Custom Component: SkyQ Media Player

Hello all

Is there a way to control the Volume?
I have SkyQ in Broadlink IR, but I want move to home assistant in order to control with Google Home and volume it is important for me


Came on here to post exactly the same thing about volume?

Was wondering if volume could be added to a media card to control skyQ?

Is this a re-post of a solved question?

Sorry, I meant I came on to ask exactly the same thing as you. I have not seen a solution to it yet. Think because this component is almost hacking the sky box into a media device a normal media card will not deliver volume controls.

Cannot see anything in the docs about volume up and down being supported either.

Ok! I misunderstood your english.
Maybe you right, but since my TV is old and no way to control the volume, my dream is control via home assistant

Yeah me too, will have a play tonight but volume is not listed, although you can do it via the sky remote.

The Sky remote is sending the signal straight to the TV when you change the volume, not to the Sky box. The Sky box doesn’t have any control over the volume.

You can try something like Broadlink or Harmony for this.

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Has anyone tried to use the custom mini media player with skyQ component?

Trying to work out how to add some channel up, channel down buttons to it.

I have this so far:


The code behind is this:

      - type: custom:mini-media-player
        entity: media_player.skyq
        name: SkyQ
        icon: mdi:blank     #mdi:youtube-tv
        #more_info: false
        artwork: cover
        background: ""
          volume: true
          source: true
          power_state: false       
          columns: 6 # Max buttons per row
      # Channel Up
            - icon: mdi:arrow-up
              type: source
              id: skyq_chuplounge
      # Channel Down
            - icon: mdi:arrow-down
              type: service
              id: skyq_chdnlounge
      # Trigger script
            - icon: mdi:arrow-up
              type: service
              id: skyq_chuplounge 
      # Trigger script
            - icon: mdi:arrow-up
              type: service
              id: skyq_chuplounge       
      # Trigger script
            - icon: mdi:arrow-up
              type: service
              id: skyq_chuplounge 
      # Trigger script
            - icon: mdi:arrow-up
              type: service
              id: skyq_chuplounge   

But I cannot work out what I need to put in ‘type’ and in ‘id’ to call the source I have set up for channel up and down which is this in my config

  - platform: plex  
  - platform: skyq
    name: SkyQ
    room: Lounge
    config_directory: '/config/'
    generate_switches_for_channels: true
      BBCOne: '1,1,5'
      BBCTwo: '1,0,2'
      SkyAtlantic: '1,0,8'
      SkyOne: '1,0,6'
      SkyNews: '5,0,1'
      SkyF1: '4,0,6'
      CHup: 'channelup'
      CHdn: 'channeldown'

And this in my SkyQ yaml:

      value_template: '{{"off"}}'
      friendly_name: 'CHup in the Lounge'
        service: media_player.select_source
          entity_id: media_player.skyq
          source: 'CHup'
        service: script.placeholder
      value_template: '{{"off"}}'
      friendly_name: 'CHdn in the Lounge'
        service: media_player.select_source
          entity_id: media_player.skyq
          source: 'CHdn'
        service: script.placeholder

So no way for volume? I am sad a lot…

Has anyone added these skyq switches to Apple homekit via the homekit integration?

I’ve just added mine and because they appear as switches if I say “play sky one” the function works and sky one is selected but then the switch stays “on”.

I thought I’d be able to do an automation in HA to turn the switch back off but after turning it off in HA it seems to go out of sync and still show as “on” in home kit? Not sure if this is a homekit or skyq issue but my transmission switch behaves correctly in homekit ie I can turn it on in one and off in the other and state is synced across the two.

@Matt_Barnes you peaked my interest with this one, until this I hadn’t even tried HACS left alone the mini-media-player so I took at look at reproducing last night and got the buttons working.

A couple of ways this can be done, you can go with the script solution, however, this method can be problematic when using hassio. But the cleanest option is to use the source method, which works cleanly because you’re hiding the source.

Media_player configuration:

  - platform: skyq
    name: TestSkyL2
      CUP: 'channelup'
      CDOWN: 'channeldown'
      UP: 'up'
      DOWN: 'down'
      LEFT: 'left'
      RIGHT: 'right'

Lovelace configurations

        - artwork: cover
        background: >-

        entity: media_player.testskyl2
          power_state: false
          source: true
          volume: true
        icon: 'mdi:blank'
        name: TestSkyL2
            - icon: 'mdi:arrow-up'
              id: CUP
              type: source
            - icon: 'mdi:arrow-down'
              id: CDOWN
              type: source
            - icon: 'mdi:menu-up'
              id: UP
              type: source
            - icon: 'mdi:menu-down'
              id: DOWN
              type: source
            - icon: 'mdi:menu-left'
              id: LEFT
              type: source
            - icon: 'mdi:menu-right'
              id: RIGHT
              type: source
          columns: 6
        type: 'custom:mini-media-player'

Note, I didn’t finish off the last two buttons in above, but validated CUP, CDOWN, LEFT and RIGHT work. :wink:

I’d love to include this and other working usage examples in the documentation for the component. I’d appreciate it if you share your final working setup on this or send a pull request if you could help improve the documentation with your usage in github :smiley:

Note I’ve not used the switches at all, I found them know help for this solution. I’d be keen to see how others have succesfully used those. I suspect some improvements are needed, for now I’ve made the generate switches functionality default off.

Update: I cleaned up my UI example above, used different icons for CUP and UP. Matt, This still needs some modifications as they don’t do much without a select button first clicked.

I have not tried this myself (yet) but in theory, if you have a tv or soundbar you are controlling volume with already, I have lgwebostv, then you could create a Universal Media Player to solve this problem.

If anyone has done this, I’d love to see your final configuration

I wanted to share my latest updates in case anyone is interested and to gather feedback before I merge into the master branch.

Nothing entirely original in this, it is really a merge from various other sources across the forums. This current state will, when playing back recorded tv show you the image of the program being played along with season and episode details, as per image:


See the skyqa branch on GitHub:

In case anyone is wondering, when watching live TV it will only show the channel name at present. Others in the forums had used online epg’s to improve the functionality, but based on forum input was a big cause of instability in other peoples attempts, so have opted for service efficiency over bells and whistles.

The configuration remains unchanged from previous so this can simply be unzipped, replacing the existing skyq folder content.

Please share feedback, I will likely merge to master next weekend.

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Amazing thank you! I will have another play later and post what I get finilised! I love the fact it will play artwork for recorded shows!

Check out Control4 and their sky integration, they can get up next and playing now information on their system (I know theirs is a massive expensive system not comparing just saying the data must be there somewhere)

Will finish mine and delve more into the switches and link with Apple homekit as the media player + homekit solution would make sky voice controllable through Siri or controllable via HA UI.

I really love this component!

I’ve just noticed @Matt_Barnes, when combining the new mini-media-player with the updated skyq component the background changes like this, when recordings are being played:


It does revert back to your default image when going back to live tv.

Maybe I should make the enhanced features optional/configurable, in case someone doesn’t want the background image changing in things like the mini-media-player.


With the currently playing, does this rely on not using the Sky remote to change channels? Do you have to use HA to change channels only.

I’ve been wanting this functionality for a long time!

This component will auto refresh the UI, supporting updates via the remote control.

Not at my computer to confirm but if I recall it’s currently using HA interval defaults right now for the refresh, 15 seconds I believe.

Great component, thanks!

I notice my SkyQ Mini feeds what channel is currently playing into HA, but my main 2TB Box doesn’t, any idea how to get my main box to show what’s playing in HA?

Attached screenshots of my setup. Using mini media player to make a remote, which does all the buttons I need, even volume!

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I have TV that is no smart: I have broadlink IR, but I want to try to remove it

@jackm Those UI’s are looking great, please do share the config also either here or feel free to raise a Pull Request with example config in GitHub as part of the readme

With regards to your 2TB box issue, I have read about others having similar issues in the thread I based my updates on, I don’t believe they got to the bottom of it but lets give it a go :slight_smile:

I also have a 2TB box, in my living room and its working fine for me. I believe it might be to do with box versions, or ports in use. Mine is about 18 months old if that has any bearing

How familiar confident are you with cURL? If you are familiar I think I can give some pointers later in the week to help you run some tests to get to the bottom of this. In the meantime I’ve added a debug branch to my release, you can run these on the command line on any box with python, so can be your HA box, but can run on any machine, I’m running these on my laptop.

You don’t need the entire content, just the two files and

On the command line you then run ./ <sky_box_ip> it will output loads of debug text, perhaps direct message me output, if you’d like me to try and assist, hopefully, it will give us something to suggest what is wrong.

When you are running it, have a recorded program playing :wink: If you record something common and let me know what it is, I can replicate on my main box to compare outputs.

Also, check out this thread and see if you can spot any pointers to help solve: Sky Q set-top box custom media_player component