Custom Cards? These instructions don't make sense

Or HA automations :slight_smile:

Can climate components be grouped?

I don’t use node red… I’d just use an automation triggered by state and then adjust the rest accordingly. Could be an interesting automation… You could check for state as a trigger for each thermostat and then use last_changed to see which one triggered it and then use that value to set all of them to that value… just spitballing… there are cleverer people than me here

NodeRED super simple…same concept. I would just use regex to watch all ^climate.sanctuary* entities for changes to specific attributes and pass those changes through to an action to change all of the others.

The real trick would be to get all 6 to change to the most recently updated of the 7, no matter which of the 7 it was.

To answer my own question, climate entities do not appear to be groupable.

The only thing I see missing from most instructions is that you need to HARD reload the webpage for HA to start fetching the new URL.
I think I need to add a popup in HACS to ask you to do that after you install/uninstall a card.


That’s gotten me a few times. Even ctrl-F5 doesn’t always seem to work.

I always just do a F12->“empty cache and hard reload” every time now.

Same. If only there was a hot key to do that.

Where exactly is that “empty cache and reload” button (I assume Chrome)?

It’s a hidden gem
Step 1: Open developer-tools (F12 /ctrl+shift+i)
Step 2: Right-click on the reload icon.
Step 3: Select “Empty Cache and Hard Reload”

Thank you. Easy when you know how!

For the ease of idiots like me, the reload button is the regular browser reload button, not something you need to look for in the f12/developer tools panel. :slight_smile:

Didn’t it used to be as simple as shift-reload?

Well, I created some template sensors to watch the temperature and fan_mode attributes as states, then in NodeRED, I created a state trigger that watches all of the thermostats, which subsequently fires off a service call to all of them…

…and now that the Honeywell MyTotalConnect actually integrates with HA, if I change the temp at the thermostat, the attribute updates, kicking off the automation which sets all of the rest of the thermostats. Now we don’t have to walk the building manually adjusting.

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That doesn’t do the hard reload…

If you are browsing without SSL that works.
When you use SSL, you also get a service worker that caches elements

Kinda late and mostly unrelated but if you open the dev tools (F12) in Chrome, just right click the reload button afterwards. There are options to reload after clearing the cache.
I even installed a plug in to reload after cleaning the cache, as I need it really often for my job.

lots of cards have no GUI

That was the clue I needed to solve this TY.
Stand alone a custom Card wouldn’t work for me but if you add it to a Horizontal or Vertical Stack (and don’t add anything else) there it is !!!