Custom component Afvalbeheer - Support for multiple waste collectors

How does the custom mapping function works?

At the moment i only see a plastic icon for “papier-pmd” and the default eye for Duobak and Tuinafval.

My guess is that I need to use something else instead of restafval

  wastecollector: MijnAfvalwijzer
    - Duobak
    - Papier-PMD
    - Tuinafval
  postcode: ????!!
  streetnumber: ##
  upcomingsensor: 1                # (optional)
  dateformat: '%d-%m-%Y'           # (optional)
  dateonly: 0                      # (optional)
  name: ""                         # (optional)
  nameprefix: 1                    # (optional)
  builtinicons: 1                  # (optional)
  builtiniconsnew: 1
  dutch: 1                         # (optional)
    Duobak: restafval

You should not use the custom mapping for the icons. It is there to correct the few errors made by the data providers.

try this:

  method: entity_id
  attribute: sort_date
  reverse: true

Please add: Afvalkalender | Gemeente Venlo

5922TE is post code and 32 is house number. Any valid combinations in Venlo work.

You’ll need to contact the Venlo municipality to open up their API. Because I cannot access it right now.
See Support for Venlo ( · Issue #457 · pippyn/Home-Assistant-Sensor-Afvalbeheer · GitHub

Hi Pippyn,

Thanks for creating this custom component. I really love it!

I think for, a type of waste fraction is missing.

When I check the waste calendar on Limburg.Net, I see that they will collect “keukenafval” next Friday:

When I print the waste types, I see keukenafval is not listed:

I’ll look into it. Please open an issue on the github repo and provide your config with a working address.

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