Custom Component: Crow Runner / Arrowhead AAP 8/16 Alarm IP Module

“Phone line failure” resolve by turn off dialer (P175E1E). The great problem is that I can’t disarm the system with HA, both with commented and uncommented code:“0000”.

  port: 5002
  keepalive_interval: 60
  timeout: 20
      name: 'Casa_ext'
      code: '0000'
      name: 'Casa_int'
      code: '0000' 

With commented code:“0000”, I type the code on keypad and the press Disarm, but nothing happens. “Arm” button work fine.
I have to modify the setup of my allarm? Thank

What code do you use on the panel normally, to disarm your alarm? Is it really ‘0000’ ?

No, I use another code. If I turn off HA and connect to IP module with telnet and type KEYS 0000E the alarm disarmed.

can you try changing to:

"requirements": [

in manifest.json under custom_components/crowipmodule ?

Great job, now work fine, I can arm and disarm the alarm.

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Hi there,

Another new user – I discovered this thread some time ago and finally decided to give it a crack.
Just reporting in to say a huge thank you to everyone who has gone before – especially @febalci for your generous sharing of knowledge and taking the time to help people out.

My install has gone pretty smoothly – ordered and installed the IP-MODULE to my ELITE-S system. Created a VLAN etc. I’m 100% on Mac but did boot into Windows 11 to update firmware and also to download Alarm settings via IP. I’m running Home Assistant on a Mac Mini and connecting in to Homekit. All seems to be working well!

I did have some confusion around ARM and DISARM but just got to the end of the thread and made the suggested change to manifest.json which seems to have sorted that.

Thanks again – love discovering generous communities such as this!

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Does it have to be in this specific version?
Wont Ver 2.10.4763 2018 Oct 02 16:58:55 work?

I always get a NOP.

Yes, it has to be that specific version; no other versions will ever work…

I’ve just ordered the IP Module and IP-Loop

I don’t have the installer code, is there anyway I can fid out what the code is reset it as part of this process? I think it’s needed for the “keypad 8” function/step?

I see in ULDL16 under “Miscellaneous” → “Installer Options” → “Installer code” is a text box
Does this show the code? or let me reset it?

Or is there a step in the initial setup at that I can override or set it?

Be great to get full control of my alarm back!

Now arrived and installed (about to start the flash process)
Great news, ULD16 will show you the Installer Code! great way to take control fully of your alarm!

Also, as a PSA: Please make sure you don’t have your IP module connected directly to the internet, there are many that can be found online!


Have you done the update to HA 2023.04.x already? I do have on that version an issue with the binary_sensors.

They seems to be not updated correct any more after some time. If I open the entrance door or terrace door the sensor show up as opened even if the door got closed since a long time. A restart of HA gets then the new state but after some time I stuck again with that issue.

The state is important for me as I need to rely on it to trigger automations.

Is anyone else having that kind of issues that the binary_sensors are not have the correct state.

There is no HW defect on the sensor, I tripple checked that already in the telnet console show them all the time correct. Something looks like have been changed in the way of async update or other processes in HA.

Hi All,

Finally I did the install of the custom firmware using FTDI adapter and all good…did the config and is possible to arm but I can’t get the disarm working.

Can someone help?

As well I don’t know the login for the APP ULD16… tried ELITES on both user and pass but says Invalid Login.


Changing “pycrowipmodule==0.31b0” fixed the problem with DISARM!

"requirements": [

in manifest.json under custom_components/crowipmodule

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This repo have the correct module version … GitHub - acdcnow/crowipmodule: HA Crow Runner IP Module API

You need all the .ini files in the uld16 folder as well.
I had the same issue until copied them all in from the downloaded file.

Also can the op repository be updated ?
ha_pycrowipmodule/manifest.json at e2dbd592b2ccba8c07e95a64b9b26027aebc89df · febalci/ha_pycrowipmodule · GitHub needs to be 0.31b0 (or bumped to 0.32 as seems to work for most people)

Hi, what FTDI interface did you use i cant seem to get mine to connect and it looks like the DLINK modules are hard to come by now

I just used a cheap USB to TTL FTDI board I got from Aliexpress. Any should be fine as long as it’s 3V3 logic - mine had jumpers to select either 5V or 3V3

An important thing is to get the crossover of the TX and RX between the IP Module and the FTDI interface right. TX on the IP Module does not got to TX on the FTDI interface - each TX needs to talk to the other’s RX. Also check to make sure the FTDI interface is actually working regardless of the IP Module, to try to narrow down the issue. If you open a terminal to the serial COM port you should be able to send random text and see either lights flashing on the FTDI interface or see activity on the TX data line with an oscilloscope, or you could connect TX to RX and do a loop back test - you should see the same text echoed back to the terminal. Once you can confirm the FTDI serial interface is indeed working, then can troubleshoot further, perhaps check the COM port settings to make sure the baud rate, etc. is correct

Thats what i have but doesnt seem to be able to connect, ill give it another go,

i have this board -
and i have the jumpers in IAT mode


Ah, I have a different alarm system to the one you have. I was programming the IP Module for Crow Runner 8/16 alarm panels. I’m not sure what IAP settings may be different for programming your unit, also did AAP send you an older firmware which allows telnet connection? I’m not familiar with what firmware is available for the ESL-2.

You might want to try the jumper settings on USB and check if the upload/download works with your FTDI interface. USB is only referring to the use of the USB DLINK, which is a USB to Serial interface anyway. If that works, then it’s something to do with IAP software, settings, or firmware.

I managed to use putty to get a readable output from the unit when the speed is set to 115200, I can see it boot up and get an ip address from my local network etc but IAP still doesn’t connect :S