Custom component Afvalbeheer - Support for multiple waste collectors

I tried, but obviously do someting wrong, as the icons don’t change. Here is the code I added to my conifiguration.yaml:

# Add an entry for each entity that you want to overwrite.
      entity_picture: /local/icons/REST_icon.png
      entity_picture: /local/icons/GFT_icon.png
      entity_picture: /local/icons/PBD_icon.png
      entity_picture: /local/icons/TAK_icon.png

Where do I go wrong?

I have lost updates from Omrin and the log gives me the error below after restart. Ran all the updates but no succes. Is anyone else seeing this problem?

Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/config/custom_components/afvalbeheer/”, line 141, in async_update
await self.collector.update()
File “/config/custom_components/afvalbeheer/”, line 606, in update
for item in response:
TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not iterable

The address I use for testing Omrin is working fine for me.

What does the website tell you?

“Adres niet gevonden”
I tried a couple more addresses’ in the neighborhood but same result. Postal code is 9902RB, seems like there is something broken at Omrin.

What is your config? Do you perhaps have the option suffix in your config?
Like for example suffix: a ?

What happens if you remove that line?

This is my config:

wastecollector: Omrin
- chemisch
- restafval
- groene container
- grofvuil
- papier
postcode: 9902RB
streetnumber: 91
builtiniconsnew: 1
printwastetypes: 1

This config is working fine for me

  - wastecollector: Omrin
      - chemisch
      - restafval
      - groene container
      - grofvuil
      - papier
    postcode: 9902RB
    streetnumber: 91
    builtiniconsnew: 1
    printwastetypes: 1

Thanks. I had the indentation of the next entry messed up. All is working now.

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- platform: afvalbeheer
  wastecollector: RecycleApp
    - restafval
    - papier
    - pmd

I have it visualised like this

- type: 'custom:auto-entities'
      type: entities
        - entity_id: sensor.recycleapp_vuilnis_restafval
        - entity_id: sensor.recycleapp_vuilnis_papier
        - entity_id: sensor.recycleapp_vuilnis_pmd
            type: custom:mushroom-template-card
      method: state
      reverse: true


You can see the PMD isn’t visualised. when I change the card to custom:buton-card, I get this


what can I do to make it OK ?

you can give your sensors an icon. Go to settings, entities. go to the setting of the entity and give it an icon…

If you remove those lines it should work.

Because the way you have the options: indentated it only is applicable for the pmd sensor.

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I have installed afvalbeheer but just can’t get it to work with our wastecollector Twente Milieu.
To be sure that there was no configuration issue, i’ve added also a config for 2 additional wastecollectors.
Both seem to be working.

To check the available wastetypes for each collector, I added this to all configs:
printwastetypes: 1

The output indicates that Twente Milieu is not regonized as wastecollector.

So my question is: What has been changed for this wastecollector, or is it not supported anymore?

Remove the space between twente and milieu in your config. It should be one word.

Thanks, that worked :+1:t2:

Is it normal behavior that ‘sensor.recycleapp_vandaag’ and ‘sensor.recycleapp_eerst_volgende’ gives the same result when there is a garbage collect today?

Yes, because technically that is the first one in line. This is useful for automations and such.

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ok, thanks for the reply.

I will look for another way to display the next garbage collect (besides today and tomorrow).

How can i sort them by date ?

You can use a custom card like auto-entities for that.
Use the attribute Sort_date as the sorting parameter.


I’ve installed the component.
However, somehow it doesn’t fetch all the data from the spaarnelanden calender.
(I’ve waited couple hours)

Doesn’t find the Duocontainer PBD/Papier. I’ve added the sensor but it doesn’t give the info.
While it’s in the calender?