Custom energy dashboard: how to place energy-date-selection card in header?

I just jumped in this topic as i was “fiddling” with custom:header-card

In Regards to energy-data in common there are lots of “choice”, depending upon what you want to have an overview over, and how , it all comes to ones “taste” and opinion, using different cards/views and using card-mod.

as for the header-card, it will have 2 rows as shown above, another card worth mention is custom:history-explorer-card.
Works with “sensors” of different “measurements” and “graphs/staples/time-line”
For “inspiration” custom:history-explorer-card in a Panel-View mode , and as a single card “cut out of another standard-View, with 3 columns”


Do you mind sharing the code for the layout you used in your custom energy dashboard? As it’s matching the standard energy dashboard ( the graphs are shown bigger). Want to do exactly the same😁. On a mobile phobe I suppose all card are behind eachother? Many thanks!


1st card is in a Masonry layout, Bottom is in Panel mode

type: custom:history-explorer-card
    cardName: advanced-history
    uimode: dark
    defaultTimeRange: 1w
    decimation: false
    header: []
      - type: bar
          interval: daily
          - entity: sensor.monthly_net_consumption_*******
            color: '#208020'
            state_color: true
            name: Daily Consumption
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Did you use the custom-layout-card for creating the layout of all cards in your dashboard? And what config? Great to have the graphs bigger than the gauge cards :+1:t2:

Standard masonry layout.

if you want a card to “span” more than 1 column, in a View/Dashboard, you can use grid
… or place gauge-cards in Horizontal stack card(1 “view/Dashboard” column) ( to make them smaller )

PS, as your questions have nothing to do with “energy-selection card in header, i suggest you search elsewhere( for i.e energy dashboards in layouts, grid or Vertical / Horizontal-stack) or open another Topic”

As the first card “seems” so big is because then i only had 2 columns i the that View, so what you need to do is decide how you want to structure your Energy-View. Dashboard, and for best “adaptive” look, i.e viewing from phone, laptop, tv, use masonry-view ( Grid can be a pain in the ass, in specific if you use px , in height/width )

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Try the energy-period-selector-plus card. GitHub - flixlix/energy-period-selector-plus: An upgraded Energy Date Selection Card for Home Assistant, with added customizability, while maintaining the Energy Dashboard's original design.. Hope this provides what you need.


Thanks, great work!
I added the card and have some questions.

  • Does the date selector take the locale settings into account? I am using English as language but am using the Dutch locale settings. So the date should be 31/12/2022 instead of 12/31/2022

  • For some reason the compare button is placed on a separate row. In the editor it is shown on the same row als the day/week/month/year selector. I am using the sidebar layout (same as the original energy dashboard)

Card select

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