Custom Component: SkyQ Media Player

Possibly, but then you would have failed requests to the images, which goes against how I think things should work. This is partly why I have tried to handle expected exceptions gracefully, rather than just letting them fail.

By the way I have changed this to just ‘live_tv’, since ‘get’ isn’t really necessary in the config file and felt a bit naff. It will support both for the time being. I’ll add an info message to say it is deprecated in next push.

Also trying out the Dev branch and the images are looking good! :smiley:

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Does anyone think it could be good to have the media player show somewhere if we’re watching live TV or a recording? Not sure how possible it is? Just an idea?

It could be, but it seems very difficult…

I’m not sure there is a way, apart from by adding the something to the channel name or the programme title.

However it looks like there are a set of html emoji that can be used. Have a look at the ones here and pick a couple you fancy and I’ll give it a go.

EDIT: I’m going to try using this :film_strip: after the channel name in recordings. If it causes problems on any browsers I’ll remove.

Can you add also an image for Kodi and Sky?

But how would you ever be able to play Kodi via your sky media player…? Also wouldn’t every input you choose be sky? as its a sky media player?

All you’d need to do to make the image available to use in other places on the front end is put them into the www/ folder.

I agree there is no ‘Kodi’ or ‘Sky’ app, so I’m not sure what you are looking for. Three choices are satellite, recording or app. I’ve done some work on adding for the first two, I’m not sure whether to bother for app, since the name (and the background for some give that info anyway).

In terms of how it works, it converts the app name returned by the sky box, to something you would recognise (e.g com.bskyb.vevo = Vevo). Then checks to see if the logo is in the curated list of backgrounds. I’m not sure if I can make that dynamic so that it will just use whatever has been put in the www directory, but I’ll take a look at that.

I took that as he wanted a button for those rather than a channel background (given that they aren’t options to actually choose) which is why I said he could just put them in the www.
I’m guessing he wants to make buttons to change the TV input to Kodi out sky seperate to this component.

No sorry, I was completely wrong as I thought it was possible to run kodi from sky apps and I am completely wrong.
Sorry again…

I’ve worked up a way of checking to see if the app image exists in the www/community/skyq folder, so if a .png image is put in there with same name as the app that is shown in the GUI, then it should show it.

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I’m working on a way to change the entity icon dynamically. Television for off, and different icons for Live, PVR and App.

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That feels like a better way than the emojis

I decided to take on a HACS setup for the SkyQ integration. As you will see from the release notes, there are quite a few changes.

One of note is the support for application images. This images I have gathered won’t be installed by default, you will need to put them in your ‘www/community/skyq’ folder by hand. The good news is you can add to them if you use more applications than I have provided for. Just name the png image according to the application name shown in Lovelace, but in lowercase. I usually make the image about 30kb-40kb and landscape, but that depends on the shape of your Lovelace card.

I try to modify component to take Channel Images for the Italian SkyQ box.
Url now is:


“389/80” is the size of image.
{0} is the SID
{1} is the channel name without symbols like this:

chid=''.join(e for e in channelNode["t"].lower() if e.isalnum())
{"imageUrl": CLOUDFRONT_IMAGE_URL_BASE.format(sid,chid)}

We can take image also from “{sid}{chid}?tr=n-logo_80

I’m unable to fit image in my MiniPlayer but now is only exercise.

I also try to get the EPG url by sniff but i find only a link where are categories for the EPG grid with link to "“uri”: “tvguide://grid?genre=FAV”
For italian epg i try to work on “

I’ll take a look

Great, thanks…
I noticed inside the HACS component i don’t see anymore the file…
Is it correct?
EDIT, i just read the release notes so i am asking if we must install pyskyremote and we with hassio how to install it?

Yes, it is now installed from PyPI