Custom component Afvalbeheer - Support for multiple waste collectors

Sadly no:

Hey Pippin,

PMD is still not working and I just noticed that sensor today and tomorrow have a state unknown? Could I help with something to find the problem?

As I said in the post above:

You are using the wrong resource. Change PMD to PBD in your config and all should be fine.
(With a wrong resource, in your case PMD, the today and tomorrow sensors won’t work. This is a known issue and will be fixed in a future release.)

Thanks Pippyn, for your quick reply. I didn’t understood you correct. Everything is now working fine.

NEW BETA 3.0.0

Because CURE (the first waste collector this sensor supported) switched to a different API, I wanted to integrate this new API in this sensor too. So I made a new version of the Afvalbeheer sensor.
It now supports the mijnafvalwijzer and afvalstoffendienstkalender.

This is a Beta version and may cause problems, use at own risk!

That said; I tested it a lot and it’s stable on my system.
To test the new version replace the contents of with this beta version.

If you encounter any issues with this beta please report them in this issue.


I used Afvalbeheer custom component for while and it’s very nice.
a few days ago is setup up a dark theme and the icons are less visible now. Is there a way to change the color of the icons? i used buildin icons now. Or a way that i can invertert the colors, like the text, by a dark theme?
dark theme

You can change to icon of every entity in HA. Look at the docs.

BTW those are not the buildin icons (maybe those are the icons from Avalex?),
The buildin icons look like this:

Hi Pippyn,

Thank you for the quick response. Sorry i mean indeed the icons of avalex. is it possible to change these?

Yeah sure! As i said every icon of every sensor is changable in HA. See

I know and i have read the documentation. But i’m really new to this. I was hoping you could show an example or something.
I use the icons from avalex and if i take a look this should by the entity_picture:


How can i ever change te color of this based on the theme i have set, or change the whole picture? If i can find how i can get this picture i can change the color by myself.

I’m trying to make an automation which send me a notification, if the state of sensor.dar_morgen exist has one fraction it’s working fine but if the state of sensor.dar_morgen exists out of two fractions, like the example below, it’s not working. Can someone give me a tip how to solve this.

There are examples in the docs;

Look at thermostat.family_room in the example on how to set the entity_picture. You can set it to a svg (even encoded in base64 as the sensor does) or png/jpg/gif

If you put restafval,pmd in quotes, this should work.

But I wouldn’t use the today and tomorrow sensors this way. I would make the automation more general and sent a notification for all states of the tomorrow sensor.

I’ll tried quotes but that doesn’t do the trick. I’m not a programmer so I have to think how to tackle this in a more general way. Do you have some tips to point me in the right direction ?

Any change support will come for AGSO?

Is this dead?

Did you read the topic?
There is my other sensor:

But I’m working on integrating all the waste sensors into one. So shortly (this week) the other sensors will be deprecated.

Hi thx for your reply.
No i didnt read all 237 posts, thats right (only beginning). Sorry.

So you’re saying you will merge the belgium wate collectors into this one? Then i should just wait this week…

Thx for the insight ! Will keep this one close to my eye :wink:

As soon as its released i will use it.
Thx for the effort !

The newest version of afvalbeheer supports Install version 3.1.0 (or higher)

Got it running with following code

  - platform: afvalbeheer
    wastecollector: ophaalkalender
      - restafval
      - papier
      - pmd
    postcode: !secret ophaalkalender_postcode
    streetname: !secret ophaalkalender_streetname

Next up:

  • adding to lovelace
  • adding pushmessages
  • adding google speech

one question though: i installed it manually.
I found some different waste addons on hacs,
how do i let it autoupdate?