Create sensor with value of entity attribute?

I’m looking at the entity and I opening settings then expanding the drop down to reveal attributes

That doesn’t really reflect when someone started using HA.
Someone could have registered to ask a question.
Or it has been a slow process.
Look at Hibbert. He installed and couldn’t make it and left it in a drawer for more than a year.

I have used basic features for a year in combination with a hubitat to make things easier easier and have recently getting an odroid n2+ and transitioned to just using the home assistant. Also this isn’t exactly easy to figure out and the documentation is a bit cryptic if you don’t already know what their referencing in it so :man_shrugging:

Still not sure where you are looking.
But as said, look in the developer tools → states.

That’s correct. But if you look about I just described where I was looking if your curious.

And I’ve not had to use developer tools before.

If you don’t want to help someone that knows less than you about a particular subject your free not to. You seem to have some assumptions that you should reconsider your opinion based on these things

  1. Everyone learns at the same speed about all subjects
  2. Everyone has unlimited free time to be learning
  3. Everyone who registers on here Immediately buckles down and learns everything about home assistant.
  4. All the information is not just publicly available but available in an easy to learn format.
  5. Home assistant is priority in the life of everyone who registers for an account.

A1. Not true
A2. Also not true
A3. Only true if you immediately plan on using this and want to learn all about it.
A4. I cannot find YouTube videos explaining many things in here because their third party custom Integrations.
A5. The purpose of a smart home is to do less and make things easier, learning tons of stuff to do that is somewhat counterintuitive, logically speaking, though obviously the benefits outweigh the effort required. Usually the priority is to do less.

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Are you answering the wrong person or what?
I have not said anything like that, I said the opposite!

It doesn’t make sense! You’re looking at the entity? Yes! WHERE?!!!
There is lots of places to look at an entity.
We are trying to help, if you don’t want any more help then I’m fine with that.
Good luck

Oh ya I commented on the wrong one

Try this sensor:

  - sensor:
      - name: "location"
        state: "{{state_attr('device_tracker.person', 'place')}}"
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I appreciate it but I actually got it working lol. It’s essentially exactly what you typed up. More or less. It’s crazy how many features this thing has that I didn’t even realize.

So the answer was already there something like 10 posts ago, but instead of using it you had to rant and discuss lol

Umm I did something wrong that’s why the answer didn’t work. My lack of understanding is why his answer didn’t work. Which was apparently a problem for some guy so I explained why I registered a year ago and and not yet an expert in all things home assistant, and explained that if he didn’t want to help he didn’t have to. Because saying “your not as smart as I think you should be” isn’t exactly going to help me I don’t think. At least not in this matter.

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I’m talking about the answer from finity

anyway, good that you got it to work.

I have a sensor (sensor.fordpass.tire_pressure) where I’m trying to extract specific values (eg LeftFrontTirePressure). Here is the code I wrote up:

- sensor:
    - name: "Left Front Tire"
      unit_of_measurement: "psi"
      state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.fordpass_tirepressure', 'LeftFrontTirePressure') }}"

The sensor gets created, however the value is Unknown. Any idea where I might be going wrong?

goto Dev tools → set state
select “sensor.fordpass_tirepressure”
find out a real name for the “LeftFrontTirePressure” attribute

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Shoot…I thought I had the name right but I was off one capitalization. Thank you!

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