Custom animated weather card for Lovelace

Hi with this card (or maybe the original lovelace weather card instead) can you replace the current temperatur that is shown with values my actual outdoor temperatur sensor is measuring?

Thanks and best regards

did you ever find a solution to this?


The card is very nice, but i wonder if the unit for pressure can be changed by me.
I am used with mmHg instead of HPa and conversion is 0,75006156130264.
weather-card.js has 213-216 lines related to pressure display but how can i multiply what it currently gets with conversion factor ?

I would like to point out that as soon as I upgraded from 2021.1.1 to 2021.1.3 my ā€˜weather-cardā€™ card no longer worked correctly instead of showing MON TUE WEDNESDAY THU FRI always shows the day MON

Is there a way that i can change the size of the name ?

Sorry i dont know

Hi, did you ever get this to work? I would really love to use my own temperature sensor. But entity_temperature as suggested doesnā€™t work.

Iā€™m using the card from HACSā€¦there seem to be different versions of this card aroundā€¦which is quite confusingā€¦maybe a different version is able to do this?

No, sorry. I finally gave up and took on some other HA challenges instead. Though, it would be really nice to be able to show your own temperature, humidity and wind.

Thanks for your replyā€¦itā€™s a pity for this is holding me back from using the ā€œcurrentā€ card partā€¦my external sensor just shows more accurate data than the one from the weather entity. And both showing different values gets confusing.

The weird thing is that the old version of the card (non lit version) seems to have the ability to use different sensorsā€¦but I donā€™t want to install the old version for the sake of performanceā€¦

Hi, is there any way to customize what values to show in the forecast?


I would only like to show icon, min and max tempā€¦


Solved it by hiding the un-wanted divs with card-mod

I have no error but have a blank screen now. Not sure it is due to recent upgrades to the system?

Anything I need to look at?

Although I use a modified version of this card, I suspect the following applies to this card tooā€¦

Last night my weather forecast hit the exceptional
condition (see last line)

const weatherIconsDay = {
  clear: "day",
  "clear-night": "night",
  cloudy: "cloudy",
  fog: "cloudy",
  "windy-variant": "cloudy-day-3",
  exceptional: "!!",

and it wanted to use the icon named ā€œ!!.svgā€ which I donā€™t have. Any ideas for a good Icon to use in this case?

This may sound like a trivial question,
Can I make the card background transparent.
I may add that I am using the card as an element in a picture-elements card

Maybe look at card-mod?

Thanks for your answer.
Yes I have card-mod installed.

However in a picture element card I have a hard time getting the formatting from card-mod and the one from the element to execute

See: Style not considered in picture element card

Another trivial question:
Is it possible to modify card height?

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Please tell me how you managed to hide unnecessary elements.
Iā€™m just getting started with card-mod.
So far we have only managed to make a transparent background.
I guess what needs to be removed:
but the command display: none; - does not work.
Or I have a syntax problem.

            div.lowTemp {display: none;}     
            div.precipitation_probability {display: none;} 
            div.precipitation {display: none;}  

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I have my own solar weather station, so I wonder if it is possible to replace current temp, humidity and pressure with the values with from my weather station. If this is possible then where is it in the card config in Lovelace or is a specific value in the code of the card? Any tips? Thx.

In the config of the card you pass through the entity you want to use for temperature. Itā€™s fully configurable. Are you sure you are using this card?