Custom Component: Hubitat

The issue is probably related to how the integration determines what temperature units to use for a thermostat. If the thermostat reports what units it’s using, the integration uses those. If not, it guesses.

The logic for guessing the units is based on what seemed (to me) like a reasonable temperature for a thermostat. If the temperature value is less than 50, it’s probably a Celsius temp. If it’s more than that, it’s probably a Fahrenheit temp. (50 is still way too high for a C thermostat, and seems unreasonably low for an F thermostat.)

I’d guess that what’s happening is that the temperature drops below 50 and the thermostat isn’t reporting units, so the integration suddenly switches from using F to C (49C is 120F).

How does it determine the unit? Does it look for the unit on the event? If so, Generic Z-Wave Thermostat appears to use “F” in my case:


This is in contrast to “°F” that I see in other drivers. There doesn’t seem to be 100% consistency with this, though I think most drivers do the latter. I can’t change this one, unfortunately, but it would be easy enough to test with a virtual one, I guess.

It’s been a while since I looked at temperature units… After reviewing the climate code and some of the Hubitat docs, I believe I see the issue. Hubitat devices don’t have to report their units – that’s not part of the capability spec. (When I initially developed the climate integration I was using a custom Nest driver that did report units.) Instead, you specify the units at the hub level, which isn’t (so far as I know) available through the Maker API used by the integration.

To get around that, the HA integration lets you specify the temperature units used by the hub. Unfortunately the climate integration isn’t currently using those units, but it should be. I opened a new bug for that.

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Thanks for diving into the issue!

I have an additional request/question. I have several GoControl Zwave thermostats that are connected to Hubitat and exposed to HA through the Maker API. When the physical thermostat is heating, and reaches its setpoint, the state as shown in Hubitat goes to “pending heat”. After the thermostat’s “minimum off time” is reached, the state goes to “idle”. While the thermostat is in “pending heat”, it is NOT actually calling for heat. However, on the HA side, the thermostat is reported as “heating” during the “pending heat” period. I’m trying to keep track of boiler runtimes in HA, and this makes it a little funky to do. Is there a way to update the state mappings so that “pending heat” (and also presumably “pending cool”, although I only use these thermostats for heating, so I’m not positive) maps to “idle”, rather than “heating”?

So I did some looking around, and I see that you are capturing the “pending heat/cool” state from Hubitat, and explicitly assigning them to “heating” or “cooling”, respectively. Is this actually how everyone else’s thermostat works? My GoControl thermostat is NOT calling for heat while the state is “pending heat”, so in my opinion (for my thermostat), the more appropriate mapping is to “idle”. If everyone else’s thermostat behaves differently, I may just fork this and make the small edit myself.

def hvac_action(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """Return the current running hvac operation if supported."""
        opstate = self.get_str_attr(ATTR_OPERATING_STATE)
        if opstate == OPSTATE_PENDING_HEAT or opstate == OPSTATE_HEATING:
            return CURRENT_HVAC_HEAT
        if opstate == OPSTATE_PENDING_COOL or opstate == OPSTATE_COOLING:
            return CURRENT_HVAC_COOL
        if opstate == OPSTATE_FAN_ONLY:
            return CURRENT_HVAC_FAN
        if opstate == OPSTATE_IDLE:
            return CURRENT_HVAC_IDLE
        return None

Maybe newbie question, but I can’t figure out how to install this in Synology VMM? I’ve tried to figure out both options in the Readme file.

  1. If I go to integrations and search for Hubitat, no results are found.

  2. For the manual options, I don’t know how to get the folder into my config folder. I don’t see where/how I can access the file system directory for the VM on the nas.

All help is appreciated!

EDIT - I figured out the HACS method…took a while to get SSH to work but finally did. My problem now is that when I click on the the Hubitat repository, the window pops up but the loading wheel just spins and spins.

EDIT 2 - Looks like it might just be the GitHub rate limit error. I’ll try again in the morning

Hmmm…you’re probably right. It’s not really clear from Hubitat’s docs what the “pending” state is for. Is “pending heat” just what you get when the mode is heat but the furnace isn’t actively heating or do some furnaces do something special during “pending heat” mode?

Glad to hear you’ve made some progress! Yeah, the rate limit can be a problem, especially right after you install HACS.

I have a very simple setup, with just a single stage of heating via steam boiler, so it’s hard for me to say exactly. I do know, however, that when the thermostat state is “pending heat”, it’s not actually running the boiler. The amount of time that the state is “pending heat” also tracks the setting of my thermostat’s “minimum off-time”, which also leads me to say that it may be universal that “pending …” is actually “idle” even for more complex setups, but you’d probably have to have someone with with a more complex setup confirm that.

For now, I’ve just modified your code to get the state mapping that I want.

Home Seer user, prospecting HA. One of my biggest concerns with HA is the Z-Wave and Zigbee solutions. (I have not started migrating my Z-Wave network) I’m new, but my perception (right or wrong) is that it’s a very ‘shaky’ ground, especially in the area of long term Z-Wave reliability.

  1. I have install this fantastic integration (many thanks @jason0x43 ) and moved my Zigbee devices over to HA using a C7. Which amounts to about 15 non critical temp/humidity/pressure sensors.

  2. I’m using a HomeSeer Z-Net currently with HS, which has some minor bugs, but in general is stable and reliable.

  3. My Z-Wave network is significantly larger. Consisting of ~112 nodes. If HA is the path I stay on, it will be a huge task moving my devices over, so I don’t want to make the wrong decision.

  4. I’m running HA in a VirtualBox VM on a Windows 10 ‘server’.

What are your opinions on using the C7 hub (it’s only use is it’s radios and the Maker API) and this integration as my Z-Wave device hub?


Did I just see an update that included energy monitoring? Is there further discussion that I missed?

Someone opened a PR back in November to add support for energy meter entities for devices that support energy metering, and I finally got around to merging it. (It was a busy few months.)


Is there any additional configuration? I restarted HA and went to add individual devices but there aren’t any statistics available.

@jason0x43 Just found this implementation from a suggestion in the HE forum and I love it. GREAT WORK!!!

I’m trying to change the HSM state from HA but nothing seems to happen.
I have tried different actions in an automation but I have not yet found a successful way. Any suggestions?

This is a way I think should work buy my HE seems to not register the HA command.

service: hubitat.set_hsm
  command: armHome

I have switch to allow control of HSM and location switched on in the Maker API settings.

Probably true. I use node red to coordinate HE and HA.

Did u manage to get it working?

I just installed this with an extra hubitat elevation I had. I will report back in a while. I am trying to get rid of my smartthings v2 hubs and this seems like a nice replacement. I have 189 Zigbee lights… so we will see how it performs as I start to push it.

I’m haven’t looked into how HA collects statistics. With the PR, Hubitat devices that support energy reporting get energy meter entities in HA, but that’s all at the moment. (If HA needs more than that for energy monitoring, there’s still work to be done.)

In Hubitat, make sure the “Allow control of HSM” toggle is enabled in the Maker API instance being used with HA.

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I got it working yesterday. I haven’t used HSM before and apparently you need to have at least one sensor, per mode, configured in HSM to get HSM to be active in HE.

It works great and I’m now able to get the status of my Verisure alarm to HE using an automation in HA that set the HSM in HE. :slight_smile:

Thank you for your great work!

I got the Energy statistics to work.
In configuration.yaml i added:


      state_class: total_increasing

Setting the energy sensors to the right state_class, u could always do this for each sensor individually.