Custom component Afvalbeheer - Support for multiple waste collectors

@Pippyn, Friends,

I have just installed via HACS the “Home-Assistant-Sensor-Ophaalkalender”, as I am living in Belgium.
All sensors are created with no problem.

However, there state remains “unknown” forever, it seems.
In addition, I do not see any sensors, … related to _tomorrow or _today (as I have read somewhere above related to Afvalbeheer, although specific to the NL collectors).

Can you shed some light ?

My config:

  - platform: ophaalkalender
      - restafval
      - tuinafval
      - papier
      - pmd
      - grofafval
    postcode: !secret Ophaalkalender_Postcode
    streetname: !secret Ophaalkalender_Straat
    streetnumber: !secret Ophaalkalender_Nummer
    dateformat: '%d-%m-%Y'

I have also just installed the Belgian Ophaalkalender. As stated above all sensors are created, but with state “unknown” . In the log however I find this :
Error occurred while fetching data: SSLError(MaxRetryError('HTTPSConnectionPool(host=\'\', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /calendar/findstreets/?query=Dennenlaan&zipcode=2220 (Caused by SSLError(SSLError("bad handshake: Error([(\'SSL routines\', \'ssl_choose_client_version\', \'unsupported protocol\')])")))'))

The url itself works fine in Chrome, so I am clueless …

To which I must add that the version number differs among the three source files, causing Custom Updater to be confused.

@Pippyn I think I have the same problem as @williamgeurts. ‘Morgen’ is not showing up even though tomorrow = GFT. See below:

how about wastecollector “renewi”? possible to add?

Sorry for the late reply.
Are you still facing this issue?
Can you give me postcode and streetnumber for me to test with? DM me if you want.

Sorry no, different API
same for renewi @ronspa1986

Are you still having this issue?
It looks like ssl is not supported. But I’m not sure. I’ll look into it.
Version numbering is fixed in v1.1.2

The config looks oke. Do you have a postalcode and streetnumber for me to test with? You can DM me if you want

For the ones also on GAD: they have renamed PMD to PBD so you will need to change that in your config. After that all is fine again.

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My postcode is 6026DS, 91.

The sensor is working fine for me. Although I can’t test the today and tomorrow sensor right now. So for that i’ll have to wait a few days.
BTW: The warning at boot is normal, all custom components get this warning.

Thanks for the support. It is strange because I get a status unknown:

My config:

  • platform: afvalbeheer
    wastecollector: Cranendonck
    • restafval
    • gft
    • papier
    • PBD
      postcode: 6026DS
      streetnumber: 91
      builtinicons: 0
      dateformat: ‘%d %b’
      dateonly: 0
      nameprefix: 0
      upcomingsensor: 1

I am running the latest HA (0.97.2) and the Current Version: 2.3.1 20190313 - Pippijn Stortelder


Can you please format your config correctly? I’ll test again in a few days when these sensors should display data.

Btw that is not the current version of afvalbeheer

@Pippyn: I think my config was/is good. It was messed up by the intelligence of the communication box.

  - platform: afvalbeheer
    wastecollector: Cranendonck
      - restafval
      - gft
      - papier
      - PBD
    postcode: !secret
    streetnumber: !secret
    builtinicons: 0
    dateformat: '%d %b'
    dateonly: 0
    nameprefix: 0
    upcomingsensor: 1

meantime I upgraded to the latest version, but with nu result. I’ll wait till monday/tuesday when the sensor should show GFT.

Checked the sensor this morning and it is working fine for me. It displays;
sensor.cranendonck_morgen: gft, pbd

Mine is shong unknown, can you send me the config?

- platform: afvalbeheer
  wastecollector: Cranendonck
    - restafval
    - gft
    - papier
    - pbd
  postcode: 6026DS
  streetnumber: 91
  upcomingsensor: 1
  dateformat: '%d-%m-%Y'
  dateonly: 0
  nameprefix: 1
  builtinicons: 0

Don’t know why, but it works. And even if I change it again in the original config it still works !!! Strange, but thanks again.

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Hi Pippyn,

Thank you for your kind help.
I figured out meanwhile that my streetname is not correctly spelled in the backend DB.
I am now using the incorrectly spelled name, and all is working fine now.

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