Custom Component: SkyQ Media Player

Yeah I am.

The “now playing” works on my mini box, just not the main box!

I’m also on HassIO, not even added the mini box to my config yet to try and keep things simpler.

What you mean with mini box? I am switching to HassIo from hassbian… do i need to change something in the configuration of this component?

Now it works. Thanks

Hi, by mini box we mean the add on boxes you can get from sky for watching in other rooms. You have the main box which your dish plugs into and then the smaller mini boxes which can go in other rooms

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How would I install this on HassIO?

I am running this in hassio (pi and vagrant instances), from what I recall without the need to load any additional component using my instructions above, just put repo files in skyq folder in custom_components.

I did make a start on epg data, but it seemed like a rabbit hole of issues and time consuming that I decided I wanted to let the existing release be validated as stable before I get my teeth in to that functionality.

I have a few projects on the go right now, with sparse free time, I may come back to epg functionality in a month or two.

Mine main box has started showing now playing, now… not sure how… but it works :slight_smile:

This works perfectly.

Ive been searching for something like this for a while.

Thank you for taking the time to develop this and sharing your efforts


Mine stops showing now playing without any modification. Any suggestions?

I’m having the same issue, suddenly stopped working.

@MadmanMonty I re-did the debug like before but none of the data is returning from my 2TB box - it still works on the mini box.

I can work on improving the logger debug modes next week unless someone fancies having a go first :wink:

If all the other commands are working I’m going to speculate the issue may not be with HA to SkyQ box, but in the obtaining the image from the sky images website, which HA then embeds into the webpage.

We could add a debug item to confirm if the URL is being passed from the component to HA, that should help in pinpointing the issue.

In the meantime can you post here or DM me when it starts working again, let me know if you spot any patterns. I will help where I can. - Also happy to chat in the #custom-components discord chat

I re-copied all the files from the master branch, restarted HA and it is all working now. Don’t know why that would fix it, but it did!

@MadmanMonty you could use http://<skyq_box>:9006/as/services to pull the channel numbers and names, not a fully fledged EPG but good-enough for those who need to change channels through Alexa/Siri.

If you want the EPG you can use<yyyymmdd>/<sid> where the sid is from the as/services API on the box

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@4n0nD3v3l0p3r Epic work mate.

Any way of skipping forward 5 mins? If you use the mic on the remote and say “jump 5 mins” it will skip 5 mins for you so might be possible. This would be proper useful for advert skipping - i did it when i had virgin, but they let you skip 30 secs a press, so i made an automation to push that button 10 times which would jumpr forward 5 mins, skipping the break.

Hi @Rich_Paul,

To achieve this you could add a switch, Skip_Five: 'up,right,right,right,right,play'

@Coedy thanks, brain-freeze hah!


Forward would be ‘right’ wouldn’t it?

Cheers guys - didn’t know you could do that! Epic epic epic.

I’ve just started looking at this, and it looks great. However I don’t get ‘Now Playing’ on my main box but do get it on my Mini. The main box is a very recent model, so I don’t know if the api has changed.

I tried to do some debugging and I will probably look at it again, but when I run the debug script against the latest (and adding a display of the exception) I get

Other error occurred: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=49153): Max retries exceeded with url: /description0.xml (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x0000026225FD9DF0>, 'Connection to timed out. (connect timeout=3)'))

When I run the getSoapControlURL requests through curl or postman I get a 401 error. I can’t quite see why they should be different, I’d expect the same result. The below is my curl command.

curl "" -H "User-Agent: SOAP_USER_AGENT" -w "\n%{http_code}"

That said I have Python 3.8 installed, so maybe I should try Python 3.7

EDIT: DOH - should have replaced the SOAP_USER_AGENT value…