Custom Component: SkyQ Media Player

FYI… @bluenazgul
A dirty way to grab the “current” or “latest” activity in your Netflix account is via

When logged on, you will see a list of things watched and it usually updates pretty quickly when you start something else.

I use Mulitscrape to extract the first item in the list - adding the cookies you find in your browsers’ dev tools is sufficient for Netflix to identify you.

I use this to select the first item listed, which is the last thing to have been started (if any of your devices are on source “Netflix” and “playing”, then this is generally what you are watching :slight_smile: )

select:  "#appMountPoint > div > div > div > > div > div > ul > li:nth-child(1) > div.col.title > a"

I’ve been using this brilliant integration for a few weeks now and it’s been great. lately though my bedroom sky box device has started controlling my living room device - is there a way to see/change the IP address of the two devices? I just can’t seem to find it!

On the Q box if you go to Settings - Status - Network Connection - Network Setup then choose Advanced Settings you can switch from Automatic to Manual IP for your box…

thanks, where do I see in the integration which IP address it thinks each box has? I remember I needed it when I added each box but for the life of me I can’t find it now!

You should really set a static ip address on your router, where you should be able to see the ip address assigned to the device. Then I would suggest deleting and readding the integration.

There are ways of finding the existing ip allocated in HA, by downloading diagnostics (I think) or digging in the .storage folder of your config. You should be very careful in there because you can make a mess of your config very easily.

But for any devices, you control from HA, where the ip matters you should set it statically on your router since that gives you central control of other items as well (such as dns addresses they use).

yes definitely - I’ve been doing exactly that with my router this evening! was just hoping to work out why/if it had gone wrong because of an IP address or something else that I need to work out.

I can certainly delete and re-add the boxes if it’s necessary, was just hoping to troubleshoot it a bit more before taking that step?

I have added this intergration. 2023.12, v2.11.6

I have Sky Q Top Box and Sky Q Minis.

The top box (Lounge) configures fine, but the mini (Snug) I am getting 500 internal error when clicking configure button.

A media player entity has been added and I can power on/off the box using that.

Any ideas?

Many thanks

Anything showing in the systems log?

Thanks for your quick reply. However it’s sorted, works now.

The other day, I had to move the Sky Top box off the Ubiquiti network due to stabiliy issues after latest firmware updates. So the IP address had changed (and on a different subnet)

I just went to the box and it was displaying an error saying it couldn’t activate. So I have just reset the acitvation and it is now reconnected to the top box.

I have tried adding again with new IP address (different subnet same as top box) and it now configures fine.

Sorry for wasting your time and thanks for your super quick reply!

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I cannot update the component via HACS interface. I cannot update HACS itself either
I got this error:

Logger: custom_components.hacs
Source: custom_components/hacs/tasks/
Integration: HACS (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 22:30:59 (8 occurrences)
Last logged: 22:33:18

No RepositoryFile.MAINIFEST_JSON file found ‘custom_components/skyq/RepositoryFile.MAINIFEST_JSON’
No RepositoryFile.MAINIFEST_JSON file found ‘custom_components/hacs/RepositoryFile.MAINIFEST_JSON’

How can I fix this?

I would raise that query on the HACS GitHub, it looks like an issue in HACS. I would suggest deleting and reinstalling Sky Q, you may need to do the same with HACS.

Has anyone found a way to force the SKY Q box into ‘eco’ mode? Within the box settings itself, eco mode only goes into that state for a few hours over night, but during the day it’s a power hungry device in standby mode. When not in active use during the day, it seems like a complete waste of electricity. I’ve tried a smart plug method, but it takes forever to boot SKY Q back up when you eventually want to get round to using the box.

Was keen to know if someone found a trick through Home Assistant to force the device into eco mode?

skyQ is a black hole for electricity, it consumes really a lot even when “powered off” and as you say it’s not acceptable to wait minutes and minutes for it to boot up.
honestly i was confident it simply has no eco mode, do you have any evidence it has? it would be a killer feature!