I have 2 automations for each type of waste, one that checks for the text “Tomorrow” and one that checks for the text “Today”.
This one works well for the Groningen afvalwijzer.
@Pippyn I know it’s just cosmetics, but is it possible to also use these icons with your sensor? They fit better with the rest of the material design icons used by hass.
I think there is bug in the Groningen-afvalwijzer (1.0.3).
Yesterday, the pickup-info for one of the sensors was shown as “Tomorrow, 29-01-2019”. And I received the corresponding alarm I have set up.
Today, there was no alarm and the pickup-info of the same sensor is shown as “12-02-2019”, which is the next pickup-date.
Instead of showing “Today, 29-01-2019”, as was the default behavior in the previous versions.
Can you please check your code?
@bouwew What is the fraction for the sensor (gft, restafval, …)? Do you have a postal code and street number in your neighborhood, so I have the same information in the sensors as you? You can DM me the info if you don’t want to publish in what area you live