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I agree that the web ui is perfectly fine. I use homebrige so i already gave the the homekit ui to use for mist things. Just need notifications.

Thanks for your efforts!


I know that I’m pretty much echoing what others have said, but if this app can be a portal to the frontend UI, but with integration into the native iOS notifications and with Location Services tracking, that would be more than adequate for now. People are going to spend a lot of time on their frontend and they’ll expect an app to emulate that.

In the future, you could work on implementing the web UI as native controls, but really apps are moving towards HTML-based GUI anyway

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@robbiet480 is it normal the app uses that much mobile data? on my iPhone it doesn’t use a lot of data, but on my wife’s iPhone it uses a lot of data.
The only difference between our use cases is that she’s a lot more at home than I am and I have an automation that calls for a location update whenever our nmap entity changes state.
We don’t open the app at all

on a second note: is there a way to have the app working immediately when we restart our HA server? Now when I restart my server, the app doesn’t send it’s location to our server unless I open the app on each device manually once. Notifications are coming in however

furthermore I would also agree with everyone to just open the web UI in the app itself. It will make it easier to control everything + all components (and custom components) will work as well in the app :slight_smile:

I would also like to know about getting an update from the app with location and iPhone stats. Mine are always out of date, and it always thinks I’m away after a reboot.

I have no idea what would be causing so much data usage. How much data is used specifically? Is this happening while in the background or foreground?

That’s more of an issue with HASS than the app itself. @kellerza just implemented some work in the last release to allow for storage of states across reboots which would fix it. I can’t think of a good way to fix this in the iOS app.

The update happens every time the phone checks in with location. I can’t increase that anymore because I can only have the app woken in the background for very specific events. Maybe I can try to send it when a (possibly special) notification comes in…

hi Robbie,

the app is always force closed on our iphones. the only thing the app is used for on my wife’s iphone is to send location information. last month she used over 100Mb of mobile data with the app while she never opened it.

the fix from @kellerza that you mention will not work for the issue I’m having. I’m having the same issue that @lindsayward is describing.
Actually, when I restart my HASS server, I don’t mind that the initial state of my device_trackers is away but the problem I’m having is that after I’ve restarted HASS, I need to open the iOS app on every device before it will send my location update. Notifications are incoming, but for some reason the app isn’t sending my location, no matter how much I move. Sending the request_location_update notification doesn’t work either.

For the realm issue it sounds like ur wanting to do a partial update of a few select fields while leaving the rest untouched.
There is a way to do this, instead of updating it with an object which will use default values for any field not supplied you can instead pass a dictionary with only the fields u want to modify.


// Assuming a "Book" with a primary key of `1` already exists.
try! realm.write {
  realm.create(Book.self, value: ["id": 1, "price": 9000.0], update: true)
  // the book's `title` property will remain unchanged.

Hey @Ekips, thanks for the suggestion. I would still need to build a solution to pull the existing object out of the database and then compare it with the new object as Home Assistant doesn’t give me deltas when the state of an entity changes. Furthermore, because I did everything with subclassing (so we have a LightComponent class which inherits from the base Entity class, etc) I would have to write that comparison code against every component I believe.

Hi @robbiet480, is there any chance you could share the app as an ipa or deb file for jailbroken users to install and beta for now until the apple approval is sorted?


The project is open source. You can download it here:

But unless you have apple paid dev account you cannot get push notifications unfortunately :frowning:

until the app is ready… using facebook messenger, telegram or pushbullet all work well. Im using all three and theyre very easy to set up if you follow the instructions on the HA website. Although pushbullet is a bit annoying in that it only shows you the subject in your notification.

FYI - For PushBullet, using the “title” data will allow the text to show up as the subject on your phone (without opening the app). The “message” data does not show until you open the app unless you change your notification style on your phone.

service: notify.pushbullet
  title: "This will show on the locked screen"
  message: "This will not show on the locked screen"
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Any update on when the app will be released in the App Store?


I think the reality of releasing on iOS has slowed this project down greatly. I would not blame Robbie if he abandons it as it’s clearly moved beyond a hobby project for one guy to get done.

But robbie has also kindly shared the code on GH, so hopefully others will contribute to the project, and maybe take it as far as the AppStore.

Let’s try this again, shall we?

Apologies for the lack of communication since I posted this, I got insanely busy at work and it only got better today. I just pushed build 52 which has all the changes that I said needed to be made and submitted it to the App Store for review. Will keep y’all posted on its progress!


Super, @robbiet480!!
Thank you very much :slight_smile:
I have tried both versions that were available today, and it’s looking good :thumbsup:
When I first loaded it, the webview might have loaded the font really slowly, so it showed the password form without any text, but I just logged in.
Well done, and let’s hope for a positive result with the app store approval.

I’m curious how apple is going to react to the WebView, but I’m happy to see this app in the store.