Custom Component: SkyQ Media Player

Can someone please help me, I’ve installed the Sky Q media player and generated the channels all OK but would like to add a card with all the remote buttons on it. I’ve read about sources etc but how do I create the card and add all the buttons. I’d like to be able to use it when the physical remote has gone missing.


I suspect there will be examples earlier in this thread, but generally people use mini media player installed using HACS, then configure it as a set of buttons. There are examples of button setup on my GitHub page.

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I’ve managed to get the buttons configured using the mini media player. One question I have is when you set a number of columns in my case 6, is there a way to have a row with say only 3, then the next with 6. I have seen I can have a final row of 2, I also added a null button but I don’t want it to give a error if someone presses it by mistake, so how do I get the button to do nothing?


Love the idea of being able to send the PIN, but pardon me for being a bit dim - how would I use this? Could I use it in an automation, for example?

Yes, you can monitor the attribute I mentioned in the post I made, and then issue a service call as I showed in that same message. I don’t have a full written example because I use Node Red for my automations rather than HA inbuilt automations.

Hi, I love this integration, it’s so useful for so many things and automations.
I’ve recently installed HA on a 12.4" tablet and the programme thumbnail looks a little pixellated as I can see the image it is pulling through is 456px wide.

I just wondered if there was a way I could amend the baseurl used here to look for the 1024 variant and improve the resolution. For example:

The current URL thumbnail -

The one I’d like to use -

Is it possible to allow us to swap out the 456 in the base URL for 1024 to get some crisper images?

Thanks again for all of your work on this.

Can you raise this as new feature request on my GitHub, and I’ll see what is feasible

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Thanks Roger will do.
I did look through the code to see if I could manually swap out 456 to 1024 myself but it doesn’t seem to be statically stored anywhere.

Hi, this integration works perfectly along with the mini media player card.

I have created a template sensor in Developer Tools to display the used storage space as a percentage.

    friendly_name: SkyQ Used Space
    Value_template: '{{ states.sensor.sky_q_used_storage.attributes["skyq_storage_percent"] }}

This works fine until I move it into configuration.yaml where I get the following error in check configuration:

Invalid config for [sensor.template]: invalid slug SkyQLivingRoomSpace (try skyqlivingroomspace) for dictionary value @ data[‘sensors’]. Got OrderedDict([(‘SkyQLivingRoomSpace’, OrderedDict([(‘friendly_name’, ‘SkyQ Used Space’), (‘value_template’, ‘{{ states.sensor.sky_q_used_storage.attributes[“skyq_storage_percent”] }}’)]))]). (See ?, line ?).

Can anyone help?

I’ve made the change, it is in a python module which does the actual access - - I’ve just changed the size up, which means slightly larger files will be pulled, but they are still pretty small.

If you can show exactly what you have put in config.yaml, I can advice. I’d expect

  - sensors:
      - name: SkyQLivingRoomSpace

Thanks Roger. It’s in my yaml as follows:

  - platform: template #sky q box used stoage %
        friendly_name: SkyQ Used Space
        value_template: '{{ states.sensor.sky_q_used_storage.attributes["skyq_storage_percent"] }}'

I do have some other template sensors nestled under this that work fine.

Decapitalise the sensor name (which is what it suggests in the error :wink:)

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That worked a treat.

Sounds like a typical rookie error on my part. I’m new to yaml and these sorts of things so appreciate your help.

Amazing. Looks so much crisper already. Thanks a million Roger.

I’ve got a remote setup in my config, have a look at:

Thanks I’ll take a look.

Hi - Does anyone know of a better way to access apps such as Netflix with this integration. I have created a custom source as below but it is a bit clunky and wondered if there is more of a direct way to open the apps.

{“Netflix: “home,down,down,down,down,down,down,down,down,down,down,right,right,select,select”}

My suspicion is that no reply gives the answer. I certainly don’t know a better way, sorry.

Thanks Roger. I guess you are right.