Hi AlexandrErohin, great thanks !
But I’m a helicopter pilot and have no flight number.
We only have the call sign because we don’t have any scheduled flights.
It that also possible anyhow ?
Could you add your flight to Additional tracked and post here the sensor.flightradar24_additional_tracked attributes values ? You may change the numbers and letters in the values to secure them, I need only to see what is in flight_number, callsign values
Sure, I’ll do that the next time one of our helicopters is in the air .
v1.21.1 Released
- Added callsign for device_tracker if flight number doesnt exists
Track flights as device_tracker with flight information. To use it - you need to activate this feature
in Configuration. When it is enabled - this integration creates device_tracker
for every additional tracked flight from sensor.flightradar24_additional_tracked
To create device_tracker for a flight:
- Add a flight to Additional tracked by flight number. If it has no flight number, use callsign
- Use device_tracker
if flight number exists ordevice_tracker.CALL_SIGN
To find device_tracker - Go to Developer tools
and search for your flight number or callsign - you’ll find sensor
like device_tracker.FLIGHT_NUMBER
or device_tracker.CALL_SIGN
Added callsign. Please try and let me know
The first test looks very promising !
Thank you very much !!!
v1.21.3 Released
- Fixed Lovelace Card Bug for sensor.flightradar24_additional_tracked Lovelace Card Bug · Issue #71 · AlexandrErohin/home-assistant-flightradar24 · GitHub
Loving the flight radar, however I’m not a coder by any standard, a friend set it up for me, I’ve tweaked things by trial and error more error lol.
Is there an method to set up an automation, via the gui only, to notify me when one of the additional tracked aircraft or any aircraft of a particular callsign to notify me via my google speakers when it enters the area please?
I would like to do several small aircraft at my local airport
Hi Shane… please try this as example and substitute PH-DOC by the registration number of the plane you would like to be announced by your media player of choice (here google nest hub)
alias: Lifeliner 3 test
description: test
- event_type: flightradar24_exit
trigger: event
conditions: - condition: template
value_template: “{{ trigger.event.data.aircraft_registration == ‘PH-DOC’ }}”
actions: - data:
entity_id: media_player.hub
message: Type here the text to say say by Google Nest Hub
action: tts.google_say
mode: single
The device tracker functionality works great, thanks again !
It seems that “additional_tracked” aircraft are gone and so the device tracker is no longer “connected” to them after a reboot of HA.
Is there a solution to keep them after a reboot or can I add the relevant call signs via a service after reboot?
Thanks a lot for the great support !
Hi Edda
Thanks but this is code, which I am not familiar with, I’m trying to set up in the GUI.
I will pass this onto my friend who is a bit more savvy on code and see if he knows where it goes, thank you .
If anyone knows how to do this via the GUI please let me know.
i want a announcement through my speakers when a certain (maybe more than one but let’s get this working first lol) plane enters the area and exits the area
This is the code currently but it is not detecting the aircraft so entered or exited. The automation shows it is triggering for aircraft entering or exiting, but not reporting the specified aircraft
alias: Aircraft test
description: “”
- trigger: state
entity_id:- sensor.flightradar24_entered_area
- sensor.flightradar24_exited_area
attribute: flights
- condition: template
value_template: “{{ trigger.event.data.aircraft_registration == ‘VH-KRR’}}”
actions: - action: notify.mobile_app_sm_s908e
metadata: {}
title: AIRCRAFT - action: media_player.play_media
entity_id: media_player.nolen_group
media_content_id: >-
media_content_type: provider
title: Attention KRR in or exiting airspace
thumbnail: https://brands.home-assistant.io/_/google_translate/logo.png
media_class: app
children_media_class: null
- {}
- media_content_type: app
media_content_id: media-source://tts
- media_content_type: provider
media_content_id: >-
mode: single
Really nice custom component
Is it somehow possible to get the picture of the aircraft as part of the notification?
This is a great integration that I have been using for a while. My son is really into aircraft and commercial flight info and likes to monitor local activity.
I had it set up to keep track of the number of flights in my area over the past 24 hours just to get an idea of how busy the airspace is. To do this, I used a statistic helper that was set up like this in my configuration.yaml:
- platform: statistics
name: "Flights in past 24 hours"
entity_id: sensor.flightradar24_entered_area
state_characteristic: count
hours: 24
It was working fine until a few weeks ago when it suddenly started counting much more frequently, going from maybe 250 per day to 17,000+ per day. It seems like it is recording all flights instead of just flights within my radius (5km). Is this a bug or something changed in home assistant?
This is a fantastic and well working integration. Thank you so much for this @AlexandrErohin
I edited the markdown card slightly and added the flight distance. Unfortunatly it is in german but you can easily adjust it to your needs:
type: conditional
- condition: numeric_state
entity: sensor.flightradar24_current_in_area
above: 0
type: markdown
content: >-
{% set data = state_attr('sensor.flightradar24_current_in_area', 'flights')
%} {% for flight in data %}
<ha-icon icon="mdi:airplane"></ha-icon> {{ flight.flight_number }} - {{ flight.airline_short }} - {{ flight.aircraft_model }}
{{ flight.airport_origin_city }}{%if flight.airport_origin_city %} <img src="https://flagsapi.com/{{ flight.airport_origin_country_code }}/shiny/16.png" title='{{ flight.airport_origin_country_name }}'/>{% endif %} >>> {{ flight.airport_destination_city }}{%
if flight.airport_destination_country_code %} <img src="https://flagsapi.com/{{ flight.airport_destination_country_code }}/shiny/16.png" title='{{ flight.airport_destination_country_name }}'/>{% endif %}
{%if flight.time_scheduled_departure %}Abflug - {{ flight.time_scheduled_departure | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') }} - {% endif %}{%if flight.time_scheduled_arrival%}Ankunft - {{ flight.time_scheduled_arrival | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') }}{% endif %}
Höhe - {{ flight.altitude }} ft{%if flight.altitude > 0 %} ({{(flight.altitude * 0.3048)| round(0)}} m){% endif%}
Geschwindigkeit Boden - {{ flight.ground_speed }} kts{%if flight.ground_speed > 0 %} ({{(flight.ground_speed * 1.852)| round(0)}} km/h){% endif%}
Entfernung - {{ flight.distance | round(2) }} km
{% endfor %}
And here is the automation code to paste into the notification box for Amazon Alexa:
message: >-
<audio src="soundbank://soundlibrary/musical/amzn_sfx_electronic_beep_01"/> This is
Major Tom to ground control. Das Radar hat ein Flugobjekt in einer
Entfernung von {% set data =
state_attr('sensor.flightradar24_current_in_area', 'flights') %} {% for
flight in data %} {{ flight.distance | round(2) }} km identifiziert.
Flugnummer: {{ flight.flight_number }}, Airline: {{ flight.airline_short }},
Flugzeugtyp: {{ flight.aircraft_model }}, Abflug von {{
flight.airport_origin_city }}{% if flight.airport_origin_country_name %} ({{
flight.airport_origin_country_name }}){% endif %} nach {{
flight.airport_destination_city }}{% if
flight.airport_destination_country_name %} ({{
flight.airport_destination_country_name }}){% endif %}. {% if
flight.time_scheduled_departure %} Geplanter Abflug: {{
flight.time_scheduled_departure | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') }}, {% endif
%}{% if flight.time_scheduled_arrival %} Geplante Ankunft: {{
flight.time_scheduled_arrival | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') }}. {% endif %}
Die aktuelle Flughöhe beträgt: {{ flight.altitude }} ft{% if flight.altitude
> 0 %} ({{ (flight.altitude * 0.3048) | round(0) }} m){% endif %},
Geschwindigkeit: {{ flight.ground_speed }} Knoten, das entspricht: {% if
flight.ground_speed > 0 %} ({{ (flight.ground_speed * 1.852) | round(0) }}
km/h){% endif %} {% endfor %} Ende der Durchsage. <audio
action: notify.alexa_media_jorgs_2_echo_dot
Hope you like it and keep up the good work @AlexandrErohin
Does anyone know how is possible to setup a HA configuration for flight monitoring radius which for mobile phones with companion app uses current GPS coordinates and within those coordinates defined radius, but for fixed location (HA home server) uses fixed home coordinates with the same radius ? Anyway great integration ! Respect.
Has anyone had any success with identifying an aircraft in an automation?
The Aircraft exit automation works perfectly but when I do the same for aircraft entered that automation does not work.
I’m led to believe that someone feels the backend python code maybe incorrect, this is way out of my league lol. has there been any update on this integration??
I really like that!
Can you save some history? I.e. show what flights were in the area in the last two minutes, rather than currently
This was my own error it seems - switching from Count to Sum solved it for me. Not sure why it was working before.
there’s some detail on the GitHub Repo about recording history from the events…it’s not 100% what you are looking for (in terms of flights in last x minutes) but should put you in the right direction