Create an "Upcoming Sports Game" card with Google Calendar

The only difference I see is you have a capital “A” in your timestamp code. Not sure if that matters or not, but worth testing it lowercase to see if it fixes it. Other than that, I’m really not sure.

Damn. I changed it on purpose to Capital A. But also with a% its not working.

I asked @finity who is clearly the guru of all date related issues.

He/she pointed out a mistake in the card code which caused the mistake for me

state: >-

Has to be replaced with the sensor that was added in the config.yaml

 state: "{{states('sensor.yoursensorname_date') }}"

Maybe it would be good to point that out somewhere

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I’ve used this amazing sports card setup since inception. However I noticed that one of the latest HA updates must have done something to screw with it and I’m trying to mend it. Basically my subscribed calendars aren’t being picked up in HA anymore, thus my sports card is an ugly mess of errors. Im using 3 different subscribed calendars to pick up variables to populate my card…

Except for the calendar that I had set up in Google Dev (the other two subscribed calendars weren’t set up in Dev, but they showed up in HA before and worked fine(?)). I haven’t been able to find any solutions or explanations, so I’m hoping someone else here has had the same issue, and solved it.

This is great but is there a way to change the colour of the of the date text if its within a certain timeframe (such as 3 days away)?