[Custom Component] Tapo: Cameras Control


I want to use the go2rtc stream on my camera configuration here:
Which of all the possible links below is recommended?

Thanks in advance

EDIT: In case someone faces the same issue, the correct link is to use the localhost. Similar to how we add streams to Frigate:


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Hello. I don’t get any motion detection binary sensor. The camera is in the same network as home assistant and full internet access. I’ve enabled human and movement detection. Thanks

RTSP, try one of those 3.

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Follow steps in FAQ inside readme and check logs for any errors.

Ok, do you mean README.md ?
Edit: further down of course, thanks.

Followed your FAQ troubleshooting steps. I get 17 entities and 1 device in the tapo integration. It’s detecting motion and people in the app.
Tried reload integration and will try to reinstall.

Reinstalled camera and integration. Still nothing. Is a memory card necessary for it to work? How many entities should one normally get from this camera? C320WS

Follow steps in faq, no need to reinstall, just give it time. Check the log for any errors. Every camera has different number of entities.

You can also check official onvif integration which does the same as this one. Camera simply needs to send an onvif event about motion detected.

OK I’ll wait then. For what it’s worth it’s only the binary sensor I’m missing. Normal for this camera is 18 entities.


Unexpected error fetching Tapo resource status data: illegal status line: bytearray(b’POST /onvif/service\x00HTTP/1.1\x00\x00Host\x00\x00\x00Accept\x00 /\x00\x00Accept-Encoding\x00 gzip, deflate, br\x00\x00Connection\x00 keep-alive\x00\x00User-Agent\x00 ZeepHTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error’)

Could you try with official ONVIF integration?

Yes, I’ve added the camera in ONVIF now. Is there something special you want me to test/look for?

Is the motion sensor working?

@JurajNyiri (forgot to reply you)
It’s not there, is it?
Using port 2020 (ONVIF wanted to use 80).

Thank you very much! That’s great.

A quick update; camera been filming me the last two hours with a 100 notifications, but no motion sensor available.
If anyone got some things I could test I’m happy to. #nomotionsensor

Hello everyone, I wanted to ask if if i can integrate a remote tapo camera into HA with this component or perhaps if there’s another solution.
I have a couple of tapos in my mother’s garden that i want to monitor

Hi, can I integrate the TP-Link Tapo C320WS without connecting me with the tapo app? I don´t want that they can access via wifi into my camera for reasons of privacy…
What I thought was connecting the camera via local IP, but I think you need a user and password that must be created in the app. Any ideas?

There has been some progress made on that here Add provisioning methods · Issue #24 · JurajNyiri/pytapo · GitHub but it has not been implemented yet and thus will be hard to do.

I would recommend adding the camera as normal and then creating a firewall rule to prevent it access the internet.

Hi Juraj, thank you for your message. I understand, do you have the instructions for creating the firewall rule?
Thanks again.