[Custom Component] Tapo: Cameras Control


First thank you for the media-source support, it is great. I am wondering if i possible to use the media-source in the automation.

Something like

  • list files in the SD
  • sync the last file only
  • get the name and path of the file

So i can send the file via signal attachment.

@JurajNyiri, is this an expected behaviour with the latest version?

This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: custom_components.tapo_control
Source: custom_components/tapo_control/__init__.py:189
Integration: Tapo: Cameras Control (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 17:08:54 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 17:08:54


Nice catch. Forgot testing line in on one time migration of entities, all is well it will not show up again :slight_smile:

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in the last update i read the information that it is recommended to disable the new SD sensors in record and log. For a HA noob like me: how can i do this? I can’t find any hint in github repository or this forum (maybe don’t find the right words for my search).
I found out how to set up recorder from the recorder help. But what are the names/groups (it is a entity, domain,… which one) i have to use for taposd sensor?


If I want to save recordings and watch them as easily as possible, preferably in Lovelace. How do I do that?

If possible, is it also possible to clear the recordings after, for example, 3 days?

Oh, sorry… I missed that.
Thanks for the help

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I installed a C200 camera this week. Loving the integration!

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The recorder settings are all explained in here.

However, to answer your specific question:

# Example filter to include specified domains and exclude specified entities
      - alarm_control_panel
      - light
      - binary_sensor.*_occupancy
      - light.kitchen_light

Just substitute your own domains and entities in the include:and exclude: sections as required.

My own camera SD feeds have an entity name like camera.garage_camera_sd_stream

I have a c310 where the motion alarm has stopped working. It only shows ‘unavailable.’
It has worked fine before.
I have restarted both the camera and home assistant.

What could be the reason for this?

Check your logs, check your entity under the integration, Just Posting

“It Dont Work” !!!

Sounds like a “Guessing Contest” , im sure you can do better, if not, then read the Welcome-Post, an get ideas to what you can do to help us help you

First of all: fantastic integration!!

Second: would there be a way to send an email to a certain address with a screenshot when movement is detected?

I’ve tried reading almost all the topic but couldn’t find any hint on this and I am not skilled in HA enough, unfortunately :frowning:

Thank you

Hey team,

I love the integration, but can it be deactivated to save recordings? I use Frigate for that and have double records :frowning:

I have a C320WS. It can detect motion, people, and vehicles. It seems that HA can only see the motion detection. Is it possible to create an automation on just the person and vehicle but not the motion? I can troubleshoot further but wanted to confirm that it is possible.

Thanks, Wayne

No it isn’t.

hello, i have 3 C210 installed in my home and i have an automation that:

  • when someone of the family enters home, moves the cameras to the “privacy” preset and turns on privacy mode
  • when the last family member exits home, disables privacy mode and moves the cameras to the “normal” preset so we can check what our cats do :slight_smile:

It works. But it works since i put a lot of delays (something like 10 seconds for each one) between each preset selection / privacy mode toggle.
Otherwise, i get errors on errors.
My question is if i can use something different than a ugly delay to check when the camera is ready to accept a new command…


I have the same, camera does not report it’s ptz position, delay is the best way.

I have integrated Tapo cameras successfully, thank you very much.
But I have a question: how can I get the video recordings to be saved in my NFS folder that I have added to HA?
Do I have to add something to the yaml configuration file?
I don’t have an sd card and I want everything to be saved on my server with NFS.

You will need to buy SD card allow recordings and then follow readme for sync (it is a sync, recordings will get deleted once no longer present on SD card). In order to do it without you are looking for NVR solution which Hass is not (look into frigate).

Thank you for your quick response sir. It has saved me hours of frustration. I guess I’ll have to buy an SD card.
Or go for one of those NVR solutions like frigate but I don’t want to complicate things and I want to keep everything simple so I guess it will be an SD Card.