Custom Component: Hubitat

Did u manage to get it working?

I just installed this with an extra hubitat elevation I had. I will report back in a while. I am trying to get rid of my smartthings v2 hubs and this seems like a nice replacement. I have 189 Zigbee lights… so we will see how it performs as I start to push it.

I’m haven’t looked into how HA collects statistics. With the PR, Hubitat devices that support energy reporting get energy meter entities in HA, but that’s all at the moment. (If HA needs more than that for energy monitoring, there’s still work to be done.)

In Hubitat, make sure the “Allow control of HSM” toggle is enabled in the Maker API instance being used with HA.

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I got it working yesterday. I haven’t used HSM before and apparently you need to have at least one sensor, per mode, configured in HSM to get HSM to be active in HE.

It works great and I’m now able to get the status of my Verisure alarm to HE using an automation in HA that set the HSM in HE. :slight_smile:

Thank you for your great work!

I got the Energy statistics to work.
In configuration.yaml i added:


      state_class: total_increasing

Setting the energy sensors to the right state_class, u could always do this for each sensor individually.

I’m having trouble installing manually. I copied the folder, home assistant recognizes it in the logs, but I can’t add the integration. What could be the issue?

When you say you can’t add it, do you mean that it doesn’t show up in the available list of integrations when you hit the “Add Integration” button?

After a year of not messing with this, I redid my PI and re-installed HA. Trying to install this integration, but don’t know how to do it I guess.

I go to Configuration, Integrations, Click the Add Integration button, search for Hubitat. Says not found.

I don’t know how to access the directory to add manually. If I remember there is something else I need to install, but don’t know what it was. I installed Samba, but don’t know how to access it from there.

The easiest way to add the custom Hubitat integration is to first install HACS. Then use HACS to install the Hubitat integration. Afterward, you should be able to add the integration without issue.

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So How do I install HACS?

Here are the instructions for setting up HACS.

Hello, I’m new around here but have been using this integration for around a year now and it has been fantastic. I have found one small issue with some of my Inovelli LZW45 light strips though, when I try to adjust the color from my lovelace dashboard it also sends an off command. Has anyone else encountered something like this before?

Hello, yesterday I got this integration added to home assistant. However, I added the hubitat integration before having added any devices to the hubitat hub. Today I added two z-wave dimmers to the hubitat hub, but they don’t appear in home assistant. What do I need to do to get them to appear in home assistant?

Go to the integrations page and click the “Configure” link on the Hubitat integration. Run through the configuration flow (just click the submit button on every screen). As part of that process, the integration adds any new devices it sees.

@jason0x43 So, when I click the Configure link on the Hubitat integration, I only get a single pop-up window with 4 fields (Hub address, Event server URL (optional), Event server port (optional), and Temperature Units (optional)). So if I don’t change anything and click Submit, then it appears to try and add new items. I get a message that asks me if I want to remove any devices; which only shows a checkbox for the hub itself. If I click Submit on that window then I get another message that seems to indicate that it discovered my new devices, but it says, “The following devices were automatically classified as switches. Select any that should be lights instead.” But there’s nothing to select. No devices are listed. Clicking submit on those windows brings me back to the main integrations page.

Is there something I’m missing on the hubitat that I need to do in order for home assistant to properly classify the devices? They show up as lights in hubitat.

I should probably mention the make and model of the light switches/dimmers. They’re GE/JASCO enbrighten dimmers. I’m forgeting the model number though.

Hi, I’m using this integration for some time now, and it’s awesome!

Just had a small problem last week when upgrading from v0.6.8 to v0.6.18. Everything still works fine except an automation with a Tuya Zigbee scene switch. I added that a few weeks ago, and it worked very nice. But after the update to v0.6.18 I got the following error in the HA log:

Integration 'hubitat' does not support device automation triggers
ImportError: cannot import name 'AutomationTriggerInfo' from 'homeassistant.components.automation'

Also the automation in question was no longer accessible via the HA web UI. When trying to add a new automation for the same device, it no longer showed the available triggers except for the battery level change. After downgrading to v0.6.8 everything worked again.

Any tips on how to solve this?

PS I forgot to mention that there are no problems with other automations that are triggered by Hubitat devices. It works fine with contact sensors from Aeotec and Aqara. What’s strange is that in the configuration for the Tuya scene switch there’s a reference to domain hubitat that’s not there for the other automations in the automations.yaml.

not working with v0.6.18:

    - device_id: xxx
      domain: hubitat
      platform: device
      type: pushed
      subtype: '1'


    - type: opened
      platform: device
      device_id: xxx
      entity_id: binary_sensor.aeotec_door_window_sensor_7_series_contact
      domain: binary_sensor
      id: open

Did you expose the new devices through the Maker API app in Hubitat?

What version of Home Assistant are you running? AutomationTriggerInfo was added in to HA in 2021.10.0, and the integration was updated to use it in 0.6.15.

@jason0x43 I got it working. I realized that, in Hubitat, after I’ve added new devices, I need to ensure the devices are selected in the Maker API to expose them to Home Assistant.