[Custom component] AsusRouter integration

:warning: Beta release!

A small but important beta release for those having troubles with devices stuck in the home state. The new feature is enabled by default (but you can disable it in the options). Tested to work on RT-AC66U with 380.70 Merlin FW.

:house_with_garden: Stable release to come this weekend

0.25.0b0 :computer: Force clients update


:octopus: GitHub release ←

:rocket: Features

  • Added force_clients possibility, which sends a separate request to update the client list
  • Added force_clients (boolean) and force_clients_waittime (float, in seconds) settings to the config flow

:hammer: Other changes

  • Improved exceptions messages

:package: Dependencies

  • Bumped asusrouter library to 1.2.0

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:warning: Beta release!

0.25.0b1 :bug: Fixes


:octopus: GitHub release ←

:bug: Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug with integration failing to load with unknown VPN settings (Surfshark, L2PT, PP2P) via VPN Fusion (Stock FW 388+) (report #726)
  • Fixed bug with Guest WLAN switches (report #727, #731)
  • Fixed bug with 6 GHz WLAN being reported as 5 GHz-2 on some models (report #591)

:package: Dependencies

  • Bumped asusrouter library to 1.3.0

Release delays

Hello, guys. Unfortunately, I currently have rather a limited amount of spare time until December 16. This might cause some delays in processing your reports and fixing bugs. I hope for your understanding.

Stable release

The stable release of 0.25.0 will be available after a couple of days if no new bugs are reported in beta.

In case of new bugs reported, the stable release might be delayed. Sorry for that.

:coffee: Support AsusRouter

Monetary support:

Non-monetary support:


This has stopped working after many months of it being rock solid. Nothing has changed about my node red flow, but I am now getting an API error when I try to call the service device_internet_access

“Call-service error. Service not found.”

Any idea what has changed?

When I enable a disabled device_tracker the whole integration seems to reload. It’s triggering my automations notifying me of WAN IP changed etc. Perhaps not possible to do anything about that? :slight_smile:

It most likely depends upon how that automation looks like :wink:
PS: Many Integrations needs to “reload” when one enables a disabled device/entity.

Hi all, I have updated to the new version and now I don’t have any service calls available. Also port forwarding and other switches aren’t available. I looked through the guide and it says you need to make sure device control is set to true but I can’t find this anywhere. Any help would be appreciated.

@automateitall, @vijaykbhatia,

some services are missing after 0.23.0 due to breaking changes in the backend library. They will be added back before the New Year

@Quacked, enabling/disabling any entity triggers HA to reload the integration fully, which can cause troubles depending on how your automation is set up.

Unfortunately, I don’t know how to prevent it. If you know of any other integration which does not reload on entities enabling/disabling, let me know - I can check how this is made

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Hello Very nice integration, I’m just discovering it.
Quick question for @Vaskivskyi, where does the information for the device tracker come from ?
I own a RT AC86U which has a messed up network map that never shows correct data.
Do you import directly those data ? or do you fetch them from somewhere else ?
meaning are the info provided by the sensors and the connected devices reliable ?

Other question, is there somewhere here (coulnd not find it) nice example of charts ? like a network map for example, or anything that could be a start for a network map ?

Thx a lot and congrat for the job, this integration looks looks very great :slight_smile:

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Hello, @o0larry0o,

The data on the connected devices is taken from the AiMesh onboarding (if available for the device) + directly from the network map. Also, it’s now possible for the integration to try forcing a router to recheck connected devices. Unfortunately, this is not the most stable part of the integration yet. Your device is not the only one having trouble with it and different devices for some users experience issues. This is still a work in progress and hopefully will be solved soon enough


Thx for your answer. I see.
Yes this composent from asus is crapy.
And I don’t have the strengh to rebuild it ^^

How can I force a recheck then ?

Have a good day

@o0larry0o, now you can with the new stable version

0.25.0 :computer: Force clients update & more


:octopus: GitHub release ←

:rocket: Features

  • Added force_clients possibility, which sends a separate request to update the client list
  • Added force_clients (boolean) and force_clients_waittime (float, in seconds) settings to the config flow

:bug: Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug with integration failing to load with unknown VPN settings (Surfshark, L2PT, PP2P) via VPN Fusion (Stock FW 388+) (report #726)
  • Fixed bug with Guest WLAN switches (report #727, #731)
  • Fixed bug with 6 GHz WLAN being reported as 5 GHz-2 on some models (report #591)
    • All the models properly reporting 6 GHz as supported in the services
    • RT-AXE95Q (ZenWiFi ET8)

:hammer: Other changes

  • Improved exceptions messages

:package: Dependencies

:coffee: Support AsusRouter

Monetary support:

Non-monetary support:


Is this only working on certain routers? With my Asus GT AX 11000 Im not getting those new entities.

The new feature is available in the integration configuration:

It should be enabled by default, but you might need to adjust the wait time value for the best experience.

This feature allows sending an update request for the device, then waiting for the wait time and then only asking about the clients. So in some cases, it might require more time, especially if there are 100 clients connected.

At the same time, this feature might be not required for some devices that already update the list of clients properly.

:christmas_tree: Happy Holidays :christmas_tree:

0.26.0 :computer: Clients tracking & multiple instances improvements


:octopus: GitHub release ←

:rocket: Features

  • Improved client status detection (partially fixes #570)

:bug: Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with data mix in cache when multiple instances are used (report #690)

:package: Dependencies

  • Bumped asusrouter library to 1.5.0

:coffee: Support AsusRouter

Monetary support:

Non-monetary support:

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:christmas_tree: Happy New Year

And a couple of announcements of what’s coming soon:

  • Aura support
  • AiMesh direct nodes control (through your main router and without a need to setup each node separately)
  • Support for SFPP and MoCA ports

… and many more


0.27.0 :hatching_chick: Parental control & clients stability


:octopus: GitHub release ←

:rocket: Features

  • Added service device_internet_access to control the device internet access (via parental control rules)
  • Added block_internet switches for the devices with parental control rules (report #622)
  • Added possibility to create HA devices for clients when creating their entities (optional, disabled by default)
  • Added global block_internet switch to block internet access for all the devices
  • Added remove_trackers service to release old device_tracker entities and get a possibility to remove them (report #729)
  • Added support for services translation
  • Added support for ports speeds (LAN / WAN): 10 Mb/s, 5 Gb/s, 10 Gb/s
  • Added support for ports speeds (USB): 480 Mb/s, 5 Gb/s, 10 Gb/s, 20 Gb/s
  • Updated device model to correspond to the UI Model Name (name as shown in the Web UI) (report #578)

:bug: Bug fixes

  • Fixed extra sensors shown when they should not be available for the selected operation mode
  • Fixed issue on the client status detection when AiMesh is supported but no nodes assigned
  • Fixed issue with clients data mix
  • Fixed issue with session not available error for the last requests when restarting the integration

:open_book: Translations

  • Added Ukrainian translation for device_internet_access and remove_trackers services

:package: Dependencies

:books: Documentation

  • Confirmed support for the new device
    • GT-AX11000 Pro / 388.24198
    • RT-AX88U Pro / 388.4_0 (Merlin)
    • Zen WiFi ET8 / 388.23759
    • Zen WiFi Pro ET12 / 388.23013
  • Confirmed support for the new FW versions which were not reported before:
    • 4G-AX55U / 380.8102
    • GT-AX11000 / 388.4_0 (Merlin)
    • RT-AC88U / 386.12_2
    • RT-AX55 / 386.52041
    • RT-AX56U / 388.1_0 (Merlin), 388.2_2 (Merlin)
    • RT-AX58U / 388.4_0 (Merlin)
    • RT-AX86U / 388.4_0 (Merlin)
    • TUF-AX5400 / 388.23285, 388.4_0 (Merlin)

:framed_picture: Images and some details

Device internet control

Please, welcome back a refreshed service for parental control rules. You can use the HA GUI to set rules for multiple entities (by selecting corresponding device trackers)

Using YAML mode, you can provide your own list of devices by their MAC addresses (and optionally names)

P.S. You can also now set rules for both entities and custom devices at the same time

P.P.S. Yes, you can set only a single state at once, but to many devices.


Internet block switches

New switches are now available for parental control rules - {device}_block_internet. And I hope that they are working the way you would expect - when set to On - block is set (so the device is blocked from the internet).

The new switches are much easier to use in UI or for automation so that you can save a bit on your automation YAML code. Moreover, you would now be able to watch the rule state directly instead of searching for the correct MAC address in the full list of rules.

If the rule is removed, the entity will become unavailable and you can remove it from HA. New entities will be created automatically when new rules are added.

Please, note, that if added/removed from HA service, entities should change state immediately. If done from the router itself (outside of HA), you would need to wait till the next sensors refresh (30 s as default)

Optional creation of devices for clients (when any entity is created for them)

Configurable / Default: disabled

Using a new option in the configurations (Configure / Connected devices / Create HA devices) you can allow integration to create client devices when creating any entities for them. This feature is disabled by default. If you would like to use it, enable it.

All the client devices can be removed from HA by the user. Please, keep in mind, that devices will be recreated if any new entity is created. This is a feature to remove devices with no available entities.

:coffee: Support AsusRouter

Monetary support:

Non-monetary support:

By the way, you might also be interested in:


I have a


Does this mean that I block ALL internet or do I enable the option to block internet for devices that had been added for blocking to internet?


it will block internet connection for all the devices connected through this router. This is the full analogue to this switch in the Web UI

For separate clients (even if for all of them), you can either use per-client switch entities (e.g. combine them in a group) or the service call

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0.27.1 :adhesive_bandage: Ignore wrong parental control rules


:octopus: GitHub release ←

:rocket: Features

  • Added a check on parental control rules before adding them as entities (report #753)

:christmas_tree: Please, refer to the full release log for version 0.27.0 3 messages up from here

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I do not see any Asusrouter services in the dropdown when I go into Developer Tools/Services?

Are the switch entities for specific devices created when you create the parental control rule in HA GUI? If not, how are device specific switches created?

Hello, @automateitall,

The switch entities are directly linked to the parental control rules in the device settings. So if rules are set for the device, they will appear in HA. Also, if you use a service to add new rules directly in HA, they will be written to the device + switches in HA will be created.

As per the services, asusrouter.device_internet_access should be available if your device is configured as a Router.

In case, it does not work for you when configured as a router, please, open an issue.

It’s currently not available in other modes the same way as the other parental control features. In case, you would like to have it working, please, let me know. I don’t have direct access to any device set up as an Access Point or Media Bridge, so I don’t know which features can work for such devices. But I can work on it

In any case, you should see at least the service asusrouter.remove_trackers available for any HA configuration. If not, please, open an issue with details on your device and HA configs set for the integration
