Created custom colorizable hue icons as a lovelace resource

I have managed a few samples, very simple but these are working.
Created a mirrored version of the wall-appear to show up/down, a flat ensis and a floor-ball lamp. The last one not a HUE-device so of no use to you I suppose otherwise let me know and can upload here.

For the text on Github you might want to add; pressing CTRL-F5 will force cache update on most browsers.
Thanks for your tips and keep up the good work.

Glad you were able to get this going. Its really good to see people adapting it to their needs. I hadn’t thought of a separate up version of the wall-appear, as every picture I’ve seen of it has the same light in both directions. That said, I’m actually undertaking a bit of a project to create rotated versions of lots of the icons presently, as people have started requesting hanging versions of various bulbs.

If you have a github account, have you considered forking hass-hue-icons and making changes in your copy? That way, when I next push a release you will be able to merge my changes into yours, and then put the resulting script into HA. If not, each time I release you’ll get overwritten or become stale.

As you say, I won’t be adding a ball lamp to the repo, so you’ll need a way to bring my changes into yours if you want to keep up to date.

Well done, though. Its really great to see people taking this forwards.

I did fork the Github repository and now also know how to update from your updates. Just starting with all this. Slow steps and I’ll get there in the end :grin:

If your updating icons you might consider reducing the ensis-icons as these are slightly too big for the Light card in my opinion. They only fit when using 1 column in the grid, when using 2 or more it touches the circular control.

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I updated the HACS extension and now all the icons are HUGE! Is this an issue- or is this something I can fix?

It’s not something I’ve seen or heard of before. I don’t see the same behaviour on mine, but will update everything incase I’m missing something.

Is this in Lovelace standard, or when you’re running a particular card plug-in?

Hi, thank you so much for the awesome graphics work on the icons - I love them!

I am setting up a brand new HA system and wanted to make sure this is expected behavior:

  1. I followed instructions on installing HACS and restarted HA
  2. It wanted to connect to something on github and I needed to authorize that
  3. Started up HACS, ran into some rate limit thing so I waited a while then restarted HA and the problem went away. Not sure what’s going on there.
  4. I was able to install your icon set following the manual instructions, including adding the FrontEnd lines into the configuration.ini
  5. restarted HA to apply

Once I click on a device in Lovelace, I go to settings and under icons I see mdi: stuff there as usual. If I type hue: nothing happens but if I manually enter hue:bloom for example and click update, the icon changes to the bloom icon and it’s all good.

So now I reference the name from the chart on your github page to get the right names and have been updating my devices that way.

But somewhere up above in this forum Andy_Allsopp shows how the hue: entry pops up icons like it does now for mdi:. Did I do something wrong in the installation? Or is that some up and coming feature?

As I said, I just installed it today so I think it’s the latest version released.

Thanks! And thanks again for the wonderful work.

Hey there @dmcentire. It’s interesting that the mdi iconpicker works, but the hue one does not. I’m wondering if you’re perhaps running an older version of HA?

The HACS rate limiter is normal behaviour. It settles down after a few hours. Once done, I’d be tempted to reinstall via HACS as this will prompt you when there are updates available.

I’m running v1.1.15 of hass hue icons, and 2021.11.5 of HA and 20211109.0 of front end and the picker works for me on iOS and desktop.

From my system:

Home Assistant 2021.11.5

Path to configuration.yaml: /config
Frontend version: 20211109.0 - latest

Hue icons: v1.1.15

Also, in my configuration.ini:

# hue icons
    - /hacsfiles/hass-hue-icons/hass-hue-icons.js

Hmm, things are a bit flaky for me. For one lucky minute they were working. When I typed “pool” I also saw hue:room-pool (or something like that) and when I typed hue:bloom it also popped up.

But I’m also trying to install the fontawesome icons so I’m hitting refresh on my browser but now it’s not working again. I’ve refreshed the browser but I’ll update this if I figure out anything.

Ok. Does sound like something has gone a

Yep. Looks like something is unhappy as you’re on the same versions as most of us and the issues you describe aren’t common. Let me know if you find stability. There have been a few changes in HA of late that have thrown off plugins, with some libraries moving over to full blown integrations just to avoid the styling conflicts introduced. Hopefully it’ll settle down.

The iconpicker functionality we are leveraging is new to HA, so potentially there’s some as yet undocumented misbehaviour for certain browsers.

I updated hass hue icons to v1.2.0 today. We are now leveraging the keywords functionality in home assistant to provide aliases for your fixtures. No more having to remember that “calla” is actually “bollard”, etc :slight_smile:

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The Hue icons used in custom:slider-button-card placed in the grid card.

Thanx Andy for adding the hue:bulb-group-pillar-turaco-short-tall icon.

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Thanks for sharing this @emilezweep. Looks amazing. I love the way the icons tie in with the brightness slider.

I’m using your icons quite a while now, but all that time I forgot to say I :heartpulse: you… :wink:

Your work is much appreciated !

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Thank you, @KnockKnock. Much appreciated. I do see them creeping into screenshots on FB and Reddit posts, and it’s always nice to hear back from another user.

I’m a complete newb to all of this so could just be some fundamental misunderstanding on my part but I had to use slightly different steps to install this on a new setup of HA vs the instructions…

Adding via HACS, I don’t see ‘Install this repository in HACS’ rather a button to ‘Download to HACS.’ Rather than in /hacsfiles the files end up in a /community folder and the change to the config file needed to be pointed there. Again, not sure if that’s how it should be or just a result of my newbness. Works great from there. Thanks.

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Glad you got it working. Perhaps the recent amends to the HA user interface have changed some of the words around. I’ll attempt an uninstall then put it back to see what’s shown on my side.

Thanks for the pointer!

First, big thanks @Mariusthvdb ! Great work - love it :slight_smile:
Users who like to build their own icons might use a slightly modified version of your js-code and are ready to start to build their own list (just replace each “hue” for your “name” e.g “own” in the js-script) and delete all hue path except for one and save the script with a new name. Add the new script to the www folder in config and add it as resource in HA under Configuartion - Dashboards. Now you can start to replace the last hue path with your own creation. A simple way to start building your own paths is here: where you easily see what happens. (remember the size is 24 x 24 and all paths have to be closed - you are not able to create a simple line by “M0,0L12,12z” it would need “M0,0L12,12,h0.25,L0.25,0z”) Example Box showing the dimension of an icon “M0,0h24v24h-24Z M0.5,0.5v23h23v-23z”.
Also, remember to delete the browser cache for pics and data after you have added a new icon to the script and thereafter reload the home assistant page. Otherwise, the browser uses the “old” version of your script out of the cache. For the mobile companion app go to: Configuration - Companion App - Debuggen - Reset Frontend Cache (took me a while to find it :wink: )

Bit of a landmark day today, as hass-hue-icons now has 350 custom icons! What started off as a hope to differentiate the light over my breakfast bar from the other lamps in the house has really expanded into quite the extensive set of fixtures.

I’m very grateful to the community for continuing to make custom icon requests for their hue lamps, as without these the library would be considerably poorer. Its meant a lot of time for me in illustrator, but the effort pays off in being able to give something back to HA.

In addition to the icons you’ll find in the hue app, here are the some of the custom ones I’ve created:

Icon Name Icon Name
hue:adore-alt-off hue:adore-alt-off hue:adore-alt hue:adore-alt
hue:adore-mirror hue:adore-mirror hue:adore hue:adore
hue:amarant hue:amarant hue:amaze-alt-off hue:amaze-alt-off
hue:amaze-alt hue:amaze-alt hue:amaze-off hue:amaze-off
hue:amaze hue:amaze hue:aura-group-off hue:aura-group-off
hue:aura-group hue:aura-group hue:aura-off hue:aura-off
hue:aura hue:aura hue:beyond-down-group-off hue:beyond-down-group-off
hue:beyond-down-group hue:beyond-down-group hue:beyond-down-off hue:beyond-down-off
hue:beyond-down hue:beyond-down hue:beyond-group-off hue:beyond-group-off
hue:beyond-group hue:beyond-group hue:beyond-off hue:beyond-off
hue:beyond-solid-group-off hue:beyond-solid-group-off hue:beyond-solid-group hue:beyond-solid-group
hue:beyond-solid-off hue:beyond-solid-off hue:beyond-solid hue:beyond-solid
hue:beyond-up-group-off hue:beyond-up-group-off hue:beyond-up-group hue:beyond-up-group
hue:beyond-up-off hue:beyond-up-off hue:beyond-up hue:beyond-up
hue:beyond hue:beyond hue:bloom-group hue:bloom-group
hue:bulb-candle-hung-off hue:bulb-candle-hung-off hue:bulb-candle-hung hue:bulb-candle-hung
hue:bulb-candle-off hue:bulb-candle-off hue:bulb-classic-hung-off hue:bulb-classic-hung-off
hue:bulb-classic-hung hue:bulb-classic-hung hue:bulb-classic-off hue:bulb-classic-off
hue:bulb-filament-alt-hung hue:bulb-filament-alt-hung hue:bulb-filament-alt hue:bulb-filament-alt
hue:bulb-filament-candle hue:bulb-filament-candle hue:bulb-filament-hung-off hue:bulb-filament-hung-off
hue:bulb-filament-hung hue:bulb-filament-hung hue:bulb-filament-off hue:bulb-filament-off
hue:bulb-golfball-e14 hue:bulb-golfball-e14 hue:bulb-group-bollard-3-off hue:bulb-group-bollard-3-off
hue:bulb-group-bollard-3 hue:bulb-group-bollard-3 hue:bulb-group-bollard-wall-appear hue:bulb-group-bollard-wall-appear
hue:bulb-group-bollard hue:bulb-group-bollard hue:bulb-group-candle-lightstrip hue:bulb-group-candle-lightstrip
hue:bulb-group-candle hue:bulb-group-candle hue:bulb-group-ceiling-flush-circular hue:bulb-group-ceiling-flush-circular
hue:bulb-group-ceiling-round hue:bulb-group-ceiling-round hue:bulb-group-ceiling-square hue:bulb-group-ceiling-square
hue:bulb-group-centura-round hue:bulb-group-centura-round hue:bulb-group-centura hue:bulb-group-centura
hue:bulb-group-classic-3-alt hue:bulb-group-classic-3-alt hue:bulb-group-classic-3 hue:bulb-group-classic-3
hue:bulb-group-classic-4-alt hue:bulb-group-classic-4-alt hue:bulb-group-classic-4 hue:bulb-group-classic-4
hue:bulb-group-classic-hung-3-alt hue:bulb-group-classic-hung-3-alt hue:bulb-group-classic-hung-3 hue:bulb-group-classic-hung-3
hue:bulb-group-classic-hung-4-alt hue:bulb-group-classic-hung-4-alt hue:bulb-group-classic-hung-4 hue:bulb-group-classic-hung-4
hue:bulb-group-classic-hung hue:bulb-group-classic-hung hue:bulb-group-classic hue:bulb-group-classic
hue:bulb-group-filament-alt-filament-hung hue:bulb-group-filament-alt-filament-hung hue:bulb-group-filament-alt-hung hue:bulb-group-filament-alt-hung
hue:bulb-group-filament-alt hue:bulb-group-filament-alt hue:bulb-group-filament-candle hue:bulb-group-filament-candle
hue:bulb-group-filament-filament-alt-hung hue:bulb-group-filament-filament-alt-hung hue:bulb-group-filament-filament-alt hue:bulb-group-filament-filament-alt
hue:bulb-group-filament-go hue:bulb-group-filament-go hue:bulb-group-filament-hung hue:bulb-group-filament-hung
hue:bulb-group-filament-spot hue:bulb-group-filament-spot hue:bulb-group-filament-sultan hue:bulb-group-filament-sultan
hue:bulb-group-filament hue:bulb-group-filament hue:bulb-group-go-filament hue:bulb-group-go-filament
hue:bulb-group-go-sultan hue:bulb-group-go-sultan hue:bulb-group-golfball-e14 hue:bulb-group-golfball-e14
hue:bulb-group-lightstrip-v hue:bulb-group-lightstrip-v hue:bulb-group-lightstrip hue:bulb-group-lightstrip
hue:bulb-group-par-38 hue:bulb-group-par-38 hue:bulb-group-pillar-impress-3 hue:bulb-group-pillar-impress-3
hue:bulb-group-pillar-impress-short hue:bulb-group-pillar-impress-short hue:bulb-group-pillar-impress hue:bulb-group-pillar-impress
hue:bulb-group-pillar-turaco-short-tall hue:bulb-group-pillar-turaco-short-tall hue:bulb-group-spot hue:bulb-group-spot
hue:bulb-group-sultan-go hue:bulb-group-sultan-go hue:bulb-group-sultan-lightstrip-off hue:bulb-group-sultan-lightstrip-off
hue:bulb-group-sultan-lightstrip hue:bulb-group-sultan-lightstrip hue:bulb-group-sultan-spot-off hue:bulb-group-sultan-spot-off
hue:bulb-group-sultan-spot hue:bulb-group-sultan-spot hue:bulb-group-wall-nyro-flood-alt hue:bulb-group-wall-nyro-flood-alt
hue:bulb-group-wall-nyro-flood hue:bulb-group-wall-nyro-flood hue:bulb-par-38 hue:bulb-par-38
hue:bulb-spot-off hue:bulb-spot-off hue:bulb-sultan-off hue:bulb-sultan-off
hue:button hue:button hue:ceiling-adore-alt-flush hue:ceiling-adore-alt-flush
hue:ceiling-adore-alt hue:ceiling-adore-alt hue:ceiling-adore-flush hue:ceiling-adore-flush
hue:ceiling-adore hue:ceiling-adore hue:ceiling-aurelle-circle-off hue:ceiling-aurelle-circle-off
hue:ceiling-aurelle-circle hue:ceiling-aurelle-circle hue:ceiling-aurelle-off hue:ceiling-aurelle-off
hue:ceiling-aurelle-rect hue:ceiling-aurelle-rect hue:ceiling-aurelle hue:ceiling-aurelle
hue:ceiling-being hue:ceiling-being hue:ceiling-beyond-alt hue:ceiling-beyond-alt
hue:ceiling-beyond hue:ceiling-beyond hue:ceiling-buckram-three hue:ceiling-buckram-three
hue:ceiling-buckram-two hue:ceiling-buckram-two hue:ceiling-buckram hue:ceiling-buckram
hue:ceiling-buratto-four hue:ceiling-buratto-four hue:ceiling-buratto-three hue:ceiling-buratto-three
hue:ceiling-buratto-two-off hue:ceiling-buratto-two-off hue:ceiling-buratto-two hue:ceiling-buratto-two
hue:ceiling-buratto hue:ceiling-buratto hue:ceiling-cher-semiflush hue:ceiling-cher-semiflush
hue:ceiling-devere hue:ceiling-devere hue:ceiling-explore hue:ceiling-explore
hue:ceiling-fair-semiflush hue:ceiling-fair-semiflush hue:ceiling-fair hue:ceiling-fair
hue:ceiling-flourish-pendant hue:ceiling-flourish-pendant hue:ceiling-flourish hue:ceiling-flourish
hue:ceiling-flush-circular hue:ceiling-flush-circular hue:ceiling-fugato-four-alt hue:ceiling-fugato-four-alt
hue:ceiling-fugato-four hue:ceiling-fugato-four hue:ceiling-fugato-three-alt hue:ceiling-fugato-three-alt
hue:ceiling-fugato-three hue:ceiling-fugato-three hue:ceiling-fugato-two-alt hue:ceiling-fugato-two-alt
hue:ceiling-fugato-two-off hue:ceiling-fugato-two-off hue:ceiling-fugato-two hue:ceiling-fugato-two
hue:ceiling-infuse hue:ceiling-infuse hue:ceiling-muscari hue:ceiling-muscari
hue:ceiling-rect-off hue:ceiling-rect-off hue:ceiling-rect hue:ceiling-rect
hue:ceiling-runner-three-bulb-one hue:ceiling-runner-three-bulb-one hue:ceiling-runner-three-bulb-three hue:ceiling-runner-three-bulb-three
hue:ceiling-runner-three-bulb-two hue:ceiling-runner-three-bulb-two hue:ceiling-runner-three hue:ceiling-runner-three
hue:ceiling-runner-two-bulb-one hue:ceiling-runner-two-bulb-one hue:ceiling-runner-two-bulb-two hue:ceiling-runner-two-bulb-two
hue:ceiling-runner-two hue:ceiling-runner-two hue:ceiling-runner hue:ceiling-runner
hue:ceiling-still hue:ceiling-still hue:ceiling-surimu hue:ceiling-surimu
hue:ceiling-xamento hue:ceiling-xamento hue:centris-off hue:centris-off
hue:centris-three-off hue:centris-three-off hue:centris-three hue:centris-three
hue:centris-two-off hue:centris-two-off hue:centris-two hue:centris-two
hue:centris hue:centris hue:centura-round hue:centura-round
hue:centura-two hue:centura-two hue:centura hue:centura
hue:daylo-wall hue:daylo-wall hue:double-spot-off hue:double-spot-off
hue:ensis-up hue:ensis-up hue:ensis hue:ensis
hue:entertainment-area hue:entertainment-area hue:floor-lantern-group hue:floor-lantern-group
hue:floor-lantern-off hue:floor-lantern-off hue:floor-shade-off hue:floor-shade-off
hue:floor-spot-off hue:floor-spot-off hue:flourish-alt-off hue:flourish-alt-off
hue:flourish-alt hue:flourish-alt hue:flourish hue:flourish