Custom Features for Home Assistant Cards - Buttons, Sliders, Selectors, and Spinboxes

@Nerwyn do you have any examples of using card mod to change the colour of the maon tile icon. im playing around with the below, but jjst not finding the right combo

type: tile
entity: climate.izone_beaus_bedroom_ac_zone
  action: toggle
  action: none
name: Beaus
  style: |
    :host {
      {% if states('climate.izone_ac_controller_dining_room') == 'heat' %}
        --tile-color: orange !important;
      {% elif states('climate.izone_ac_controller_dining_room') == 'cool' %}
        --tile-color: red !important;
      {% elif states('climate.izone_ac_controller_dining_room') == 'dry' %}
        --tile-color: green !important;
      {% else %}
        --tile-color: disabled !important;
      {% endif %}

Try changing value_attribute to fan_mode. Attribute fan_modes is a list of possible fan modes, not the current fan mode of the entity.

Try this:

type: tile
entity: climate.izone_beaus_bedroom_ac_zone
  action: toggle
  action: none
name: Beaus
  style: |
    ha-tile-icon {
      {% if states('climate.izone_ac_controller_dining_room') == 'heat' %}
        --tile-icon-color: var(--orange-color) !important;
      {% elif states('climate.izone_ac_controller_dining_room') == 'cool' %}
        --tile-icon-color: var(--red-color) !important;
      {% elif states('climate.izone_ac_controller_dining_room') == 'dry' %}
        --tile-icon-color: var(--green-color) !important;
      {% else %}
        --tile-icon-color: var(--disabled-color) !important;
      {% endif %}

nice thanks~!

4.1.0 has been released!

This version implements a massive overhaul of the templating system. Almost all of the Home Assistant templating extensions have been implemented into ha-nunjucks, my instantaneous synchronous frontend only alternative templating system for Home Assistant. This includes Pythonic datetimes! See the ha-nunjucks README for more information on all of the new templating functions, filters, and tests.

This version also adds a new action - Evaluate JS. If you know how to write JavaScript, you can now do so as an action. Just be careful that you don’t break anything!