[Custom Component] Tapo: Cameras Control

Hi JurajNyiri, thanks to point me out this ffmpeg stuff.
It appears that it was not installed on my system… I use home assistant supervised in docker on a Debian linux. I think it is installed by default on hassos system, not on mine. I don’t know exactly why the stream is working without it but anyway, it is now working fine, many thanks for your time.

Hi, I’m back again on this sound detection topic. It appears that there is another problem with the silent detection from ffmpeg… If the silent duration is too long then the sensor stop working. There are some explanations here : https://github.com/home-assistant-libs/ha-ffmpeg/issues/32
The solution is to add this parameter:
extra_arguments: -nostats
I’ve tested it for few day now on a dedicated sensor and it is woking:

- platform: ffmpeg_noise
  name: ffmpeg_baby_noise
  initial_state: true
  input: rtsp://user:password@ip:554/stream
  peak: -30
  duration: 1
  reset: 20
  extra_arguments: -nostats

You may add this parameter to your integration.

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Hi, is it possible to use some part of this cool custom component as MotionEye Action Buttons?

Yes, you could use Home Assistant API to trigger any action or use GitHub - JurajNyiri/pytapo: Python library for communication with Tapo Cameras library to develop your own action.

Hey there!

How can I change the ip of an already configured cam (c200)?

My silly isp provided router won’t let me assign a static ip to the device nor the official tapo app let you set it up, so occasionally the ip changes and the HA can’t control the cam anymore.

I can easily add again the integration to HA, but is treated as another device and kinda brokes the automation I set up for the camera.

Basically it’s a pain in the ass to reconfigure stuff.

Is there a way to manually assign the up to the integration?

(I’m aware I simply should buy a proper router, but in the meantime…)

You can edit IP in “data”/“ip_address” in .storage/core.config_entries and restart home assistant.

Ideally like you already mentioned, just get a router, even a cheap tplink will get the job done.

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Any idea why when I add my camera to my home assistant view the of the HD feed in the card is not working but the SD is? If I click on both I get an image but neither is live and I have to press the play button for them to start. I’m adding them by going to Integrations, “Tapo: Cameras Control”, clicking the “1 device”. The camera is a C200, latest firmware, HA is fully updated as is HACS and the Tapo integration (which I have removed and re-added to see if that helps).


When I check the browser console I see these being alerted:


That looks like HW is not up to the task, try adding “stream:” into configuration.yaml and enabling stream for integration in options (enabled by default). That should help with CPU load.

@JurajNyiri Have you noticed the new camera firmware and the person detection it (C310) now supports?

Where in configuration.yaml do I add “stream:” as there is nothing in there related to Tapo Control - I’m using HACS to install it.

Plus it’s not HW. It’s a virtualised machine and there are no issues with CPU/RAM/Disk being shown:

Add it to your configuration.yaml file located in config folder for Home assistant.

You can also try installing ffmpeg to VM system, some users reported they needed to do it manually as home assistant did not install it for them.

I am careful with updates as it might break stuff :smiley: I did update one of my cameras to test.

Seems like C200 does not support it. All I got was a new watermark that cannot be disabled. :neutral_face:
Going to test other stuff working, someone reported auto tracking no longer works.


Camera firmware 1.1.7 disables/breakes autotrack - which was never officially available in the app.
It also adds a Tapo watermark to the bottom left corner which cannot be removed.

Apart from that, official changes include:

Modifications and Bug Fixes:
- Fixed some minor bugs.
- Optimized system stability.

Some users reported a new feature with this firmware - person detection on C310. C200 doesn’t seem to have this option.

I have ran automated tests, and everything seems to still be working (even autotrack still responds correctly and even reports state, the camera just doesn’t move).

I also did some manual tests and everything except autotrack still works, including motion detection.

Note: This release of integration does not add any fixes or enhancements. It does add some debug logs for debugging motion detection.


I have two problem with my C200
If I try to remove the flag use stream from HA I got user/password error (but they are correct…I checked)
I’m not able to find the zoon in/out control
Could you help me ?

If I try to remove the flag use stream from HA I got user/password error (but they are correct…I checked)

Try adding cloud password and make sure you have ffmpeg installed.

I’m not able to find the zoon in/out control

There is no such thing in Tapo / Home Assistant AFAIK.

Is the cloud password the password of my tapo app account ?
I have HA installed on Ubuntu server, where to check if ffmpeg is installed ?
Thank You for help

Other problem I have: sometimes sensor motion is not available…

Is the cloud password the password of my tapo app account ?


where to check if ffmpeg is installed ?

which ffmpeg

sometimes sensor motion is not available

GitHub - JurajNyiri/HomeAssistant-Tapo-Control: Control for Tapo cameras as a Home Assistant component and Bug: C310 Motion sensor stops working or becomes unavailable · Issue #84 · JurajNyiri/HomeAssistant-Tapo-Control · GitHub

In Tapo app I can zoom with double tap on image or with pinch to zoom

You cannot in Home Assistant.