Custom component Afvalbeheer - Support for multiple waste collectors

# Meerlanden
  - platform: afvalbeheer
    wastecollector: Meerlanden
      - restafval
      - gft
      - takken
      - grofvuil
    postcode: !secret postcode
    streetnumber: !secret number
    streetname: !secret streetname
    upcomingsensor: 1
    nameprefix: 1
    dateformat: '%d-%m-%Y'
    builtinicons: 1
    dutch: 1
  - platform: afvalbeheer
    wastecollector: Meerlanden
      - papier
    postcode: !secret postcode2
    streetnumber: !secret number2
    streetname: !secret streetname2
    upcomingsensor: 1
    nameprefix: 1
    dateformat: '%d-%m-%Y'
    builtinicons: 1
    dutch: 1

Nice i got this working, Meerlanden collects paper but in my area is this done true the local sportclubs. And therefore my street is not on the wastecalendar. The main road is, so i added that address :ok_hand:


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Dear All

i am quite new to HA but got it all up and running and was now using this sensor plug in which i really like
i created the config section and my config points to Circlus-Berkel, restarted HA and i see the sensors all available in entities for Paper, GFT etc.

However, i dont seem to get an update. Days until is showing a “-”" see also the image

how do i know the API is working, or how can i test the connectivty?

thakns in advance for your support


Please make an issue on github.
Don’t forget to include your config for the sensor and any errors found in the log.

thanks, i did not know this, i will do so

i am trying to send you DM in this forum, and i checked everything but i cant seem to find how to send DM directly… perhaps because i am still as newbee stage in this forum? very sorry for this incovenience, hope you can help me

Hi, Probably me being stupid, but I’m new to HA. Have a afvalbeheer sensor up and running but can’t find how to create the card to show like its shown in the example screenshot on github…

Hi, for some stupid season i can’t get my code to work:

  • platform: afvalbeheer
    wastecollector: cyclus
    - restafval
    - papier
    - pmd
    postcode: !secret postcode
    streetname: !secret streetname
    streetnumber: !secret streetnumber

(wastecollector: cyclus) is not valid code

Try Cyclus with a capital letter

can it be that Stupid? , i will try

Now that I think about it, it shouldn’t make any difference. It’s most likely an indentation error.
Could you post the config again, but this time in a code block

This is de code i now have:

   - platform: afvalbeheer
     wastecollector: Cyclus
      - restafval
      - gft
      - papier
      - pmd
     postcode: !secret postcode
     streetname: !secret streetname
     streetnumber: !secret streetnumber
     upcomingsensor: 0
     dateformat: '%d-%m-%Y'
     dateonly: 0
     name: ""
     nameprefix: 1
     builtinicons: 1
     dutch: 1

this looks fine. What is the precise error you get?

At this moment i do not get any erros, is there a log i can check ?
I did do a reboot more than two times

Yes the HA logs. Something like hassio.local/config/logs

this is the only logging i see: that reffers to it :
Logger: homeassistant.loader
First occurred: 2:56:12 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 2:56:12 PM
You are using a custom integration afvalbeheer which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant

Then it should work. What’s the problem you are facing? Are the sensors giving status unknown?

Ok , then I will ask the NOOD question, how do i add it to my dashboard

Ok, when you droped the NOOB question it’s starts to work :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


How can I adjust this on date, so I know what comes first? What I mean is that the ‘vandaag’ always showing on top.

Schermafbeelding 2021-05-12 om 21.25.09

you can use the auto entities card and the Sort-date attribute of the sensor