Custom Component: Hubitat

This was going to be my next suggestion.

The issue isn’t with how the integration is being used or how it’s interacting with the Hubitat hub, but with how the code is being loaded by Home Assistant. I’ve only ever heard of this happening one other time, and that user resolved the issue by updating HACS, then removing and reinstalling the integration. The current version of HACS is 1.28.3, so if you’re behind, that might be worth a shot.

I bought an Aeotec Z-Stick 7 a few months ago and moved all my zwave devices over to Home Assistant. It’s been pretty great. :slight_smile:

When I re-added the Hubitat integration when the issue began, it never asked me the initial config questions, e.g. Hubitat IP, token, etc. How can this info be edited after initial config?

HACS is latest as well… 1.28.3

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When you add the integration with HACS, it just becomes available to HA, but isn’t actually installed. To add an instance of the integration to HA, go into Settings → Integrations and click the Add Integration button in the lower right. Search for Hubitat and select it. You should immediately get a “Connect to your Hubitat hub” popup, or some sort of visible error in HA. If not, there’s a more significant issue somewhere.

Just wondering where that detail is stored in HA? It seems to have saved that detail even after I removed it. I’m getting the original error when trying to add the integration in Settings. The integration was working flawlessly for many months until just recently. If the Hubitat detail is still stored in HA I’d like to verify the info hasn’t changed on the Hubitat side.

All the information about the installed integration is saved in <config>/.storage. The configuration entry, which has the hub IP and token, is in core.config_entries. Information about the devices and entities that HA has setup for the Hubitat devices is in core.device_registry and core.entity_registry.

The Hubitat integration was able to be added immediately after installing HA Core 11.3 update, released today.

After significant effort troubleshooting and posting in this forum, I was not able to resolve after 11.2 was installed.

What’s puzzling is this problem did not occur for others using this integration, unless no one else reported it in the forum.

Big thanks to Jason Cheatham for helping me troubleshoot his great integration, even though it turned out to be HA Core issue.

Lesson learned would be to learn how to revert an update and post as HA Core bug, which I would have done if it reported by others.

Is it really so that HA reports Hubitat location mode information but that information cannot be used in automations?

Issue similar to rog889 from 12 October:
Hubitat Integration (v. 0.8.3) installed on HA 2022.11.4 (Supervisor 2022.11.2.)
Working on adding in some Z-Wave door sensors (using the Hubitat as my Z-wave radio.)
Door sensor updates in Hubitat instantly. However, the status in HA won’t update for several minutes, if it ever updates at all - just now, I looked at a status in HA (“last updated 24 minutes ago”) for a door sensor that was showing as ‘open’ the whole time in HA, while my HE had correctly noted that it ‘closed’… 24 minutes prior.
Now, if I click ‘reload integration’ in HA, then HA will pull the correct status of the door contact, as soon as the integration finishes reloading. Obviously, this isn’t workable for something that should be able to update in real time.
Help? Any logs you need from me (if so, where from)?

Edit: I had the HE on my IoT VLAN, and HA is running on the main VLAN. Moved the HE to the main VLAN, and status updates are now instantaneous. Will either leave it how it is now, or work on inter-VLAN firewall rules.

Hi everyone, this is my startup with the HE integration, I’m moving away from the Fibaro HC2 and I feel like I’m missing a key point here, I notice that there is no history for the temperature sensor (Fibaro Motion Sensor ZW5), you can see it in the screenshot, from the moment I switched to HE there has been no data coming in.

Other devices are making no energy/power data available since the migration to HA but I’ll take one step at a time, hopefully someone can help me figure out what I’m missing. I promise I’ll start reading through every page of this thread since I am really interested in building up my trust level to Hubitat and never look back into Fibaro. Thanks a lot for your support!

Is the entity ID of the sensor from Hubitat the same as the entity ID of the sensor from the Fibaro HC2?

Do you mean that devices don’t have energy or power entities, or that the devices aren’t showing up in the energy dashboard? If it’s related to the energy dashboard, none of the devices created by this integration show up there yet because the sensor code hasn’t been updated to provide everything HA wants.

Thank you for jumping into this tread for me, Jason! Yes, I preserved the same entity ID for this particular temperature sensor entity.

I believe I should give it some more time for history to build up, the entities are there but no data showing. I had issues with a Neo Coolcam Wall plug displaying negative power value, found others reporting the same issue years ago. The “fix” for me was to exclude and re-include the device.

Are you getting updates from other devices? Like, if you flip a switch (assuming you have any switches), does HA show the proper state? It’s possible to have the integration in a state where HA can talk to Hubitat but Hubitat can’t send event updates back to HA. (Typically that happens when HA and Hubitat are on different networks.)

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Yes, I am getting updates from devices, although in the past few days I’ve been struggling to figure out what the issue is with the delayed response and sometimes erroneous state reports. Ended up placing 1 Hubitat device per room for smooth operation (my Fibaro HC2 that I’m moving away from is a significantly better player, range-wise).

I do not know much about the Hubitat → HA integration options yet but everything is on a single network, just to confirm.

I noticed that the “Temperature Reporting Interval” is set to Disabled by default on the Fibaro Motion Sensor, so it seems like I might have to pay attention to config values there, too…

It’s actually doing this to me now, when I flip a switch, light turns on instantly but the switch flips back 1 second later, so the light is on but the switch returns to Off state. Why would this be happening?

That’s the situation I was mentioning (HA can talk to Hubitat but Hubitat can’t send event updates back to HA). What’s happening is:

  1. You flip the switch in HA
  2. HA preliminarily updates the state of the switch entity to reflect the change
  3. HA never receives an update from the device, so it reverts the state of the switch entity

Open the Maker API instance in Hubitat and look at the “URL to POST device events to” value. Given your home’s network, is that an address that Hubitat should be able to directly access, or is it an address that’s behind a firewall, or on an internal docker/KVM/etc. network?

Thanks for clarifying the cause of Hubitat and HA communication issues. That makes sense but the thing is it used to work just fine for a while during the setup process. I have 3 Hubitat hubs configured in different parts of the house, all integrated into Home Assistant, the “URL to POST device events to” has the IP address of the Home Assistant (and a random 5 digit port number, different for each of the 3 Hubs which I assume is how it should be).

I tried to figure out at which point I could have triggered the communication issue but could not remember anything in particular. So I simply rebooted all the hubs and Home Assistance, and it started to work again which is somewhat confusing, maybe just a glitch.

You’ve been surprisingly responsive, Jason. I’ve watched a ton of youtube videos and read on forums before making the decision to switch to HA and also move away from Fibaro to an Internet-free hub. It looks like a long journey ahead but I’m up for it. Thank you!

Jason, I just figured out you’re the author of the integration! As a smart home enthusiast, I owe a lot to you here, thank you! 1165 is a long way to this point but I plan to read it all to understand where the Hubitat integration stands as I’m putting a lot of hope in it, I literally cannot stop clicking the on/off button to watch lights switch instantly with Hubitat. You know you sometimes are in the mood of playing with buttons, and if I did that to Fibaro, on the 5th or 6th click the hub would start protesting and pause one me until seconds later when it would resume executing the commands like a ton within a second. That kept bothering me until I came across Hubitat promising local functionality and fast steady response. The main issue besides the glitches is the antenna range but I’ve “fixed” that by setting up a Hub in each room until I decide on accepting the external antenna soldering adventure…

Fantastic job man, I am grateful to you for this, I really am.

I was working on setting up a new automation based on a Hubitat event. When I was creating it through the HA UI I realized that my Hubitat devices are all duplicated. I’m not sure when or how this happened, but any advice on how to remove the duplicates?

I see the same thing, one of the devices doesn’t have any entities though. I assumed it was something I did.

I just checked a few of the duplicated devices and see the same thing. One device has entities and the second device does not.

I didn’t change anything with the integration or on the Hubitat side aside from the HA updates and Hubitat firmware updates.