Custom Component: Unifi Protect

I don’t believe it is part of the event stream, but I will check.

Hi All, I am sure this is a known change? But do the built in motion sensors only work when the camera is some sort of recording mode now? I have always used the cameras just as motion sensors to trigger lights when idle.

There was a change introduced in Protect V1.19.10 Beta that unfortunately introduced this. From that version and onwards, motion detection (of some sort) needs to be active on a camera before it triggers motion. I am not sure why they did that, and it is not documented, but even in the Protect App you don’t see the motion if motion recording is set to never.

Thanks for the reply - strange, rolled back to 1.18 and still happening

Yes that is strange - There has been no code change in the Integration. I wonder if it is the Camera FW that does it? I don’t believe that when downgrading, that the Camera FW is also downgraded and the FW was updated when you upgraded to 1.19.x

Second restart of HASS was required fixed it.

Good - for now. But eventually you will hit this limit, if UI sticks with the new motion algorithm and you decide to upgrade Protect.

Can’t seem to find this integration in the integration search section? Any assistance would be great.

It is not a core Integration, so you need to add it to Home Assistant first before, it will show up in the Integrations page. Have you read this section in the README?

Apologise my mistake I was getting HACS and home assistant confused. Thanks for the help.

You are not the first getting confused here :+1:t2:

@briis I just wanted to start off by saying thank you so much for all of this. You have done a wonderful thing for the community. You didn’t just make an integration and then abandon it, you have been constantly improving it and you’re also really active responding to all sorts of questions! Thank you so much. I have been looking into purchasing the UDM PRO, POE switches, some of their APs for a while now. I just discovered home assistant and have been blown away by all the possibilities. We just moved into a new home and I can’t wait to start making this home smart. Now that I discovered your HA integration I am really considering buying their cameras as well since I will also have their default PROTECT system as a backup to HA. I was just wondering do you think Unifi’s cameras are worth all of the trouble of keeping an eye on compatible versions (breaking updates) considering the prices? Does anyone know of any other camera systems that can compare to Unifi’s that are fully controllable by Home Assistant? I would also love a smart doorbell that has 2 way audio that works with HA, unfortunately the G4 can’t do that…yet? I still want to buy the UDM PRO and their switch mainly because of their amazing UI. Any input on other camera systems will be really appreciated. Thank You!


I’ve got a mix of unify cam’s. If you can get them the Camera G3 Instant is really nice. Cheap and good enough for ordenairy indoor use. For the outside I have a G4 Bullet and a G4 doorbell, works wonders on detecting people and/or cars in the driveway. For the larger rooms I have G3 micro’s (don’t think they make them anymore).

Thanks for the kind words @Maram, I appreciate it.

do you think Unifi’s cameras are worth all of the trouble of keeping an eye on compatible versions (breaking updates) considering the prices?

I do believe there are as many opinions as users in this community, around this question. My personal view is:

  • Yes there are many updates, but you don’t have to go with the Beta flow. Just set your system to only update on stable releases and you will get updates approximately 4 times a year. This is actually the default.
  • I do believe that Price/Quality of these Cameras are very good, and I have tested a lot from other Manufactures.
  • As @sj3fk3 says, the G3 Instant is a very good Camera for the price, so if you just want to start cheap, go with that (For Indoor use)
  • The reason why Price/Quality is good, is also one of the downsides - You will only benefit full, if you use the UniFi Cameras with their backend (UniFi Protect). They can be run in standalone mode, without Protect, if you want to use a SW Based NVR, but you will not get all the features like Smart Detection, that will need to be handled by the NVR.

I am hesitant to recommend any HW setup to others, as we all have different preferences and requirements, but I can only say that for me the UniFi Environment is a good setup, that I enjoy every day and is very stable (Even though I run mostly the latest Beta)

In the docs on github it says “click on ‘ADD INTEGRATION’, find Unifi Protect , and add your UniFi Protect server by providing the Host IP, Port Number, Username and Password.

In my case, the integration installs without asking for any server variables. I can’t find where to provide these details regarding the Protect server config. What am I missing / overlooking? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: (everything is running the latest version)


You’re viewing the integration in HACs which installs it from the repository.

Adding the integration to HA is done under Configuration > Integrations (where the core integrations are added).

Found it, I’ve looked at the core integration before but it wasn’t there the first time :slight_smile: … Anyhow, thanks!

@sj3fk3 , @briis Thank you for the input! It is very much appreciated! Looks like I will be diving into the Unifi environment just as soon as I can get my hands on some inventory :sweat_smile:

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I have now the error “Aborted”.
I am sure about information that I use to connect my NVR to HA, and it works before the last update of HA.
Any idea?

You may want to provide a little more information than that, like:

  • the Unifi version
  • what Protect controller you are using (CK, or ?)
  • the HA version
  • where the error “Aborted” actually appears (and in what context - automation, configuration, etc.)
  • can you still connect to the NVR by web ui using the same credentials