[Custom component] Smart Autotune Thermostat

Can you please confirm that the version number is correctly indicated on the integration page?

In HACS I see the correct version number.

Ok let’s start from scratch.

  1. How many radiators do you have?

  2. Better use the latest develop version.

Go to developer tools → services → service → update.install → choose entity → update.smart_autotune_thermostat_update → check version → fill develop → call service.

There will still be the 3.0.1 version, ignore it.

  1. Use as overshoot protection value the value 60.

  2. Some initial settings:
    In settings → General
    Choose the Precision Curve
    Improved controller
    Heating Curve: 1.7
    Automatic gains: 1.7
    Derivative time weight: 2.2

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I have underfloor heating. The heating is in 6 zones, total area is roughly 60m2.

I have installed the “develop” version, reinitiated a SAT with the values as suggested. I will let this run for as long as needed and send any graphs that you want.

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Yes, then for sure the overshoot protection value is above 60. I do have the same oversized boiler and the same home size as testing installation. So don’t worry SAT will manage to handle all this power that your boiler produces :slightly_smiling_face:.

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Is this compatible with DIYless thermostat now? Thanks

We are waiting for the official ESPHome OpenTherm component in order to officially support this board. Unofficially you can try SAT by following this discussion. If you have any questions, we will gladly try to answer them!

Have fun!

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Hi there,
I have a question about the thermostat linked to the Smart Autotune Thermostat.

I have my google nest and a couple of TRV’s in different rooms setup and everything is running smoothly. There is just one small issue…

Through home assistant I can change the main temperature through the Smart Autotune Thermostat. This updates the temperature set on the google nest nicely. But it doesn’t work the other way around. If I change the temperature on the nest is doesn’t change the temperature on the Smart Autotune Thermostat.

Did I miss something in the setup somewhere or is this the normal expected behavior? Thanks :slight_smile:

Yes, the one way thermostat synchronization is a design choice. Since SAT is the “master” climate entity, only SAT can change the setpoint.

In my use case I have the Netatmo thermostat 0.5 higher setpoint ( synced through automations ). It ensures that always the physical thermostat is always in hvac_action == heating and the SAT advanced calculations won’t be interrupted at any point.

Thanks for the quick reply.

Do you have an example of the automation on hand? It would help WAF to go up if the Nest thermostat could still be used to set the temperature for the living room and not have to go through the app on her phone. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think this automation will do the job:

alias: Sync Nest and SAT climates
description: >-
  This automation brings backwards target temp synchronization between Nest and
  SAT climate entities. 
  - platform: state
      - climate.your_nest_entity
    attribute: temperature
condition: []
  - action: climate.set_temperature
    metadata: {}
      temperature: >-
        {{ state_attr("climate.your_nest_entity",
        "temperature") | float(19) }}
      entity_id: climate.your_sat_entity
mode: single

WAF is always our top priority :joy:.


Hello, I came across this object while researching for a good thermostat in HA to use with my heating system. After reading all the comments here, the function looks amazing!

I am wondering:

  1. Does it work with under-floor heating with multiple rooms? We have one valve for each room controlling the water flow to that room. No radiators/TRVs in my setup.
  2. Does it work with 3rd-party OpenTherm gateways? I have a MQTT OT gateway that can read all data and set ch_point and dhw_point, but I don’t think it has the same parameters as Nodo’s version.

Thank you!


  1. Does it work with under-floor heating with multiple rooms? We have one valve for each room controlling the water flow to that room. No radiators/TRVs in my setup.

Yes, it is compatible. We have a dedicated calculation for underfloor systems.

Does it work with 3rd-party OpenTherm gateways? I have a MQTT OT gateway that can read all data and set ch_point and dhw_point, but I don’t think it has the same parameters as Nodo’s version.

You can look at this GitHub discussion. Probably your board is compatible.

Hello! I want to use the SAT for a multi-room setup in a 3-bedroom apartment, having the following hardware:

  • opentherm boiler
  • 3 radiators (1 in each room), each radiator having a Sonoff TRV
  • 3 individual temp + hum sensors, one in each room

From my understanding you can add all the temp sensors from each room to SAT, but it doesn’t support turning on/off individual valves.

Note that SAT assumes that the climate control systems in the additional rooms are smart and won’t exceed their target temperatures

Therefore, what is the best way to achieve this? Have some kind of individual trigger for each valve?

Something like:

  • if curr_temp >= target_temp => valve 0%
  • if curr_temp < target_temp => valve 100%

Your sonoff should have a built in pid controler. I dont use sonoff but mine essentially do the same. Easiest is to program the TRV with an automation (target temperature=x at time = y etc) then the trv will do the rest and adjust valve proportionally. If valve is open the SAT will do its thing

Tip - scheduler component and card are really useful:

But nowadays there is also a schedule helper integration built in.

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By the way, you can add the trv directly as thermostat to SAT

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Is it possible to use SAT to control heating with radiators and a boiler that only supports an on/off relay? I tried to configure SAT in PWM mode but it does not turn on the relay even though the set temperature is higher than the current temperature in the room.

Came across this component while trying to smooth out my heating system.
Dumb boiler with no programmer. Each radiator has a SONOFF TRV. Current system treats each room separately, but some rooms take longer to heat and the smaller rooms suffer from over heating. Automation via calendar events sets the desired temps. TRV temp is not a good reflection of room temp.

I tried a generic thermostat combining the switch.steves_office_heating_switch with sensor.steves_office_sensor_2_temperature - this sort of works, but the overruns are still an issue.

I have now installed SAT and trying to get it to work in one room. So far it is sitting there idle ( if I manually turn on the TRV it turns it off again).

Can this integration be used to control 15 TRVs in 12 rooms, each with a temperature sensor?

I think @prontel and @stevegroom you have the same issue. The ON/OFF version of SAT is not battle tested at the moment.
Can you enable SAT debug logging and report if you see a SAT issue? Thanks

It was getting too cold to continue with the testing. I disabled the integration and still the TRV would turn off every time I turned it on manually. Uninstalled, restarted and reverted to old generic thermostat. Will try again - perhaps on the weekend and for an unused room :slight_smile: