Custom component: Lucide icons

Hi there,

I am a huge fan of Lucide icon set and was disappointed there were no integration available for Home Assistant. Therefore: I wrote one!

It even supports icon keywords/aliases, so you can search for the icon inside native Home Assistant icon bar.

Here is the repository with more in-depth description and examples:

This integration currently is not yet available on HACS repository, but you can still install it as Custom HACS repository using the GitHub link or manually.

Hope you like it!

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Thank you love the minimal style of the icons.

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i having issues with showing icons in Chrome and in the HA APP iOS. The icons are visible in Firefox.



Thanks for the feedback. Indeed, my bad testing only on Firefox. Working on a solution :+1:t2:

New version is out. Should be working on Chrome. Not 100% sure what the issue with Companion is.

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Works in Chrome and also with Companion.

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Thanks for reporting issues! Glad it works! By the way, I also just now added icon list view, when typing icon name. Hope that makes experience a bit nicer! Aliases are also coming

Added the support for icon keywords/aliases in the new update! Hope you like it!

Support for lucide v0.311.0 is out!

Updated for lucide version v0.319.0

Updated to lucide v0.323.0

I get an error trying to add your repo:

<Plugin karlis-vagalis/hass-lucide-icons> Repository structure for master is not compliant

@Wheemer Are you adding it as an “Integration”?

Thanks, oops!

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Support for Lucide v0.335.0 is out!

Support for Lucide v0.341.0 is out