Custom_component: breaking_changes

if you have components/platforms that are affected, then yes

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could this be made to work in a HA 84.3 setup also?

Iv tried to rename the component and file it under /custom_components/sensor/ and of course use

- platform: breaking_changes

also change the line in


like is still the way to do it in 84.3. Placed the file in the same folder.
Unfortunately I get a config error, invalid config…


before I try further, please would you let me know if this would at all possible?

I have no idea and will not try to keep compability for other than the latest version of HA.
0.84 is a long time ago, and that was before “The great migration”, it should be doable, but I do not know how much you need to change.

You should really look into upgrading your system.

haha, you’re funny, of course that’s exactly what I am trying to do, and see which breaking_changes I face…

This doesn’t really help a lot when trying a component which is supposed to be designed to see which are the breaking changes between versions of HA…

but I can appreciate that in the rate HA is developing, such a component would be a day-job… so no worries, Il try to get the most out of the website, and start here
thanks for that!

Good luck! :smiley:

I’m relatively new to HA and got this installed. What’s the best way to show this in a Lovelace card? Someone must’ve tackled this already?

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I have a card for update monitoring where I use a conditional card and custom:list-card for a table view of the sensor attributes.

        type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
          - type: markdown
            content: "## Update Status"
          - type: entities
            show_header_toggle: false
              - entity: sensor.hacs
                name: HCAS
              - entity: sensor.potential_breaking_changes

          - type: conditional
              - entity: sensor.potential_breaking_changes
                state_not: "0"
              type: custom:list-card
              entity: sensor.potential_breaking_changes
                - title: Component
                  add_link: doclink
                  field: component
                - title: Description
                  add_link: prlink
                  field: description



@JBunch perfect thank you! Exactly what I needed, i just used your card config as-is to add it to an ‘Advanced’ tab in my lovelace dashboard.

Awesome :slight_smile: :+1:

Hi, sorry here is a newbe question for you. I used HACS to install Breaking Changes module. No problems. Then I rather gussed … that I should add the “breaking changes:” in the configuration.yaml file (it was semi clear from the instructions (my view).
But now, where do I see the outcome? This is not clear for me, but I have a lot more to learn about HA, but i love it.

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3 posts above yours, post by @JBunch

@nickrout, so just to be sure, there is no other way to see this, like in a log file or info or similar, I need to create a card, do the scripting (or copy from above) and read it that way? In such case, as I said, lot to learn! :slight_smile:

I am guessing this integration no longer works as the site it relies upon has been down for a very long time? works perfectly fine for me?

yep, always check it first.

with my sunglasses, the horrific color must be a practical joke

:sunglasses: :scream:

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:joy: was using the default material colors, that has changed now :+1:
Was not expecting anyone to use the actual site

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Is anyone else able to ge this to work, on my installation the list card does not display the data, its just blank:


Do you have feed_attribute: changes before the columns: options in the list-card config?

That did it, thank you! I love these forums, so many great folks here. Here is my revised code to help others:

  - content: '## Update Status'
    type: markdown
  - entities:
      - entity: sensor.current_ha_version
      - entity: sensor.hacs
        name: HCAS
      - entity: sensor.potential_breaking_changes
    show_header_toggle: false
    type: entities
  - card:
      feed_attribute: changes
        - add_link: doclink
          field: integration
          title: Component
        - add_link: prlink
          field: description
          title: Description
      entity: sensor.potential_breaking_changes
      type: 'custom:list-card'
      - entity: sensor.potential_breaking_changes
        state_not: '0'
    type: conditional
type: vertical-stack

What it looks like:


Nice but i cant find the list-card anymore in HACS