Custom Countdown Component

how do I display just the days?

You’ll have to add a template sensor that pulls in the day attribute from the main countdown sensor:

- platform: template
      value_template: >-
        {{ states.sensor.wedding_countdown.attributes.days }}

This will give you a sensor entity with the days only as it’s state.

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can we use this in appdaemon? Would be nice :slight_smile:

Sure could, it’ll be presented to appdaemon just like the state of any other entity.

do u have any clue ghow to integrate thise in appdaemon ? :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: Oops, this is a different custom component than I thought you were referencing. See Reminder Custom Component. I think this could be almost compatible with the code at the link.

@aneisch So nice ! I was looking for that… and funny fact, I will get married the day before you ! (19-05-2018)

Awesome! And congratulations!! :smiley:

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I have started doing this as a real component for HASS. The PR is #9889. It’s still a work in progress and currently more targeted at short timespans (like motion controlled lights). But before someone reads this thread and starts implementing, it seems more efficient to point at an existing effort where collaborative work may lead to a better result. :slight_smile:

PS: Congratulations! :wink:

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Very cool. I’ve been following the discussion on Github about a potential timer component. I think this would be a great addition but lack the skills to do it myself. Does your timer persist/remember across restarts of HASS?

Currently not, which is very unfortunate for the usecase where a specific point in time should be tracked. While having lights in mind I didn’t care too much about persistence, but reading this thread it came to my mind. I’ll have a look at that over the weekend.

On top of that I’m still unsure if what this custom component is doing can be replicated 100%. The timer is like an egg-timer where you set a (modifiable) duration where the finished event fires after a specific duration from now. In case of a wedding you actually provide a fixed date, much like an alarm clock. So my component is in comparison more like the egg-timer. It does a similar thing, but in a different way.

I’ll see how my component evolves. Right now I think there should be a second component for tracking fixed dates, and my timer for variable ending times which can easily be extended.

@danielperna84 As your PR was merged recently does that mean my question here could be solved with your component easily in the next Home Assistant (probably 0.57) release?

Yes, that would be a usecase. Currently it is only controlled via services. But using these it would be very simple. You’d set up the timer with the doze time, and then use the state of the timer (active) as a trigger for the automation that mutes the sound. To start the timer, all you have to do is call the timer.start service. Afterwards you unmute either by monitoring the timers state (idle) or you use the timer.finished event as the trigger.

Is this correct and what is missing for running it by a script?

  - alias: timerstarted

platform: time
seconds: ‘/1’
condition: state
entity_id: ‘timer.schlummern’
state: ‘1’
service: counter.increment
entity_id: counter.elapsed

  • alias: timerfinished
    platform: event
    event_type: timer.finished
    entity_id: ‘timer.schlummern’
    service: counter.reset
    entity_id: counter.elapsed

  • alias: schlummern
    platform: timer
    entity_id: timer.schlummern
    to: ‘active’
    condition: state
    entity_id: ‘timer.schlummern’
    state: ‘1’
    service: media_player.volume_mute
    entity_id: media_player.schlafzimmer
    is_volume_muted: yes

    #Timer Component
    duration: ‘0:10:00’

    initial: 0
    step: 1

The example I gave in the PR isn’t up to date anymore. Besides that you probably don’t really need the counter. That was just a demo.

Out of the top of my head you should be doing something like this:

    duration: '0:10:00'

  - alias: schlummern_on
      platform: state
      entity_is: timer.schlummern
      to: 'active'
      service: media_player.volume_mute
        entity_id: media_player.schlafzimmer
        is_volume_muted: yes
  - alias: schlummern_off
      platform: event
      event_type: timer.finished
        entity_id: 'timer.schlummern'
      service: media_player.volume_mute
        entity_id: media_player.schlafzimmer
        is_volume_muted: no

To start the timer I would need to know what should be starting the timer. An example would be:

  - alias: mute_on_sunset
      platform: sun
      event: sunset
      service: timer.start
        entity_id: timer.schlummern

All this together should mute the media player for 10 minutes on each sunset.

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Thanks, I would like to run it by a script.
Is this correct?

alias: SchlummernStart
service: timer.start
  entity_id: timer.schlummern

Looks ok to me.

Thanks a lot, works as it should :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much for sharing and all the comments to make a better countdown component. Work really great. ^^

I had set this up in a previous installation of and it worked great. I’m working on fresh install and can’t seem to get to be recognized. I created the custom_components folder and copied the same exact files I used before. But now I’m getting an “Integration date_countdown not found when trying to verify its sensor platform.” error message. I’ve updated the folder structure so it’s now ‘\config\custom_component\countdown\’ but still get the same error message. I do have an empty ‘’ & ‘mainifest.json’