Custom Component: Hubitat

No, not related to the maker API issue. That was something else - node-red integration issue, not a HA integration issue. :).

These are zigbee locks in Hubitat that are brought over to HA with this integration.

Edit: I’ll try a reboot.

Ok… that would have just been way too funny if it was lock related :slight_smile:

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Yeah, HA doesn’t make that easy. However, you shouldn’t need to delete anything. The integration re-detects everything at startup, and if a device has a Lock capability at startup, a lock entity will be added for that device (if it doesn’t already exist). If a lock entity isn’t showing up for a lock device after a restart, then there’s likely a more fundamental issue (like, Hubitat isn’t reporting it as a lock device).

One way to check what a device is reporting is to use curl:

$ curl https://<hubitat ip>/apps/api/<maker API id>/devices/<device ID>?access_token=<maker API token> | python -m json.tool

That should return a JSON object that describes the device. It will contain lists of attributes, capabilities, and commands. One of the capabilities should be Lock.

Good info, thanks!

I tried deleting the integration altogether, and re-adding it.

The locks were readded, but 2 still don’t work. They do work in Hubitat (just for the record).

I’ll try to find some time to troubleshoot some more tomorrow.

My kwikset 914 works, my two kwikset 916 don’t. All of them are zigbee. So there must be something slightly different in them I guess.

The integration makes the devices, and they have a lock entity, but it shows as unavailable on the 2 kwikset 916 devices.

That did it! Thx!

I deleted my post as I’m not 100% that was the actual issue. Still troubleshooting some more.

Not sure what is going on exactly. After my last reboot all 3 locks showed up with blue icons/working. I locked one of my locks from HA - it did lock, but the status in HA never changed to locked and now it is greyed out/unavailable.

EDIT 1: So 2 of my locks are working correctly, 1 is not. The 1 that is not is the one described above where it worked once, then went unavailable. It is also the only lock that has lockCode Encryption turned on. I’ll turn it off on that lock and test further.

EDIT 2: Yes. As soon as I turned off lockCode Encryption in Hubitat the 3rd lock started working. So it seems (?) that lockCode Encryption on/off in Hubitat affects the HA integration for locks. Not 100% sure why though. Maybe the integration doesn’t like the long encrypted lock code string (it definitely is not all numeric)?

Interrrresting. Did you turn on debug logging? I’d be interested to see if any errors showed up in the log.

For the status to update in HA, the integration needs to receive an event from Hubitat saying the lock state has changed, so there might be a problem there. Offhand I’m not sure why the status would have changed to unavailable without restarting HA, unless maybe there was an error processing an event.

When you have lockCode encryption on, the lock code is returned as a big ole encrypted string, that might be what is killing the device after a state change.


Ah, yes, that might do it. I’ll need to update the integration to handle that more gracefully.


Version 0.4.15

This release fixes a bug that would cause locks using encrypted codes to become unresponsive.


Give v0.4.15 a try.

Looks like that fixed it! Well done, and thanks!

MFer. My Z-Wave Network never finishes starting, according to the UI, after reboot. I think I’ve got a Node causing problems. I tried to add an Aeotec Recessed Door Sensor Gen5, I believe it’s showing up as Unknown Node 0 (Node: 0 Probe). But because the network is not started, I can not remove it, nor add anything new. The Z-Wave network IS working though.

I don’t know what to do at this point.

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It can take quite a while to start…especially on a pi. Give it at least 10 minutes.

I’d heard that, but, we’re talking 30 minutes of waiting. It’s never done this before.

Wow…anything in the HA or OZ logs that might be a clue? I remember seeing quite a few posts about zwave issues for users that upgraded to 105.x.
I never experienced it myself and I’m currently on the latest. I would also pop on the discord channel for zwave. I’ve gotten good responses from dev’s on there.

Nothing that I can tell. Still sitting here at Starting…
And there’s definitely some dropped messages going on. This sucks!

Go back to Hubitat until HA Z-Wave finds it’s big boy pants.
Sorry I 100% don’t mean this negatively towards you, just strange kludgy issues like this are why I decided it wasn’t ready for me.

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Got a NUC coming. I’ll be working on it next week, until then I’m just in wait mode with old operate your own self wall switches. Seems like the stone ages. I may do as you said, with HE, then again I may give HA one more chance.