Creating groups within a component

I have a question about component development. My component will be used to monitor the state of bike sharing stations around the city (or several cities, for people commuting between cities).

It seems like a good idea to me that the configuration of the component should include a list of areas to monitor (see example below), and each area would generate a group of monitored stations around that area (with each station being an entity, and the amount of available bikes being the entity’s state).

However, I can’t find any component that goes about creating groups on its own like that, and I want to make sure that it’s acceptable. If not, what other approach should I use?

Sample configuration:

  - name: Home stations
    radius: 500

  - name: Work stations
    latitude: xxx
    longitude: yyy
    radius: 700

  - name: Extra stations
      - id1
      - id2
      - id3

I think the Plex component does this to dynamically create groups based on clients. I don’t really use it any more but I do remember that being part of it when I beta tested it. I don’t think it’s part of the current client version in HA but the thread should give a link to the code. Or at least an idea. And you can always ask the OP.

I’ll take a look at it, thanks!

Any news on this ? Would be nice to creat dynamic groups for a custom component.

I don’t know how to create groups but custom ui can filter existing groups so that you can do stuff like show all entities that are ‘on’.