5, it warns me that I have to empty the vacuum cleaner tank. How can I create a variable and add 1 to it at each hoover output.

You could do an automation for when it docks or starts cleaning to increment the number, something like:

description: ""
mode: single
  - platform: state
      - vacuum.roomba
    attribute: status
    to: Cleaning
condition: []
  - service: input_number.increment
      entity_id: input_number.hoover_ran
      amount: 1

Of course, you would have to create the input_number helper, input_number.hoover_ran.

Then, probably a button to set it back to zero when you do empty it.

First I have created a helper:


And then an automation that runs whenever the hoover goes into cleaning mode.

alias: Acción - Rogelia - Sumar una limpieza - Al limpiar
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - vacuum.roborock_s5_28f2_robot_cleaner_2
    to: cleaning
    from: null
      hours: 0
      minutes: 5
      seconds: 0
condition: []
  - service: script.accion_rogelia_sumar_una_limpieza
    metadata: {}
    data: {}
mode: single

and finally a script that checks the value of the helper, if the value is lower than 4 it increases it, but if it is higher it warns me.

alias: Acción - Rogelia - Sumar una limpieza
  - if:
      - condition: numeric_state
        entity_id: input_number.robot_aspirador_numero_de_limpiezas
        below: 4
      - service: input_number.increment
          entity_id: input_number.robot_aspirador_numero_de_limpiezas
        data: {}
      - service: notify.push_msg_javier
          title: Limpiar a Rogelia
          message: El robot aspirador ya ha realizado 4 limpiezas y debe ser vaciado.
      - service: notify.mail_javier
          title: Limpiar a Rogelia
          message: El robot aspirador ya ha realizado 4 limpiezas y debe ser vaciado.
mode: single
icon: mdi:vacuum

To set it to 0, I have put a control panel in the menu where I can see the number of cleanings it has done and modify it.


if, for whatever reason, on the fourth cleaning I don’t clean and leave the counter at 0, it will continue to warn me after each cleaning.

I do something similar and use the counter to send the vacuum to the trash can and message me.

If you want to create a really luxurious version for a vacuum bin notification, then you could also create a datetime input helper or timestamp sensor when you last emptied the bin.

Once you have that then you can use that as the start time for a history sensor to see how long the vacuum has ran since then, and trigger when the runtime exceeds a certain duration:

In fact, I’m so happy with myself for thinking of this, I’ll go ahead and create something like it for myself. If I have time, I might even combine it with a task that I check when done, and create a new when when bin emptying is needed!

That does not seem like a script that you would have a need to run manually or with another automation. So, I would have put the actions in the automation instead of making a separate script to call.

But, I also would have marked the post that told you how to do it as the answer. :zipper_mouth_face:

I did a full writeup, not only on how to see how long a vacuum has been used, but also how to integrate that with todo items and actionable notifications. Have fun!

you might consider using the MeasureIT integration from @daniel_d
it provides counters and stop-watches, that measure for defined times or unlimited until you reset it.
Extremely useful