Custom Classes for customize.yaml?

Is it, or will it be possible to create custom classes for the customize.yaml file?

For example, I have sonoff switches for which I have created a status panel of binary sensors to let me know that the sonoff device is connected, using the connectivity class.

Ideally, I’d like to be able to customize the values reported on the UI in accordance with the true / false status of the binary_sensor as well as a custom icon for that class…

…something other than what appears to be a network connection icon (for the connectivity class.)

Any ideas?

I don’t think you can do it with customize however you could create a custom component like this one Better looking device tracker

I monitor everything like what you’re trying to achieve I personally use template sensor to get the status and icon I want. You can find examples in my github under packages/system_status and things_status, I also monitor my zigbee devices that are auto discovered and cant be device tracked in the normal methods under packages/xiaomi